Your Entertainment Corner

Seeing Isn’t Always Believing. Review: Sleepy Hollow – “The Midnight Ride”

Season 1, Episode 07

Air Date: Monday, November 11, 2013, 9PM ET/PT on Fox.



“Flummoxed by a foreign concept that resembles close to nothing of what you know? Can’t imagine how that feels.” — Ichabod Crane

Although there is a saying, “Seeing is believing,” sometimes, you simply can’t believe what you’ve just witnessed with your own two eyes. Then again, many have blind faith in a God they’ve never seen. There are also those who believe in something many say doesn’t exist…like ghosts or the paranormal. I think Sleepy Hollow gives us many examples of all the above in “The Midnight Ride.”


History Lesson

Throughout “The Midnight Ride,” we are provided a most illuminating history lesson regarding Paul Revere’s infamous “midnight ride,” for which our dear Ichabod (Tom Mison) has some clarifications to include. The lanterns used to warn the public the British or “the regulars” are coming “one if by land, two if by sea” play a key role in provoking a response from Ichabod and his partner in crime, Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie.) The purpose of the history lesson is to reveal a secret journal containing an ancient cipher,  the code word for which is hidden in a place you wouldn’t dare think to look. Ingenious, if you ask me.

“The Midnight Ride” is very entertaining and filled with humor…not the laugh out loud kind, but the type that makes you grin widely and say, “Damn, that was a good one.” The writers are particularly adept at infusing a subtle, wry sense of humor into the scenes. Yes, things are really dire—a mad headless horseman is on the loose, terrorizing the town, but the way the writers inject   a comedic element into this episode is spot on, done very realistically and tastefully.

Take, for example, the call about four beheadings in one house. Sadly, these four men are the same Freemasons Ichabod was captured and released by in “The Sin Eater,” and with whom he was going over to meet with prior to their dramatic demise. Captain Irving (Orlando Jones), the non-believer, surveys the crime scene when Abbie explains it was the headless horseman. With a sigh, Irving replies, “I am running out of rope with which to hang myself. For now, our working theory is cult ritual suicide, understand?” While the humor is dark, it’s still funny. And I’m still confused as to the suicide part – how can four guys kill one another by beheading each other…one guy has to be left…and…nevermind.


An Old Friend Returns

Good old Andy (John Cho) returns to Sleepy Hollow to help Abbie, and surprisingly, Luke (Nicholas Gonzalez). The warning Luke receives puts him into a tizzy. He’s looking completely frazzled and ready to explode. I am still unsure why Luke is in the picture but it’s clear he is very wary of Ichabod, and wants to be “friends” with Abbie again. I hope the writers figure out a meaningful plot for Luke; otherwise, he’s just eye candy…well, not when he was looking deranged.

Andy still has one more friend to visit…Abbie. He warns her, “You can’t kill Death (aka headless horseman)…but you can trap him.” If the horseman is as tough to destroy as his macabre skull, then I’m front and center with Andy on any plan to help nab old Horsey. All I’ll say is the trapping is brilliant! Who else found it a bit awkward when Andy confesses his feelings for Abbie? It’s not the words but the conviction with which he says it that strikes home. I think Andy regrets his choice to serve the forces of evil, and this warning to Abbie is a way to make amends. Did you hear the bite in his words to Ichabod? “Don’t threaten me.” It is almost a dare. I wouldn’t cross Andy, not when he’s all…walking dead like and disappearing without a sound. Creepy.



In “The Midnight Ride,” we see Ichabod and Abbie’s friendship grow. It comes across as quite genuine when Abbie tries to help with the laptop, and when she protests him sucking through the straw. I hate that sound – the sound of sucking a near empty cup. She also introduces him to bulk buying. He scoffs that she buys bottled water but after she explains her reasons, he retorts, “The extent of which your generation has defiled this earth is truly mind boggling.” Ain’t it the truth! I really am thrilled with  the strengthening of their friendship; they’re going to need it, and each other, in the very near future.


Funny Moments

I like that the writers are slowly introducing Ichabod to more modern conveniences, such as smartphones and voicemail. His astonishment at being able to leave a message without writing it is so apropos to his character; he even ends his message as he would a letter, “I am, most respectfully, Ichabod Crane.” I applaud the writers for keeping Ichabod thoroughly British.


As Abbie and Ichabod visit a museum to find a manuscript:


Abbie: “So, I’ve spoken with the curators. I’ve got good news and bad news; what do you want first?”
Ichabod: “Is this a riddle?”

Abbie: “Nevermind. Bad news – the manuscript’s on loan to the National Armory Museum in London.”

Ichabod: “London? That’s a three-month journey by sea.” (Wait until he learns about planes!)

Abbie: “That’s where the good news comes in. They’ve uploaded the manuscript online.”

Ichabod: “That is excellent news.”

Abbie: “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”
Ichabod: “No, I do not.”


It seems Ichabod is a bit pent up and I nearly died laughing when he accidentally stumbles onto an Internet adult dating site. I won’t tell you what happens but it’s hilarious.


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Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.