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The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf. Review: The Originals – “Moon Over Bourbon Street”

The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf. Review: The Originals – “Moon Over Bourbon Street” 4

The OriginalsSeason 1, Episode 17

Air Date: Thursday, March 18, 2014, 8/7c on The CW


“We must work together, Nicklaus. Let’s make the city whole again.” – Elijah Mikaelson

The Originals is returning to its roots; you know, the whole point of the show. The Original family reclaims its territory (sans one member, of course); the supernaturals are back to terrorizing the humans; and all seems well. Or, as well as it can be in party central. Once peace rules the night, what will the vampires, werewolves, and witches do for fun?

Neutral Ground

The brothers call a truce.

The brothers call a truce.

Elijah (Daniel Gillies) is the new self-proclaimed “king” of New Orleans. The change is quite fitting but Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) is not wearing his exile well. And, of course, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) is plotting something dastardly. So what more can go topsy-turvy in New Orleans? The writers have taken apart a powerful trio to explore what makes them tick. You may not pick up on the subtle hints thrown around but we’re finding out more about these men than meets the eye. Elijah is constantly ruled by emotion (no matter how pulled together his outward appearance looks), while Klaus and Marcel hold power above all (or as much as their loyalty to family will allow). I love seeing Gillies in charge. The only time we were given a glimpse of this side of his character was during his short stint on The Vampire Diaries. Remember how afraid everyone was of the new vampire in town? Finding out he couldn’t be killed and walked in daylight without a ring totally blew my mind. I always want to see more of Gillies in an episode, and “Moon Over Bourbon Street” doesn’t disappoint. Gillies is magnetic as the ever charming, brooding, yet powerful Elijah. He may be the oldest of the Original clan but he just might be the most vulnerable too. Love rules his heart, making him waver a bit when faced with his responsibility and the woman he may love.

Klaus slips into the role most befitting his personality. He’s back to plotting and scheming because that’s where he excels. He won’t take responsibility for creating the mess running a city entails but he’ll revel in personal delights. I don’t really like Klaus behaving in such a frivolous way; however, it’s what I’ve come to expect from him. I firmly believe the right woman would set him straight. *hint, hint* Klaus needs to retrain his focus and get back to what’s most important.

Is a long lasting relationship in the stars for these two?

Is a long lasting relationship in the stars for these two?

The suggestion for throwing a “party” is actually pretty cool. A venue for music and debauchery turns out to be the best place to bring together three lifelong enemies. In a twist I didn’t predict, Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) steps into her role as pack princess. Not sure when this title was bestowed upon her, but she wears the responsibility well. As an aside, I kind of like her intended, Jackson (Nathan Parsons), even though he’s no Elijah. Tonkin can’t do much in the way of action scenes now that Hayley’s sporting a baby bump, so any opportunity she gets to stretch her acting chops is welcome. Hayley might be growing on me too. Although, I’m still on the fence about her role on The Originals. I can’t be the only one thinking she’ll be pushed to the back burner once the baby arrives.

Random Tidbits:

While the witches still play a small role, I can see them being faded out at some point in the near future. They don’t exactly hold much sway but the coven has its hand in one too many pots. Now, Monique (recurring guest star Yasmine Al Bustami) might pose a problem. I’m looking forward to seeing how her story arc develops. We shouldn’t count out the little people anymore.

Cami (Leah Pipes) and Marcel connect? Say what now? I didn’t see it coming and I’m guessing neither did they. Someone’s rebounding hard! What would Rebekah (Claire Holt) say about this?

Davina (Danielle Campbell) is still her sweet self. I liked her better when she had a little bite behind her bark. She has to get mad and fight. I want to see her succeed in getting back to the life she once knew. Good thing she has Josh (Steven Kreuger) to guide her. Or is it?

Final Thoughts:

What have we here?

So next week, we’re supposed to find out who Marcel teams with to take down Klaus. It’ll have to be a pretty big fish because Klaus doesn’t go down without a fight. You almost have to wonder why Marcel hasn’t learned his lesson already. Didn’t he try to take Klaus out before? You see how well that fared for him. Drop me a line in the comments below if you want to chat about “Moon Over Bourbon Street,” or hit me up on Twitter @ellemoe with your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.

Tune in to The Originals, Tuesdays at 8/7c only on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/Skip Bolen/The CW — © 2014 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.