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Review: True Blood Season Finale, S4, E12 – “And When I Die” (I Ain’t Scared of No Ghost!)

Review: True Blood Season Finale, S4, E12 - "And When I Die" (I Ain't Scared of No Ghost!) 7

Air Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011 9PM ET/PT on HBO


Review: True Blood Season Finale, S4, E12 - "And When I Die" (I Ain't Scared of No Ghost!) 1

King Bill with his own personalized stake

As far as season finales go, this one isn’t too bad. In fact, it’s pretty good. So good, I only have a few issues instead of my usual million complaints. While season four consists of an amnesiac vampire, a witch “war” and various werewolf gatherings, nothing stands out as superb. The acting has been mediocre, the plot lines below par and I’m left with an overall feeling of “eh…” I expected more from True Blood because that’s what I got before—great entertainment, funny one-liners and top of the line plots that actually led somewhere. So, this is me shaking my head at season four asking, “Now why couldn’t the entire season have been like the finale?”

I was so ready to rip “And When I Die” to shreds but find I can’t—at least not entirely. It is by far the best episode of the season, meaning it didn’t make me want to bleach my brain after watching. There are some scenes that seem kind of blah, all involving Sam (Sam Trammell). Are you seeing a pattern here? I like Sam, don’t get me wrong, but I just don’t care about what happens in his life. Once the writers started giving him more of a role in the show, any intrigue I had about his character diminished. I just don’t see Sam the same way anymore and I’m disappointed in what’s been done to him over the last two seasons.

There are so many surprises in store (the characters that were killed off, the ghosts of the past making appearances, Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare) escaping his concrete grave!) that I can’t believe how caught off guard I was when Steve Newlin (Michael MacMillan) pops up at Jason’s (Ryan Kwanten) door. With fangs. Seriously, who saw that coming? I couldn’t take my eyes from the screen. I watched everything, closely, attentively, and was surprised by my excitement. Seriously, why wasn’t the rest of the season like this? “And When I Die” has everything a great episode needs and then some—surprise reappearing characters, unexpected murders, and… Scott Foley. Kudos to Raelle Tucker for writing such a great episode and giving us some blood and gore. This is a show about vampires for crying out loud. We should see heads being ripped off more often. Just saying.

Review: True Blood Season Finale, S4, E12 - "And When I Die" (I Ain't Scared of No Ghost!) 2

Hoyt kind of kicked Jason's ass, didn't he?


I can see Jesus (Kevin Alejandro) being taken out of the picture, but Tara (Rutina Wesley)? No way. I can’t figure out why that happened at all, but I’m thinking it’s just the push over the edge Sookie (Anna Paquin) needs to stop being such a whiney, helpless waif. She’s better than that and stronger than a screaming, crying damsel in distress. Just to back track for a second, how the hell did Tara know Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) was possessed by Marnie (Fiona Shaw) and killed Jesus, just from walking into his house?

Love Jason giving himself a pep talk and then telling himself to shut up. “Jason Stackhouse, you are a good person. Yes you are. Shut up.” No matter how you’re your best buddy means, or meant, to you, if you’re thinking of telling him you’re now sleeping with his woman, don’t cop out with the I-drank-her-blood-and-had-to-have-her excuse. That’s book Sookie’s M.O.—blaming everything she feels on vampire blood. Jason reacts off his feelings and it’s as simple as that. If he’s going to own up to being with Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll), he needs to do just that. “You made fucked up, selfish, piece of shit choices!” Hoyt, that’s kind of how I feel about the writers choices all season. Oh well…

Gran (Lois Smith) comes back to take on Marnie. Another thing I didn’t see coming. It was pretty awesome though, I have to admit. Seeing Sookie cry again, not so much. How eerie is Gran’s parting message about being alone in the end? Thanks for that pep-talk!

Review: True Blood Season Finale, S4, E12 - "And When I Die" (I Ain't Scared of No Ghost!) 3

Alcide, being the smooth operator he is, staking his claim for Sookie's heart

Alcide (Joe Manganiello) finally stakes his claim. Why didn’t he do that last season before Sookie had the opportunity to fall in love with two men? Or, excuse me, stay in love with one vamp then fall in love with another, and love them both at the same time because of their love inducing blood. I did say the love triangle bullshit is just that—bullshit. Though, I don’t think Sookie can get away with staying out of vampire politics long enough to get over Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Bill (Stephen Moyer). I’m sure season five will start off with one of them running to her rescue. But what if it doesn’t?

Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) has a breakdown. “I am so over Sookie and her fairy precious vagina. And her ridiculously stupid name. Fuck Sookie!” Though very uncharacteristic, I have to say I felt her pain and couldn’t believe the amount of emotion she displays… in front of a human. I see trouble on the horizon there.

Ellis is superb as the possessed Lafayette. It’s strange, but he evokes Marnie’s mannerisms beautifully. Even Alejandro is moving as Jesus decides to save the man he loves. He’ll be missed, but I can’t say I’ll miss his scenes with Ellis. They always seemed so uncomfortable with one another.

As an aside, I want Sookie’s leather jacket. It’s cute, right? So is Marnie’s.

Eric and Bill overreact with Nan (Jessica Tuck) and I think it’ll cost them next season. Granted, she was a pain in the ass, but she knew her stuff. Now, whatever is coming their way *wink* Russell Edgington *wink*, they can’t avoid it. And what the heck is up with the two of them being bosom buddies?

If Sookie runs back to Bill next season, I'm done

Funny lines:

Lafayette possessed by Marnie: “As your friend Lafayette would say, what goes around comes around… Bitches!”


Marnie: “Oh this fucking sucks.”


My mind is blown for what’s to come next season but I’m hesitant to get too excited. It’ll be another let down; I can just feel it. I don’t want it to be. I don’t want to think badly of the show, but damn it if I can’t shake the feeling that next season will suck. There’s a hell of a lot of foreshadowing this episode. Although, with Alan Ball allegedly departing… maybe it means True Blood will get back to its roots. Being good.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.