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Who’s the Hotter Couple – Tyler and Caroline or Damon and Elena? Review: The Vampire Diaries “Heart of Darkness”

Air Date: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8/7c on The CW


“He’s the darkest parts of you. The parts we all have.” – Stefan


Jeremy comes back to talk to ghosts. I hope this doesn't become his niche.

I’m not sure I enjoy these little hiatuses. Yes, I crave the hour that will bring my favorite characters to life on screen, but I also want to scream at the network for holding out on me so long. Why the two weeks off? Why not just give the people what they want—more episodes? At least this showing is good and sets us up for what’s to come. I’m not sure when it happens, but the Originals get the upper hand and manage to hang onto it, getting everything they want. And that includes the elusive white oak stakes.

Observations and thoughts:

The chemistry between Tyler (Michael Trevino) and Caroline (Candice Accola) is off the damn charts. I could see the love *cough* lust *cough* between the two of them smoldering going from campfire to five-alarm blaze. I didn’t realize how much I enjoy seeing these two together until now. Of course, I still think there could be something between Caroline and Klaus (Joseph Morgan), even though I love Tyler and Caroline together. They have a star-crossed lover sort of thing going on and it’s sweet. Their relationship is one of the pluses to watching The Vampire Diaries. The storyline is full of possibilities but I can’t help feeling their relationship won’t end in sunshine and roses. Bring on the drama!

Trouble seems to follow Elena wherever she goes.

So would Tyler really die if Klaus is killed? I mean, he’s a hybrid. Shouldn’t there be a way around his dying since he’s half vampire, half werewolf? (Or how about the talk of killing Klaus just comes to an end. It’s simply not an option, if you ask me.)With Klaus gone, who’s going to be the resident bad guy? Kol (Nathaniel Buzoliz) could step into his brother’s shoes, but Kol is no Klaus. He doesn’t have the charisma or scary- as-hell nature that Klaus is known for. No, I’d say let’s keep Klaus around for as long as possible.

Gotta say I feel sorry for Rebekah (Clair Holt). It seems she has no luck with the gentlemen. Whenever she has a great relationship with a guy, it turns into her being used or getting hurt in one way or another. She can’t catch a break and I don’t know if she ever will. How hard must it be on her being stuck in a teenage body with no hope of truly being happy? Everyone deserves a bit of happiness. Even the damned.

I’m not sure how I feel about Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) indecisiveness. How difficult is it to follow your heart and be with the person you love the most? She asks Damon (Ian Somerhalder), “Why don’t you let people see the good in you?” to which he responds, “Because when people see good, they expect good… and I don’t want to live up to anyone’s expectations.” This is all it takes for Elena to decide she wants Damon—sorta. *eye roll* We know she won’t be able to make this decision lightly because she wuvs Stefan (Paul Wesley) sooooooo much—this we know for sure. But I think what she feels for Damon may be a result of her imagining a future without Stefan in it. Or I’d like to think it’s sort of like Stockholm Syndrome. Yeah, Elena hasn’t been kidnapped by Damon but he’s hijacking her life. Every time she turns around, he’s there. So you can come to the conclusion that his always being there wears her down. She laughs at his jokes; she shivers under his green-eyed gaze; she imagines the feel of his lips on hers. Damon is the direct opposite of Stefan. Why wouldn’t Elena be drawn to him?

Damon sacrifices a lot for his brother and Elena. Would they do the same for him?

Evil Stefan is supposed to be not so evil Stefan again, except I don’t see it. He not be brooding as much, but he’s still willing to do things he doesn’t think anyone else will, like torturing Alaric (Matthew Davis). Granted he’s goaded into it, but still. So… how has Stefan gone back to his old ways? Do we want him to go back to the ominous, in love with Elena like there’s no tomorrow, boring vampire? I vote no. Besides, he still craves human blood although he says he’s over it. The Ripper is still there, just not in that out of control way we’re used to seeing. I really do like the I-don’t-give-a-shit Stefan because he is a more fleshed out character; he’s developed to a point where the brooding Stefan isn’t even an issue. Wesley does both so well though; I’m not sure we’ll know which Stefan we’re dealing with, until it’s too late.

Funny lines:

Caroline to Rebekah: “See, unlike some other people, I don’t sleep with everyone I make eye contact with.”


Damon to Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen): “All right Whoopi, what do you need? Candles, incense, lottery wheel?”


Stefan to Alaric after he wakes up: “No, you pretty much, uh… laid there dead for half the night. But on the plus side, I did almost finish Moby Dick.”


Damon to Elena after entering a cluttered house: “Whoa… it’s like vampire hoarders.”


Jeremy comes back to do his ghost talking thing and we learn Tyler can turn into a werewolf at will. While I’m glad to have them back (there are only three more new episodes of The Vampire Diaries) what part will they play in the final showdown? Tyler will have his hands full dealing with denying Klaus and trying to not get dead. Jeremy will either continue cockblocking his sister (’cause he totally did!) or talking to the recently departed. Which storyline are you most interested in? I can’t wait to see where the writers take us because we can’t go anywhere but up!

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit

Photo Credit:  Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW ©2012 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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