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<i>The Walking Dead</i> ― “Bury Me Here” Review. The End Is Near.

Season 7, Episode 13

Air Date: Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 9/8c on AMC


“You shouldn’t go alone.” – Morgan Jones

Oh Morgan, what have you done?

With the events of “Bury Me Here,” we see the breakdown of the allies Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the group are expecting to help in their war. If the people they’ve come to rely on suddenly begin to lose their shit, who will Rick and the group turn to? I don’t believe this minor setback is shown to us in vain but we must learn from it. We must see the end result of the Saviors pushing and pushing good people over the edge. They will falter and break. The Walking Dead (TWD) doesn’t tug too hard on the heart strings with this outing but it comes close to bringing me to tears.

Snap, Crackle, Pop

“Bury Me Here” is Morgan’s (Lennie James) moment to shine. We see him in his element, teaching the art of self defense without taking a life. We also see him so heartbroken and weakened, he behaves in a way unbecoming of him. Morgan regresses to the man he once was when all he could think to do was clearing the area of walkers. He doesn’t completely make the transition back to the Morgan we saw in “Clear” but he comes damn close. There is a fitting montage showcasing his mindset and how he handles his place in the Kingdom. Morgan is beyond caring what others need. He only wants to make it from one day to the next without losing anyone else. I don’t think Morgan has ever truly recovered from his losses and “Bury Me Here” gives viewers a good idea of how tightly Morgan has been holding onto his sanity. It was not that long ago Rick found Morgan and tried to reach him. Now, Morgan is waffling between the here and now. He goes against everything he believes and kills, on purpose. To what end. And will Ezekiel (Khary Peyton) make moves to help end the Saviors or will he continue to hide behind the walls of the Kingdom?

Ezekiel stands his ground but doesn’t realize he’s on quicksand.

It’s no secret who is lurking in the shadows watching Carol (Melissa McBride). Richard (Karl Makinen) has always been a lurker. He’s a planner, a manipulator, and a true diehard. The problem with him is he oversteps his bounds, trying to do what he thinks is right. Richard’s misguided efforts lead to the death of a character you’d think wouldn’t catch a bullet but this is TWD. Of course, after watching the entire episode, Richard’s awkward behavior makes sense. What doesn’t make sense to me is why there is so much unnecessary death among the survivors. Why aren’t people fighting against the dead instead of each other? This selfish need to have more―more food, more attention, more material things―makes me wonder what hope there is for any of the characters alive during the zombie apocalypse. The way I see it, none of the survivors have any hope to make it to another day simply because people can’t get along. Forget the fact there are dead rising and seeking out living flesh. Oh no, you have a lunatic with a barbed baseball bat making those under him act like major dick-weeds. The Saviors’ self-importance leads them to believe they can do whatever they want with no repercussions. Boy, are they going to find out how wrong that train of thought is.

And getting back to Carol, she hasn’t lost her touch but what does that mean for the fight ahead? Is she in or is she out? Will she make her choice depending on what she’s learned about the Saviors or because she knows she is needed in this fight?

As an aside, the deal between the Kingdom and the Saviors never sat right with me. From the confrontations to the objects being offered as tribute, something doesn’t work out. I hope Ezekiel knows what he’s doing and isn’t putting his people in more danger than he realizes.

Interesting Quotes:

Morgan to Carol: “You found what you wanted, right? You got away from everyone. Is it what you wanted? Was it just too late to get away?”

Morgan sees through Carol’s wall and it might be too much for her to handle.


Gavin: “I want your guns too.”

Ezekiel: “We did not agree to that.”

This entire scene is a setup from beginning to end. You can watch Gavin’s (Jayson Warner Smith) demeanor and see he’s itching for a fight. I’m not sure why but the Saviors are always quick to test people.


Richard to Morgan: “It was supposed to be me.”

Well, Richard, it was. Too little, too late though.


Carol to Morgan: “Wait. You can go and not go. Please. Please.”

Carol is saying more than what you might think here. She’s asking Morgan not to slip back into that bad place he’s made his way out of. I only hope he listens.



Will he ever make it back to reality the second time around?

I’m worried for Morgan and the Kingdom. I think his snapping is the beginning of the end. Carol comes back into the fold; Morgan takes a step back from reality; and everyone else remains in stasis. What in the hell is going to happen next? Morgan tells Carol she shouldn’t go alone and here he is doing the very thing he warns her against. Who will bring Morgan back from the depths of his pain this time?

Let me know what you think about “Bury Me Here” by dropping me a line in the comments section below or tweet me @ellemoe.

Tune in to The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c on AMC. For more info on The Walking Dead, visit the official site.

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Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC © 2017 AMC Networks Inc.




Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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