The Lottery –“Greater Good” Top 5 Moments.


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Season 1, Episode 3

Air Date: Sunday, August 3, 2014 at 10/9c on Lifetime


“Unless we offer fake embryos, animal embryos.” – Vanessa


Nathan's loss will probably fuel Vanessa's rage in this situation. Who will pay though?

Nathan’s loss will probably fuel Vanessa’s rage in this situation. Who will pay though?

The Lottery takes an interesting turn this week. The writers step up their game, proving Lifetime doesn’t stick to the typical formula for a drama series. The sci-fi element ramps up the plot, leaving viewers wondering if The Lottery will go full on scientific or slip back into drama mode. There’s plenty of excitement going on with the characters in this series, especially one in particular. I’m beginning to wonder if Darius Hayes (Martin Donovan) is the token bad guy because it’s a prerequisite for a series of this nature. Is he really that terrible? He wants to ensure human beings don’t become extinct. That’s a good thing. Granted, his methods aren’t the best (last week’s water boarding of Alison is a great example) but he wants to protect the hope that has sparked the nation. Does he need to take a chill pill? Yes. Darius is a wildcard, and I can’t figure out why no one’s taken notice of this yet.

Moment #5 – Rosetta Don’t: Chief of Staff Vanessa Keller (Athena Karkanis) uses her above average multilingual skills to piss of a terrorist. I laughed as he mocked her “high school Mandarin.” Here’s the thing, the guy is already speaking in English, so why the switch up? Does Vanessa think by showcasing her linguistics, she’s proving her worth? Just last week she snapped at Nathan (J. August Richards) during their tryst for not respecting her “brand.” I get the feeling she’s letting her success go to her head. My thanks goes out to the writers for a comedic moment during an intense scene.

Moment #4 – Caught in the Act: Of course, the Department of Humanity finds Kyle (Michael Graziadei) and Elvis Walker (Jesse Filkow) with no trouble at all. While I knew it was bound to happen, I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. I called it during Kyle’s meeting with his “ex-army buddy.” Aren’t they always the ones who rat someone out? Friends? People you’ve shared life-altering moments with? I kind of have my doubts about Camille (Genelle Williams) too but she’s proving to be trustworthy.

Kyle is either a curse or a gift.

Kyle is either a curse or a gift.

Moment #3 – Daddy’s Busy: Dr. Alison’s (Marley Shelton) interaction with Elvis is hilarious! I’ve come to the conclusion her barhopping has nothing to do with a desire for motherhood; she is simply looking for viable sperm donors. Her reaction to Elvis shows she hasn’t a single maternal bone in her body. I can’t say it’s natural for all women to react to a child with nurturing words and actions, so I’m not mad at her. I think she needs a little practice and having Elvis around might be good for her. “Where’s my dad? … What’s he doing?” How would you have answered that question knowing Kyle was off procuring a sperm sample? Yeah, tongue tied doesn’t begin to describe it.

Moment #2 – Hostages No More: No shock the hostages end up as casualties of war. What is shocking is who’s behind the whole thing. I was trying to give Darius the benefit of the doubt but it seems once a villain, always a villain. My question: what’s his endgame? There has to be something else up his sleeve. I’m happy to see this character doesn’t disappoint. Bring on the villainy!

Moment #1 – The Black Death: “So the most fertile man in America has the Bubonic Plague?” Need I say more? What in the world is going on here? I thought the missing element to Kyle’s ability to fertilize eggs was his alcohol dependency … maybe. But a disease that’s been out of commission for centuries? Where are we going with this, writers? You had me at hello, and now you’re losing me.

Memorable lines

Camille: “So how long are you gonna keep running?”

Kyle: “Until they stop chasing.”


Alison to Kyle: “I need a sperm sample.”

Way to be upfront, Alison. And cold.



I'm dying to know the story behind these two. There's chemistry there.

I’m dying to know the story behind these two. There’s chemistry there.

“Greater Good” leaves us with questions about the good the government thinks they are providing the nation. I’d like more back story on the secondary characters. Darius is proving to be mysterious; but what are the other players in this game hiding? What do you think about this week’s episode of The Lottery? Is this show going in the direction you thought it would with the introduction of “the Black Death?” Drop me a line in the comments section or tweet me @ellemoe if you agree or disagree with my picks for best moments of “Greater Good.”

Tune in to The Lottery, Sundays at 10/9c, only on Lifetime. For more on the show, visit the official site.

Follow The Lottery on Twitter, using #TheLottery.

Photo credit: Phillipe Bosse/Lifetime © 2014 A+E Television Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Lottery –“Greater Good” Top 5 Moments. 1

The Lottery –“Greater Good” Top 5 Moments. 2
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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