Vikings’ Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel Discuss Season 3, Brotherly Love, Emmys, & Ambition

Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel share a beer at their press room interview.

Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel share a beer at their press room interview.

The Vikings cast had a busy San Diego Comic Con with multiple appearances throughout. I was able to catch up with Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel, who play brothers Rollo and Ragnar, respectively, in the series. During press room interviews, they were kind enough to fill us in on what is happening with their characters.

Standen said much of season two for Rollo was the realization of how much he loved Ragnar. In spite of the reconciliation between the brothers, though, Rollo’s sense of ambition remains, and we can expect this to play out next season. “There is one thing that is not going away and it’s ambition. Is this all my life is? My life is just playing second fiddle to Ragnar, my brother? There is just something just gnawing away inside of him, is there more? Can he find another way of doing it? Maybe it’s got nothing to do with betraying Ragnar.

Standen’s explanation inevitably led to an inquiry about Siggy (Jessalyn Gilsig) and their relationship. “Siggy has always been there. I think Rollo’s never realized how much she’s done for him behind the scenes,” Standen said. But let’s not forget Siggy is fairly ambitious too, and Standen soon discussed how this impacts their relationship. “Can you really have a proper relationship with someone who’s saying they’re sleeping around? It’s tempestuous!

It’s evident the camaraderie in the cast is strong. Standen explained they’re a close unit and discussed how hard it is to lose actors even though they may need to be killed off for story purposes. He also revealed some attention-grabbing news: “We just lost a guy the day before we flew out yesterday.” Hmm, I wonder who that may be….

I then asked whether the infamous pranks on the set continue, many of which are known to be instigated by Fimmel. He confessed he’s got something cooking, which will happen soon. “I got a good one coming, though it’s going to be expensive. I’m saving up the per diems.”

My mind couldn’t stop thinking about the character who died and the potential cast losses. Not to start any rumors or anything, but I was wondering why Gustaf Skarsgård (Floki) and George Blagden (Athelstan) weren’t at Comic Con. I asked Fimmel and Standen about their whereabouts.

George is actually shooting scenes and Gustaf can’t be here for personal reasons,” Standen explained.

He’s got a wedding,” Fimmel clarified. “They did say to say hello to everyone.”

Poor Gustaf. Floki is dead and he cried, and he wouldn’t want to be here anyway,” Standen added in jest.

As to what is in store for Ragnar, Fimmel told me after all the family drama in Kattegat and the trouble with Jarl Borg (Thorbjørn Harr), his character learns how hard it is to be a leader. He is eager to explore this, much like in season one. “Ragnar is a very curious guy and wants to see what else is out there.” Regarding Ragnar’s personal life, Fimmel confessed, “He struggles at home, he’s not the best. He’s got women issues.

It sounds like it’s going to be another jam packed season filled with exciting conflicts! Vikings is currently in production in Ireland and will return to the History Channel in 2015.



To keep up with the show, please visit and like Vikings on Facebook. Follow the show on Twitter @HistoryVikings using hashtag #Vikings, as well as some of the cast members—@gblagden@KatherynWinnick, and @CliveStanden.


<i>Vikings'</i> Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel Discuss Season 3, Brotherly Love, Emmys, & Ambition 1

Video and photos © Elle Lutz/Your Entertainment Corner. All Rights Reserved.



<i>Vikings'</i> Clive Standen and Travis Fimmel Discuss Season 3, Brotherly Love, Emmys, & Ambition 2


Soaker of life. I like to experience things and see the world. I consider myself a professional traveler. My love for movies and television goes way back but I'm a sucker for action-oriented films and shows. Oh, and I make excellent martinis! Follow me on twitter @LutzElle.
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