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The Vampire Diaries – “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here” Review. Corn-Mazing!

Season 6, Episode 5

Air Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 8/7c on The CW


“Are we literally not going anywhere?” – Damon Salvatore




He’s not an alcoholic but Alaric does need to hit the sauce to take the edge off.

When will the neck breaking stop? It seems to me whenever a vampire isn’t happy with another vampire, a head is grabbed, twisted to the side, and … oops, someone’s dead for a few minutes. One could almost make a drinking game out of how many necks get snapped per episode of The Vampire Diaries (TVD). While I’m not interested in doing that, I will say there are easier and more controversial ways to rid oneself of a pain in the ass. I very much like it when vampires behave as vampires. More often than not, vampires break bones instead of sending someone to their final death. I cannot say this enough: let the vamps be vamps! And why am I talking about this riveting subject? It’s much better than focusing on the main theme of “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here,” which is a homecoming corn maze. So yeah, back to those necks …

Random Thoughts:

Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) continue to spread their sexy chemistry all over the screen with their endless rendition of Groundhog Day. I love that movie; this reimagining, not so much. I get the writers need to have the two do something while on the other side, but this story line is plummeting fast. There seems to be no end in sight to the banter between Bonnie and Damon. At this point, their conversations consist of colorful regurgitations of the same thing—we have to go home but we can’t get home because we don’t know how to get there. Riveting. This is more than a waste of Somerhalder and Graham’s talents. They can pull on the feels like nobody’s business. Too bad we haven’t been able to see them perform like I know they can.

I kept waiting for Caroline to seduce Stefan in this scene. So glad that didn’t happen.

Stefan (Paul Wesley) is a douche bag. That is all. Well, not all. I’m happy for Caroline (Candice Accola). She sees who Stefan is before making a complete fool of herself. Yeah, she has feelings for the guy but it is not gonna happen between them. And can I just say this relationship isn’t one I can get behind. The whole ‘you’re my best friend but now I love you’ thing has been done to death. Let’s leave it that way and get Caroline back to her old self. Accola shines as the group’s cheerleader but lately Caroline has been crying a river. As an aside, kudos to Wesley for throwing himself wholeheartedly into his role. He really makes me dislike Stefan more than I thought I could. I love that the writers give Wesley a wide range with his character.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) has done a 180. I’m a bit confused about why the writers are turning her into the party girl she used to be. Once a character has shown some growth, you don’t make them regress. I get that Elena misses Damon but that doesn’t mean she needs to throw herself at a guy who already wants her. Kind of defeats the purpose of the chase, doesn’t it?

Funny and Memorable Lines:

Alaric to Stefan: “Are you asking me to help you with a break up?”

‘Cause yeah, that’s not douchetastic.


I have to mention this hilarious repartee between Bonnie and Damon about Zima (does anyone remember this drink?) and finally going home. The dialogue is witty, Somerhalder is on point, and the chemistry is electric. This is what I want to see more of please.

Damon, holding up his near empty bottle of Zima: “On the bright side, this stuff’s not so bad. It’s fruity and fizzy.”

Bonnie: “Damon, I’m working on something.”

Damon: “On the not so bright side is your intelligence because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turning him into a giant … douche kebab.”

Bonnie: “Think about it Damon, what prison gives an inmate a key?”

Damon: “Is that is a trick question, or is this stuff actually starting to kick in.”

Bonnie: “I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place. What if that’s why my Grams sent me here?”

Damon, pointing to his mug before making a wacky face: “This is the face that I make when I don’t understand you.”


Final Thoughts:

I’m anxious to see how Elena will cope with what’s awaiting her.

There are struggles, obstacles, and tons of blood in “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here.” Too bad it doesn’t make the episode the best it can be. I think if the writers focused on one major plot point, like Bonnie and Damon getting back to the real world, this hour wouldn’t have dragged. The excitement of Tyler’s (Michael Trevino) predicament is good for a few minutes, but just not enough to push this into awesome territory. I have high hopes the season will get its mojo working, getting TVD back to the show I know it can be. Leave me a comment in the section below or hit me up on Twitter @ellemoe to tell me what you thought of “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here.”

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries, Thursdays at 8/7c, only on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit:  Bob Mahoney/Annette Brown/The CW — © 2014 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.


Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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