Why Would a Football Player Downplay His Skills? Review: Necessary Roughness – “Wide Deceiver”


Necessary Roughness, S2 E3 – “Wide Deceiver”

Air Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 10/9c on USA Network



Why Would a Football Player Downplay His Skills? Review: Necessary Roughness - "Wide Deceiver" 1

Dani, Coach Purnell and Matthew check out their first round draft picks at the NY Hawks’ Combine

TK (Mehcad Brooks) is now living with his long-time friend, Zetti (Mekia Cox); Ray Jay (Patrick Johnson) has suddenly become vegan; and Marshall Pittman (Evan Handler) is making his voice heard as the new GM of the Hawks. How easily things can change when one isn’t looking.

I’m not sure what Zetti’s purpose is in taking in TK. She’s supposed to be his friend so why isn’t she pushing him to get back to the Hawks’ Combine for practice? I understand TK’s still scared after the shooting so he asks Zetti to be his protector/security person. Come on, people. She’s a small woman—what’s she going to do if faced with a larger person who wants to hurt TK?  Sure, she can pack a gun but that isn’t going to help if someone twice her size takes her out. Where’s TK then?

With TK so worried about being shot again, why would he want to go back to the shady neighborhood he was so lucky to escape? One of the reasons is the “Terrence King Dog” at the Winky Dog, a small restaurant TK’s friend Slim (Michael Beasley) is running for his uncle—until TK buys the place, that is. I commend him for wanting to “revitalize the whole community” by becoming the “Magic Johnson of the east coast” but what about his career? As Dr. Dani Santini (Callie Thorne) says, “This will all be here when you’re done with football.” But will all his so-called friends be there once he’s not a football star anymore? He put so much into getting out of the ‘hood, I don’t understand why he would want to give it all up now.

Wow…has Ray Jay changed! After a lifetime of eating meat, all of a sudden he’s become a vegan. Not a vegetarian, mind you, as he so quickly points out to his sister Lindsay (Hannah Marks). It’s funny how being in love can make you do things you never would have done before. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being vegan—unless you’re doing it to impress your girlfriend, as Ray Jay is obviously doing for Olivia (Meghann Fahy). I don’t trust that chick—especially when she kisses up to Lindsay. And speaking of Lindsay, what’s with her going all ‘Olivia-is-great’ on her mom?

Why Would a Football Player Downplay His Skills? Review: Necessary Roughness - "Wide Deceiver" 2

Damon Razor (Gaius Charles) stretching it out

Pittman has traded all of Coach Purnell’s (Gregalan Williams) first-round draft picks for lower picks as he expects the coach and his assistants to find “first round talent in the third round.” I agree with Pittman’s statement, “The only joke is rookies making vast sums of money who’ve never proven a damn thing.” I could go on a whole tirade about the ridiculous amounts of money jocks are paid but I won’t bore you. Matthew (Marc Blucas) thinks he has the guy, even though Coach thinks Damon Razor (Gaius Charles) is too small for the job. “What, the little guy?” I agree with Coach—whoever heard of a wide receiver being as short as Razor is. I know quarterbacks can be small but definitely not wide receivers. The man can run, though. It’s like he has wings on his feet! Unfortunately, Razor doesn’t think he’s the man for the job either, so Dani is tasked to “look under his hood” and find out what makes the guy tick. It’s almost like Razor is hiding something, but what could it be?

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When TK comes back to the Hawks, Razor blows him away on the track

I have to give major props to Charles for his performance in “Wide Deceiver.” He is the total opposite of Smash, the character he played in Friday Night Lights who was raucous, outspoken and brash—a typical jock. Here, his character is gentle and easygoing, unpretentious, and willing to stay in the background. The range Charles has is amazing, to say the least.

Observations and Thoughts:

TK looks absolutely ridiculous in the Winky Dog apron. All those bulging muscles (swoon) don’t look right under a bright yellow apron.

I love how Lindsay puts Olivia in her place when Olivia and Ray Jay are making for dinner. Lindsay takes out not only a package of hamburger, but a pound of bacon as well. You could almost see the saliva oozing from Ray Jay’s mouth! Too funny!

I think Lindsay looks absolutely ridiculous in the Bo Derek style cornrows Olivia gives her. That’s all.

How smart of Matthew to share his father’s parenting style with Dani to help her figure out what to do with the “Olivia cult” living under her roof. I can’t quite picture Matthew as “G.I Joe,” though, can you? He doesn’t strike me as a rough and tumble kind of guy.

OK, raise your hands. Who didn’t want to be Zetti when she climbed into bed with TK? Just sayin’. At least she proves what a real friend is when she points TK back to the Hawks.

Memorable lines:

Lindsay, about Ray Jay: “Oh, what? Vegetarian wasn’t pretentious enough for you? Oh, and shocker…you’ll never guess who else is a vegetarian. Her name starts with O and ends with livia.”


Ray Jay: “Look, mom. I’m sorry but I can no longer be a part of the tyranny of carnivores.”


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TK is more injured than he lets on…to anyone.

As much as I like the relationship Dani and Matthew have, it looks like it’s not going to go the distance. What a shame Matthew wants to have kids and Dani doesn’t. I suppose this provides more room for the writers to create additional storylines for Dani, and more opportunities to bring in guest stars as her boyfriends. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.

Tune in to Necessary Roughness Wednesdays at 10/9c, only on USA Network.

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Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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