Review: New Girl “Jess and Julia” (Seriously, Who Doesn’t Like Dessert?)


Air Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 9/8c on Fox



Review: New Girl "Jess and Julia" (Seriously, Who Doesn't Like Dessert?) 1

I'd like to see more Winston. He's funny and doesn't get utilized enough.

I’m not sure what we were supposed to get out of this episode, but I know one thing—I love Jess (Zooey Deschanel). Yes, she’s quirky; yes, she may like ribbons on everything; yes, she can be a little annoying with her constant singing, but that’s all part of her charm. Too bad she’s not appreciated by everyone. Queue Nick’s (Jake Johnson) girlfriend Julia (guest star Lizzy Caplan), who doesn’t like Jess. Well guess what Julia, we don’t like you either! Just kidding. We find that guys are disgusting (sharing towels); Schmidt (Max Greenfield) is beyond anal retentive; and Cece (Hannah Simone) is not beyond smacking a bitch.

Observations and thoughts:

“Nick, your girlfriend’s not a dessert person.” If only it were true that a dislike for tasty confections could tell you all you needed to know about a person. I mean, who doesn’t like dessert? *whispers* Julia doesn’t. Jess isn’t used to not getting along with people and I think her issue with Julia throws her for a bit of a loop. See, Jess is no longer the only girl around and she has to share the guys, as well as her apartment. The guys all love Jess for her antics and her overall weirdness, but Julia isn’t buying into the “thing” Jess does. I love how Cece stands up for Jess and would have liked to see the ensuing cat fight. Alas, we get no smacking or arguing, just crocheting.

Review: New Girl "Jess and Julia" (Seriously, Who Doesn't Like Dessert?) 2

Nick and Julia make an odd couple. When will they see it?

Schmidt is super metro-sexual. I’m not sure if that’s even the proper term but he’s flipping out over damp towels and his “chut-a-ney.” Who uses chutney, anyway? I actually love how neurotic he is. He doesn’t even know he’s being anal. Okay, he probably does and that makes it funnier.

Again, Winston (Lamorne Morris) gets a little side story and it’s endearing. He learns a lesson and grows up a bit. That is until he starts doing a freak-me dance while the girl he’s interested in freaking is watching. I have hope that he’ll get out of his funk and actually do something productive. Otherwise, he’s just another piece of furniture sitting in the apartment.

There is something to Julia’s rant about Nick running to Jess. If she can see the chemistry between Nick and Jess, why don’t they? Enough with the will-they-won’t-they already! Let’s either get to it or not. Besides, wouldn’t it be weird to have the two of them dating while living together? I’m opting for hilarious antics, but we may not get to see how that storyline plays out.

Funny lines:

Schmidt to Julia: “You better watch it… Nick’s overnight guest.”

Julia in response: “Julia.”

Schmidt: “I know your name.”


Jess to Julia: “What is it with you and the word ‘blankie’? I never said blankie. I don’t talk like Teddy Ruxpin!”


Review: New Girl "Jess and Julia" (Seriously, Who Doesn't Like Dessert?) 3

You gotta love Schmidt. At least he avoided the d-bag jar this week.

One thing you can always expect from New Girl is the truth. The guys are always truthful with one another and Jess can’t help but be honest. But when do they learn to keep their mouths shut in order to save someone from being hurt? “Jess and Julia” is a bit on the dramatic side but it has its funny moments. Schmidt really takes it to the extreme with his bionic hearing and his need for keeping everything of his in order. How does he hear what the gang is talking about behind a closed door anyway?

The ending of “Jess and Julia” seals the deal for me. I laughed so hard at Nick’s extrapolations about using a towel and never washing it. “I don’t wash the towel, the towel washes me.” Eww! The ensuing banter about sharing towels, underpants and general hygiene kills me. I’m feeling better about this episode, but it’s still borderline not that funny.

Tune in to New Girl, Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox. For more on the show, visit

Photo credit: Patrick Wymore/FOX © 2011 Fox Broadcasting, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Review: New Girl "Jess and Julia" (Seriously, Who Doesn't Like Dessert?) 4
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

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