Supermodel Petra Succumbs to Low Scores. Recap – “Dancing with the Stars – The Results Show” – Week 5

Supermodel Petra Succumbs to Low Scores. Recap - "Dancing with the Stars - The Results Show" - Week 5 1

Petra Nemcova

I have to say I’m disappointed with tonight’s outcome. But someone has to go, right? So, let me tell you what happened on tonight’s Results Show.

Tonight’s special guest is Toby Keith and we’ll be treated to a special performance by the Macy’s Stars of Dance. But first, let’s get right down to the elimination. Hines and Kym are definitely safe – of course they are, they had the highest score last night. Unfortunately, Kirstie and Maks are in jeopardy.

The judges choose Romeo and Chelsie’s Foxtrot for a repeat performance tonight. To be honest, I like it much more than I did last night.

The next elimination round puts Chris and Cheryl, Romeo and Chelsie, and Chelsea and Mark on the hot seat. My guess is they’re all safe, but I’m wrong. Of the three couples, Chris and Cheryl are in jeopardy, and that surprises me. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t vote!

Pyscho Mike Catherwood makes a return visit to do an expose on the show, showing behind the scenes shots which were really silly. I don’t understand why the series insists on doing these “puff” pieces.

Performing to Janelle Monet’s “Tightrope,” we are treated to a performance by the Macy’s Stars of Dance. The dance floor is transformed into different parts of New York City – the subway, a diner – and what a really cool hip hop/contemporary routine!

The final three couples are Petra and Dmitry, Kendra and Louis, and Ralph and Karina. Before Tom and Brooke announce the last couple in the bottom three, we’re treated to some tape of what the couples had to say after they danced last night. Petra admits she messed up, Ralph comments “I’ve got two kids to show for my fire down below, what does Bruno have,” to Bruno’s “Give me sex man” comment last night, which elicits quite a squeal from Karina; and Kendra and Carrie Ann make up. I’m very surprised to see Petra and Dmitry in the bottom three.

So we have Kirstie and Maks, Chris and Cheryl, and Petra and Dmitry. I really thought Kendra would be the one going home tonight, but I guess her fans did a lot of voting for her. What I really think though is that the people behind DWTS send the couples to the bottom who they think will rile up the audience and fans the most, notwithstanding the one couple with the lowest score. That’s what makes for good ratings, right? That’s why Tom always says, “not necessarily the bottom two.”If I knew for sure that’s what they were doing, I think I’d have to stop watching.

Of the three, I’m going to say it will be Petra and Dmitry going home. I will be very disappointed if it’s anyone else. First though, Toby Keith comes back and performs “American Soldier” while Anna Trebunskya and Jonathan Roberts dance. And what a beautiful sensual dance they do!

Pia Toscano, the most recent American Idol reject, will be singing next week on the Results Show, while her friend and one of my favorites, Mark Ballas, dances. I can’t wait to hear and see that!

Next the judges give us commentary about each of the remaining stars in a pre-recorded piece, telling us what they like about each of them and what they think they are lacking. I suppose this is their way of influencing the fans’ votes.

Going home this week is, as I said, Petra and Dmitry and as always, Petra is quite the lady in defeat. I’m sorry to see her go.

Tune into Dancing with the Stars next Monday, 8:00/7:00c on ABC, when the dancers will be performing to the songs you love but are afraid to admit you love.


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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