The Plot Thickens. Review: The Americans – “Behind the Red Door”


Season 2, Episode 6

Air Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 9 pm ET/PT on FX



How’s your new handler? Did she graduate high school yet?” – Claudia

Igorevich isn't to be trusted, under any circumstance.

Igorevich isn’t to be trusted, under any circumstance.

Something is up with Oleg Igorevich (Costa Ronin) but I haven’t figured out exactly what it is yet. I thought when he found out about Nina’s (Annet Mahendru) relationship with Stan (Noah Emmerich), he would turn her in. Now, it seems like all Igorevich wants is a favor from Stan—a really big favor—and is using Stan’s feelings for Nina to get what he wants. Is what Igorevich wants that important to him, and if so, why? The question is whether Stan will give in to Igorevich’s demands. Stan would have to betray his beloved America to do that. So, just how far is he willing to go to protect Nina? And isn’t he the slightest bit curious about how Igorevich knows about his relationship with Nina? Looks to me like Nina is in real trouble here on more than one front.

Something isn’t Right With Claudia

Elizabeth and Philip in disguise for their meeting with Captain Larrick.

Elizabeth and Philip in disguise for their meeting with Captain Larrick.

Why does Claudia (Margo Martindale) want Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip (Matthew Rhys) to kill Captain Larrick (Lee Tergesen) as badly as she does? I know she thinks he killed the Connors but I think she has some underlying reason. It’s evident by the look in her eyes, her facial expressions, and tone of voice when talking to Elizabeth there’s something more than meets the eye going on here. And just what do the Jennings think Larrick isn’t telling them? He’s a dangerous man, and nothing good is going to come out of the relationship the Jennings have forged with him. As an aside, isn’t the shot of Elizabeth slowly sliding her gun out of her thigh holster so sexy? Most interesting is why Claudia is so insistent that the Centre not know of her involvement in this matter. What’s up with that?

Be Careful What You Ask For

Philip and Elizabeth discussing their mission in the basement.

Philip and Elizabeth discussing their mission in the basement.

I knew the conversation Elizabeth, as Clark’s sister Jennifer, had with Martha (Alison Wright) last week was going to have an effect on Elizabeth, especially when Martha said Clark is “wild” in bed. But, I didn’t expect it to be as profound as it is on both Elizabeth and Philip. I’m sure Elizabeth had no idea she would react the way she does after jumping Philip’s bones when he comes home in full-on Clark mode. Moreover, how is Philip going to handle this green-eyed monster? The brutality of it all is more than either one of them can handle. Given the loving relationship that has developed between Elizabeth and Philip this season, I can only hope they can get past this without too much damage being done.

History at its Best

Kate (Wrenn Schmidt ), Elizabeth and Philip’s new handler, learns the piece of information they gleaned from their meeting with Larrick refers to a secret operation for training Nicaraguan Contras on U.S. soil. Hello, can you say “Iran-Contra Affair;” you know, the real-life disaster that shook the Reagan administration to its core? I love how closely The Americans follows real history. Elizabeth and Philip are now “tasked with assassinating the field commanders and exposing the camps,” using Larrick to help accomplish these murders. I don’t think the Centre cares about the Jennings family’s safety, in spite of declaring the opposite.

The Student/ Teacher Relationship

Elizabeth uses Lucia (guest star Aimee Carrero), the young Sandinista spy she counseled earlier in the season, to help her get some important information from a Congressman’s office. I was laughing when Lucia schools Elizabeth in how to get a boyfriend. If only she knew the kind of person she’s talking to! Elizabeth probably has had more lovers and boyfriends during her spy career than Lucia could count on her fingers and toes. That said, pretty little Lucia certainly knows how to get a guy to do what she wants. I wonder what her boyfriend Carl (guest star Nick Bailey), the Congressman’s aide, and Lucia are thinking when they each look at the picture of President Ronald Reagan while screwing. Could it be the same thing?

The conversation Elizabeth has with Lucia after their mission is complete is quite interesting. This time, though, it’s Elizabeth who is doing the schooling, and Lucia doesn’t accept what Elizabeth tells her so easily. Why is it that young people always think they know more than their elders? Lucia would be wise to heed Elizabeth’s advice. If Lucia isn’t careful, she’ll end up on the wrong side of a gun one of these days. I wonder whether Elizabeth was as young and naive as Lucia when she was her age.

Random Thoughts

Isn’t it so sweet the way Philip lovingly slides Elizabeth’s boot off her leg when she comes in the bedroom all stressed out?

Why is Elizabeth lying completely nude in bed after making love to Philip while he is completely clothed, with only his pants zipper undone? Couldn’t director Charlotte Sieling have dressed Philip in just his skivvies? I hate when this happens on TV shows! What happened to equality for the sexes? .

This Week’s Bits of Nostalgia

  • OCR – OCR stands for optical character reader, which the FBI records room keeper is using to transition their paper files to the computer. This plays an important role in what Igorevich wants from Stan.
  • Rick Springfield – Paige (Holly Taylor) has one of his posters hanging on the wall behind her bed


“Behind the Red Door” is a very intriguing episode for several reasons. Outside of the usual brilliant dialogue, mostly wonderful direction, and superb acting, “Behind the Red Door” left me with several questions, something I like when watching my favorite TV shows. Remember when I said in my reviews of “Cardinal” and “A Little Night Music” that I thought Claudia was behind the murders of the Connors? Well, I’m happy to say I was partially correct as we learn what Claudia has been hiding all season long. I wonder what Elizabeth is going to do with this newfound information?

Another interesting storyline in “Behind the Red Door” is the Jennings’ mission concerning the Nicaraguan Contras. From history, we know how dangerous the Contras were so I’m a bit concerned for our pseudo-heroes. I use the term “pseudo-heroes” because as Russian spies, we’re not supposed to be rooting for the Jennings. But, both Russell and Rhys have a way of making their characters both likeable and sympathetic.

Lastly, there’s Stan and the dilemma he has. Nina may have made his choice easier but if he’s any kind of knowledgeable FBI agent, he’ll recognize what Nina does for what it’s worth.

So, what did you think of “Behind the Red Door?” Leave me a comment below, or tweet me @SeasideTV. I’d love to know what you think will come of Claudia’s confession. And, is this really the last we’ll see of her?

Tune in to The Americans Wednesdays at 10:00 pm ET/PT, only on FX.

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The Plot Thickens. Review: The Americans – “Behind the Red Door” 1




Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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