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Love, Divorce, and a Failed Meth Lab. Review: Shameless, S2, E7 - "A Bottle of Jean Nate" @SHO_Kareem 4

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“…vengeance is patient. It can wait a lifetime…” Review: The Borgias “Stray Dogs”

“I’m a better Willy Wanker…” Review: The Big C “Family Matters”

A “F*ck It” List and a Possible Penis Fracture. Review: Nurse Jackie – “Slow Growing Monsters”

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A grand illusion and treacherous sibling rivalry – Review: The Borgias “The Beautiful Deception”

Jackie Has Trouble Coping. Review: Nurse Jackie – “The Wall”

Video Clip: “Nurse Jackie” – Zoey is a Special Kind of Nurse

“…bound and whipped and ravaged.” Review: The Borgias – S2 “Paolo”

“…smuggling Diana Ross in her panties.” Review: #TheBigC – S3 “What’s Your Story?”

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Video: Behind The Scenes and Interviews with the Cast/Crew of #TheBigC

TV News: Showtime Teams with Vintage + Modern – Fans Get A Chance to Win a Trip to Venice

Review: The Borgias – S2 Premiere – “The Borgia Bull” (Poison, Sibling Rivalry, and a Threesome)

“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black”

Review: The Big C – S3 – “Thin Ice” (bonfire of maxi pads and a wedding dress)

Can Someone Please Get the Baby Out of the Dryer?! My Review: Season Finale of Shameless – “Fiona Interrupted”

Video: Watch the Season Three Premiere of The Big C Now

Video: Showtime Lets Us Watch the Complete Season Two Premiere of The Borgias

Full Episode of “Nurse Jackie” is Available for Preview Here! @SHO_Kareem @SHO_Jackie

A Bald Eagle, A Birth and a Suicide Attempt. Review: Shameless – “Just Like the Pilgrims Intended” @SHO_Kareem

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Go Into the Light, Peg. Review: Shameless – “Parenthood” @SHO_Kareem @SHO_Shameless

TV Promo: #NurseJackie, Season 4 @SH0_Kareem @SHO_Jackie

Love, Divorce, and a Failed Meth Lab. Review: Shameless, S2, E7 – “A Bottle of Jean Nate” @SHO_Kareem

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