You Didn’t Think It’d Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries “Murder of One”


Air Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8/7c on The CW


“If we kill Klaus, then Tyler will die.” – Elena


You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Murder of One" 1

Never thought I'd see Damon bested by Rebekah.

Finally! We get an episode worthy of being called ‘the best yet’ because it’s better than I could have imagined. I don’t think a more enticing story arc could have been thrown into the mix and am pleasantly surprised with the direction the writers are taking us. I figured it out quickly and wanted to leap from my couch in celebration since there’s no way to easily rid Mystic Falls of its vampire menace. Awesome news that the Originals essentially have a get-out-of-jail-free card, don’t you think? “Murder of One” doesn’t refer to what the mystical tie between the Original siblings. Yes, the murder of one Original would mean the death of them all, but the tides have turned. Can you imagine what would happen if suddenly every vampire in the world dropped dead? Holy effing ess!

Observations and thoughts:

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) shows off his vampire skills by giving Alaric (Matthew Davis) a play-by-play of Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) movements through the apartment building. Why don’t any vampires do this more often? We rarely see them listening in on long distance conversations or targeting the source of a mysterious noise no one else can hear. I’d think they would take advantage of their enhanced senses all the time. What’s with these vampires?

You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Murder of One" 2

Caroline just might be the key to Klaus' downfall.

Caroline (Candice Accola) is something special. You don’t expect such a young vampire to be so compassionate and forgiving. I haven’t noticed her temperament change since she was turned and I kind of wonder if there’s no real difference in a person once they go from human to vampire. I know their personalities are amplified after the initial transition, but I would imagine the hunger and newness of a young vampire would change them in some significant way. Accola impresses me with her flawless portrayal of a teenage vampire who’s always thrust into one bad situation after another, but never without a smile on her face. Too bad she doesn’t get a ton of screen time. I think she could teach Elena a thing or two about what it means to be a real friend.

“Hey, I love you. I will always love you. I just want you to look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel something for him.” Stefan (Paul Wesley) tells Elena the thing she most wants to hear but you can see the despair it causes her. She doesn’t want to admit to having feelings for Damon because I think she feels it invalidates her love for Stefan. Since they’re no longer together, I don’t get it. She needs to move on or figure out how she feels about both of the Salvatore brothers and stop dragging their poor hearts through the dirt. She’s being cruel and doesn’t even see it.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) is an emotional mess. She’s left alone with no one she can truly count on because eventually, everyone leaves. Her grandmother, her mother, her boyfriend. It’s true she has friends, but they’re always off gallivanting with the very vampires Bonnie hates. She’s the odd one out but can’t get anyone to understand how much the vampires have taken from her. On top of that, she has life to deal with: she didn’t choose to be a witch; she can’t control her abilities and would probably rather be without them. Also, does no one realize how much she gets used? Bonnie only gets phone calls to come and do her witch thing. Why doesn’t Elena call just to hang out anymore? She’s always in need of Bonnie’s help for one thing or another, after she asks if she’s okay. Elena needs to reprioritize the people in her life. Seriously.

You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Murder of One" 3

Elena should consider herself a lucky girl...

Rebekah (Clair Holt) is lonely. She craves family, friends, someone to love. Why is it so difficult for her to find that? I think she had a friend in Elena and of course, Elena ruined that by staking her in the back. But what of Rebekah’s beloved brothers? She’s the only girl in the family and looks up to her brothers as I’d imagine any younger sister would. But even they treat her like she’s just another fixture in the household. Therein lies her weakness. It’s horrible when Damon tries to take advantage of her using that knowledge, because I feel sorry for her. I want her to have a friend. She might not be such a vengeful, vindictive person if she were happy. Everybody wants to be loved. Just saying.

Funny lines:

Damon to Elena after she hands him Alaric’s breakfast: “You know what they say; the way to a psycho-killer’s heart is through his stomach.”


Damon to Rebekah after she hangs him by animal traps: “Gotta admit, it’s a little bit kinky… even for me.”


So much goes on in “Murder of One” that it leaves my head spinning and I’m only certain of a few things. Alaric isn’t going to get better overnight. We’re not sure how much longer Bonnie can take being pulled in all directions. Stefan is so hell bent on killing Klaus he’s missing the big picture—his and Damon’s potential demise. Then there’s Elena and her love of the two Salvatore brothers. Who does she choose? And now that they know about the ‘kill one Original, kill all the vamps they’ve created and so on,’ will the world finally be rid of vampires? But I don’t want Klaus dead. The Vampire Diaries wouldn’t be anywhere near as interesting with him gone. He’s the ultimate baddie and Morgan does evil well. I can’t wait to see what else Klaus has up his sleeve.

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit

Photo Credit:  Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2012 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.


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You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Murder of One" 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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