Your Entertainment Corner

Review: United States of Tara, Season 3, Ep 304 “Wheels”

Airdate: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:30PM  E/P

Charmaine (Rosemarie DeWitt) goes into labor after Tara’s (Toni Collette) teenage alter T nearly runs her down. Of course Charmaine is understandably angry but I think keeping Tara away from the baby is a harsh punishment. Charmaine is an annoying and whiny b*tch. What a testament to DeWitt’s fine performance given that I want to strangle her! Charmaine’s selfishness was born from necessity. Competing for attention with Tara’s D.I.D running rampant couldn’t have easy.

Rosemarie DeWitt as Charmaine and Patton Oswalt as Neil

There are some truly hilarious moments in “Wheels,” which, coincidentally, is the baby’s new middle name. Charmaine and Neil (Patton Oswalt) name her Cassandra “Wheels” (with the quotes) Kowolski. Neil delivers a few of the funniest lines, one of which he says after taking a peek when Charmaine is crowning: “It looks like Abe Lincoln’s face after he got shot!”  The OB/GYN decides it’s time for a C-section: “We just got a real big basketball – real small hoop.”

Toni Collete as Tara and John Corbett as Max

While Kate (Brie Larson) is unsure of herself, trying to find something meaningful to do with her life, another chance encounter with the beautiful and confident flight attendant, Bridgette (Bellamy Young), gives her wings. Let’s just hope she sticks with it. I want Kate to succeed.

Brie Larson as Kate and Toni Collette as Tara

Little brother Marshall (Keir Gilchrist) finds himself in unfamiliar territory when his boyfriend Lionel (Michael J. Willett) suggests a threesome with Noah (Aaron Christian Howles). Marshall’s homosexuality isn’t as pronounced as Lionel’s, something I think will become a major hindrance in their relationship.

L-R: Keir Gilchrist as Marshall, Michael J. Willett as Lionel, and Aaron Christian Howles as Noah

Max (John Corbett) is also very concerned. He knows the stress is making Tara’s alters appear more frequently but what he doesn’t realize is they all have their own agendas. Buck has been on the prowl for Tara’s half-brother Bryce and T is just going wild again. When Tara asks her professor, Dr. Hattaras (guest star Eddie Izzard), for an extension to take her exams, he denies her. I love Izzard on the show. His humor is refreshing and I love his lines and how he delivers them. “Something has crapped…how am I supposed to be f*cking zen when a mysterious poo is sitting in my garden of enlightenment?”

Eddie Izzard as Dr. Hattaras

The most interesting part of “Wheels” is Tara’s deal with her alters. She tells them, “I am dissolving the United States of Tara and declaring myself King.” She threatens that if they don’t comply with her demands she’ll go back on the meds, forcing them back into oblivion. Unfortunately, when Tara becomes lucid again, she is sitting in the middle of her class with ink and writing all over her desk and herself. Finally, Dr. Hattaras sees this first hand. I think this is crucial because he doesn’t believe in D.I.D. I think he’s a believer now.

United States of Tara is truly one of my favorite comedies on television. The dark humor, laced with quirky quips, is fantastic. I love the twisted sense of humor and the way Tara’s condition is handled.

Tune into United States of Tara, Mondays at 10:30PM E/P only on Showtime.

Photos © Showtime, All Rights Reserved.

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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