Vampires In Haven? No, Just Bloody Troubles. Retrospective: Haven — “Bad Blood”


Haven - lighthouse BW logo (thumb)Season 4, Episode 03

Air Date: Friday, September 27, 2013, 10/9c on Syfy.



“Am I…dead?”  – Lexie

Who’s leaving bodies drained of blood around town? Well, as much as I would love for there to be a vampire roaming the streets, sadly, it’s just another “trouble” wreaking havoc on the citizens of Haven. Of course, the sanguineous blob literally sucking the life out of people, is on a mission. It’s after one person in particular …  Nathan (Lucas Bryant).


Uncontrollable Troubles?

Nathan and Dwight investigate mysterious deaths around town leaving victims drained of blood.

Nathan and Dwight investigate mysterious deaths around town leaving victims drained of blood.

I’m always fascinated with what new trouble the writers will come up with and this latest incarnation is intriguing but nothing short of gross. Mike (Tony Nappo) is the “troubled” person but his particular affliction isn’t within his control. When he loses a bit of blood, it—meaning his blood—becomes its own entity. With all the haywire craziness going on with troubles since Nathan shot Agent Howard (Maurice Dean Wint), it’s not implausible that the troubles are beginning to manifest differently, so to speak. I don’t recall another trouble being outside of the person’s control in the last three seasons. Needless to say, when Mike isn’t able to control his bloody blob from going after Nathan, Dwight (Adam Copeland) tries using his taser to slow it down, while Jordan (Kate Kelton) uses her electrifying trouble to disperse the blood pool. On a side note, I know Jordan’s trouble prevents her from being able to touch anyone or be touched, but is it wrong I that I wish Nathan would just ‘help’ her get some ‘release’ so she won’t be so pent up and interfering in their investigations?

Knowing Duke’s (Eric Balfour) particular curse—being able to absorb the blood of the troubled and become a super powerful, silver-eyed weapon of sorts—all this bloody trouble is making him a bit uneasy. It’s shocking to see how he uses his ability to save Nathan but I don’t think absorbing so much troubled blood will be a good thing. If it really does give Duke a feel-good high, maybe he’ll become more inclined to taste troubled blood again.


Brotherly Love.

Duke (R) is trying to get his brother Wade (L) out of town but Wade seems content to stay put.

Duke (R) is trying to get his brother Wade (L) out of town but Wade seems content to stay put.

Wade (Christian Camargo) is hiding something. I think he knows more about the family legacy than Duke thinks. Even though Duke said he hid his father’s journal, Wade is the older brother and who knows what he’s been exposed to before Duke was born. I just don’t know if Wade can really be trusted. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I don’t get a good vibe from Wade. He’s up to something; I just hope Duke figures it out before it’s too late.

And speaking of brothers, Vince (John Dunsworth) and Dave (Richard Donat) have been tasked to identify the remains of a woman in New Hampshire who matches the description of Audrey (Emily Rose). The unidentified woman has been in the morgue for “four to six months” and now Vince must face a harsh truth – if it is Audrey, the troubles will never end. He also finally admits that he’s angry with Nathan, vowing to never forgive him if Audrey is dead.


The Voices In Her Head.

Jennifer (Emma Lahana) is off her meds and what she thinks are noises from Wade keeping late hours entertaining, isn’t. She worries, “What if it was never the barn that I was hearing? What if I’m just crazy after all?” No, Jennifer, you’re not crazy. You are hearing the patrons of the bar that Lexie DeWitt (Emily Rose) works in. And when Jennifer finally hears a conversation between William (Colin Ferguson) and Lexie, she knows that she’s not nuts and that the voices are coming from inside the barn.

I have a Wild Hair Theory about William being a version of Agent Howard. I don’t think I’m completely wrong about it, especially after what transpires in the bar. Lexie finally accepts something is off and that things aren’t what they appear to be. But now comes the tricky part – figuring out who she really is and getting out of the bar/barn before it’s too late.

Like Duke says, time inside the barn moves differently and even though Nathan saw the barn implode, that doesn’t mean the space inside the barn is completely gone. The physical barn may be gone but it’s obvious the space-time continuum within the barn is still present … just not for long.



Things are really starting to get more intense and I’m dying for Audrey/Lexie to come out of the barn and get back to Haven. I know things will get even more outrageous and I hope that all the video promos from these Darkside Seekers will start to become more prevalent in future episodes. I want to know more about the body Dwight found on the beach back in “Fallout.” And I want to know who is leaking information about Haven to the outside world. In a conference call with Lucas Bryant, he mentioned strangers will come to Haven. I’m ready for that episode now!

Vampires In Haven? No, Just Bloody Troubles. Retrospective: Haven — “Bad Blood” 1

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Vampires In Haven? No, Just Bloody Troubles. Retrospective: Haven — “Bad Blood” 2

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.


    • Marie on September 29, 2013 at 12:28 am
    • Reply

    About the out of control trouble: there was this one guy who couldn’t control that everyone loved him on sight. He left town and became a self-centered douche bag

    1. I believe it was Jason Priestly’s character – Chris, season 2? Yes, I forgot about that. I think his trouble was that he was very well liked immediately by everyone. Thankfully, Audrey was immune but fell for him anyway.

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