Twist of Fate. Review: Sleepy Hollow – “The Indispensable Man” and “Bad Blood”


Sleepy Hollow 4-Cast Key Art 2 (featured)Season 1, season finale (parts 1 and 2)

Air Date: Monday, January 20, 8/7c on Fox.


“…and when the time comes, good will always rise like Lazarus from his grave.” — George Washington

Sleepy Hollow ends its first season with a jaw dropping cliffhanger I did not see coming. The twists and turns in this two-part season finale will have you scratching your head, trying to piece together clues from previous episodes. While a few elements stand out a bit oddly for me, overall, I enjoyed the final two episodes.

Ichabod, Abbie, and Henry find George Washington's real tomb but danger lurks nearby

Ichabod, Abbie, and Henry find George Washington’s real tomb but danger lurks nearby

“The Indispensable Man” continues the storyline of the message Ichabod (Tom Mison) and Abbie (Nicole Beharie) found in George Washington’s (Louis Herthum) Bible. My theory about Washington’s burial being similar to Ichabod’s wasn’t too far off; however, Washington has a much nicer crypt – less jellied goo surrounding him. There are more messages hidden within the Bible, and while Washington isn’t as well preserved, his messages lead Ichabod to his final resting place. With the help of Henry Parish (John Noble), Abbie and Ichabod find a map that will lead them to crossing into another realm. The addition of Noble to the cast has been amazing. The acting by all is stellar in both “The Indispensable Man” and “Bad Blood,” but Noble brings a level of distinguished realism that makes you believe everything Henry says.

Andy (John Cho) looks like he’s decomposing but that doesn’t stop him from professing his undying love for Abbie. Whether his love is true or a play at manipulation, the transformation Andy goes through in “The Indispensable Man” is quite…startling, to say the least. Does Abbie’s unspoken rejection send him over the edge? Is his wounded pride the cause of his declaration of devotion to Moloch (Derek Mears)? Is Andy’s soul lost forever?

While Abbie is out searching for Washington's tomb, Jenny listens to tapes to learn the identity of the 'saint'

While Abbie is out searching for Washington’s tomb, Jenny listens to tapes to learn the identity of the ‘saint.’

As we jump into “Bad Blood,” the repetitiveness of Moloch’s warning about Ichabod delivering Abbie’s soul isn’t just for the sake of hearing Moloch’s creepy voice. My suspicions are correct about how this might came to fruition—someone has to stay behind. Ichabod desperately wants to retrieve his beloved wife Katrina (Katia Winter) from purgatory but when it all boils down, no one can leave purgatory unless someone takes their place. Since Katrina is a witch and can stop the second horseman from coming, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who’s staying behind. But things are not as they appear and we get a bit more history about Abbie and Jenny’s (Lyndie Greenwood) initial encounter with Moloch all those years ago.

Jenny and Abbie have a brief moment of sisterly love before they both embark on separate tasks to stop Moloch. I’ve enjoyed watching these two grow closer and I like that the writers haven’t pushed them into immediate hair braiding, gossiping sisters. Their estrangement was polluted with doubt, mistrust, and fear. It’s only natural that they take time to get to know each other again.

Overall, Sleepy Hollow has been a giant puzzle. There have been numerous flashbacks involving the late Sheriff August Corbin (Clancy Brown) and his involvement with both Abbie and Jenny and their encounter with Moloch. Both the sisters use Corbin’s journals, tape recordings, and whatnot to figure out how to solve the current conundrum they’re in so it seems natural to continue looking to the past to find answers for today. With so many references for stepping into the modern world—as Abbie teaches Ichabod about fist bumps, cell phones, and dry cleaning—I find it strange that Ichabod stumbles upon a Revolutionary War reenactment. The writers push you to stay in the present, yet it seems answers are always hidden in the past. Clever.

Henry Parish is much more than the Sin Eater.

Henry Parish is much more than the Sin Eater.

Interesting/Funny moments:

  • Ichabod texting Abbie: “More telescope conception. Store cellophane recession. POOR. TELEPHONE. RECEPTION.”
  • Ichabod mentioning the stitch work on Rev. Knapp’s (Patrick Gorman) neck and that his friend, Betsy Ross, would appreciate it.
  • There is a reason Rev. Knapp’s prayer beads affect Henry Parish as they do.
  • How are the scary creatures that attack Ichabod, Abbie, and Henry in the cemetery able to be killed with mortal weapons? I find that a bit strange. Are their bullets laced with salt and holy water?
  • Captain Frank Irving (Orlando Jones) must answer for the murders at the safe house in “Vessel” but will his explanation suffice? Will his surrender be enough to save his daughter Macey (Amandla Stenberg)? I fear she is still in danger from Moloch and the forces of evil.
  • Ichabod’s convenient “half-truth” to Abbie regarding the map angered me. Yes, he sheds tears as he retraces the map from his photographic memory, but his seemingly noble deed of burning the original map is now moot.
  • Who else finds it odd that the Headless Horseman (Richard Cetrone) doesn’t confirm whether Jenny is dead? Isn’t that his thing – cutting off heads? Does he leave her intact because Moloch wants her whole?
  • I don’t expect any wardrobe changes in season two. I’m ok with Ichabod’s period clothing…maybe he can compromise with a t-shirt; just no more skinny jeans, please.

The cliffhanger at the end leaves me in awe, yet also in a perplexing state of wonder. As Henry recites the numerous times he’s dropped clues as to his true identity, I never would have guessed who he really is. He’s more than just a Sin Eater, that’s for sure. This revelation leads perfectly into the new season. While both “The Indispensable Man” and “Bad Blood” give us some answers to a few questions, it opens a whole new can of worms sure to be wriggling away when season two airs.

Tell me what you thought of the season finale and shocking revelations. Leave me a comment below and/or tweet me @judybopp.

Sleepy Hollow has already been renewed for season two…can’t wait!

Twist of Fate. Review: Sleepy Hollow – “The Indispensable Man” and “Bad Blood” 1

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Twist of Fate. Review: Sleepy Hollow – “The Indispensable Man” and “Bad Blood” 2

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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    • Greg on January 21, 2014 at 10:22 pm
    • Reply

    Good review. I was surprised how much I have enjoyed this season especially since it does not fit my usual viewing tastes. I thought the Frank Irving sub plot kinda got lost in the mix of things. I still think the editing or something was off at parts. But the twists made up for things and I never saw it coming.

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