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Welcome to Zombieland! I mean, Atlanta… Review: The Walking Dead “Beside the Dying Fire”

Air Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 9/8c on AMC


“Where? Where’s safe?” – Rick


Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Rick will lead them to the place he knows is out there.

I am absolutely floored by the season finale. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat the entire hour, scared shitless, not knowing how the group will get out of the predicament they find themselves in—you know, facing an army of Walkers with no hope of surviving. The “herd” rolls through the farm and it looks like the end is near. Who will survive, how will they go on and what in the world will happen next? It’s funny but all I kept thinking was, “Always double tap.” I know this isn’t Zombieland but it sure does feel like it.

Observations and thoughts:

I’m sorry, but I find it incredulous that a zombie horde ends up at the farmhouse because of a damn helicopter. I realize they are attracted to noise and follow it but wouldn’t the sound from the helicopter have faded away at some point? Do the zombies keep walking until they are faced with an obstacle they can’t get through? (Something we should all pay attention to because of the last shot of the prison.) I just find it a little hard to believe they can be intelligent enough to follow sound, yet will walk into a wall/fence/door until they find some way through it.

As the camera pans around putting Carl (Chandler Riggs) and Rick (Andrew Lincoln) in the center of my screen, I faintly notice the Walkers coming up behind them. They couldn’t hear them coming approaching? Didn’t either of them get a sense of something behind them? No one seems to have any spidey senses on this show, which might help them avoid getting eaten.

These Walkers won't let a fence and it's hilarious sign keep them away!

How many people did you guess were going to die? I figured the faces we saw on occasion and maybe the few regulars who didn’t have a lot of lines wouldn’t last. Some I guessed right, others I didn’t. (I totally thought Hershel (Scott Wilson) was going to bite it.) I can’t say I’m not entertained because there isn’t a moment in “Beside the Dying Fire” where things lull. I was waiting for the big showdown at the farm and the writers didn’t disappoint. In the midst of the ridiculous chaos breaking out on the farm, you see Daryl (Norman Reedus) sitting on his bike like he hasn’t a care in the world. There’s always one cool person in the group, and he’s definitely it.

T-Dog says, “I hate to say it, but they’re on their own.” Despite feeling this would be the general sentiment among everyone in the group, surprisingly things don’t pan out that way. Honestly, I liked the idea of the group separating, if only for a short time; seeing them split off into groups of two and three not knowing where anyone was got my adrenaline pumping. There are so many ways the show could have gone from that point on with various members of the group doing their own thing. Just think about it: there’s no real way to communicate. How would the survivors find out who’s where they agreed to meet if they’ve all gone in different directions or get turned around? But of course, that’s not what happens, is it? Ah, well… one can hope. At least we’ll get to see one of those off-on-their-own storylines in season three with Andrea (Lori Holden). I’m a bit disappointed no one’s set out to look for her but then again, she’s a badass chick who can take care of herself.

Rick eventually tells Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) what happened with Shane (Jon Bernthal) and her reaction is what I presumed it would be—predictable. She’s hurt and I totally understand why. Her judgment seems skewed with her willingness to forgive Rick for not revealing to anyone about being infected yet she gets pissed about Rick killing Shane. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but find I’m unable to since she’s the one who asked Rick to put Shane down only a few episodes ago. Her guilt over pitting the two best friends against one another will eat her up. I only wonder how it will affect her relationship with Rick. If she feels the need to request he do something about someone in the future, will she keep that thought to herself?

This was an amazing sequence. The suspense was high; about as high as the fire in the barn.

“We’re all infected. Whatever this thing is, we’ve all got it.” Holy Santa Claus shit! How did I miss this tidbit before? I had no idea Rick was holding onto this little nugget for so long and didn’t bother telling anyone for their own good. Right… I don’t think it was for anyone’s good so much as he wasn’t sure whether it was true. But why not share the information anyway? Why not talk it through and try to figure out their next step in keeping everyone safe. My thoughts are a blur as I consider the implications of Lori being pregnant. Will the baby be infected as well?

Rick’s anger toward the group is understandable and I’m behind his new regime all the way. He’s doing his best to keep the group together but at what cost? “You’re staying, this isn’t a democracy anymore.” He drops some serious bombs on the group and they’re stunned into speechlessness. What can they say? I’d like to see if anyone strays and goes out on their own. How long will they survive?

Memorable lines:

Hershel: “It’s my farm!”

Rick: “Not anymore!”


Hershel: “Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had a little something different in mind.”


Rick: “I know it looks bad and we’ve all been through bad and worse but at least we’ve found each other.”


Rick: “I killed my best friend for you people for chrissakes!”


I’m beyond excited about season three. I can’t even put my thoughts into words to express how insane the revelations are, the final shot of the prison (survival at last for the group?!), and Rick growing a pair of balls and laying down the law of the land. But seriously, is there going to be an all female zombie killing group that Andrea (Lori Holden) will become a part of? If you watched the show, you’ll know what I’m referring to—the mysterious hooded stranger who saves Andrea’s butt. Please hurry The Walking Dead season 3!

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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