Your Entertainment Corner

Review: Hung “A Monkey Named Simian” or “Frances Is Not a Fan”

Air Date: Sunday, November 27, 2011, 10:00 PM ET/PT on HBO


Ray heading to take over for Jake. He does his job well.

This is by far the best episode of Hung I think I’ve ever seen. It’s raw and full of emotion, bringing the drama aspect front and center. Yes, you still get a few laughs, but mostly you have heartfelt feelings which radiate well after the half hour is over. I don’t think I noticed the gritty feel of the show before. Seeing how our characters dress, where they live, the places they work—everything has a genuine feel to it. You can almost believe these places and people exist somewhere out in the world. It’s an aspect which brings you closer to the world of Hung and pulls you into its throes. I still can’t get over the ending of “A Monkey Named Simian” or “Frances Is Not A Fan,” as it leaves me wondering what Jessica (Anne Heche) will do now that she knows the truth.

I think I’ve been giving Tanya (Jane Adams) a hard time. I feel bad about that now as I realize she’s just a woman trying to make it in a world dominated by males. She not only has to deal with keeping herself together but trying to keep her relationships together as well. And speaking of relationships, she sorrowfully has to put an end to whatever it is she has with Charlie (Lennie James). He’s a rat bastard if ever I saw one. Not only does he rip her and Ray (Thomas Jane) off, he goes incognito, leaving her distraught and probably in financial ruin since skipping out on his bail. Just what kind of mess will she have to clean up now that he’s gone?


How hard did you laugh after seeing how difficult a time Jason (Stephen Amell) has with his clients? I couldn’t believe how horrible he looks with a broken nose. Ray definitely should have hit him sooner. It would have saved him a ton of grief, that’s for sure.

Ray and Jessica's private moment leaves me wondering where their relationship will go now.

Ray’s need to be Jason’s substitute makes me wonder if he set out all along to somehow undercut the competition. “I’m the first guy.” Tanya hits it on the head when she tells him he’s “not in high school anymore.” It doesn’t dawn on me until after the episode is over just how that line fits into most of Ray’s life. He looks at everything in relation to sports. He’s a coach and was a high school superstar. Even Jessica points it out to him. You have to wonder when he’ll leave the past behind and accept himself for the older, more seasoned man he’s become.

I think Tanya’s breakdown at the wedding is important and cathartic. She comes to grips with her feelings and letdowns she’s experienced but knows she can handle it. She can take care of herself and doesn’t need anyone’s help. Also, she really wants to be given some credit for what she’s done. I think she’s feeling unappreciated and neglected and we may see a difference in Tanya from here on out. I look forward to it.

Jane really throws himself into character in this episode. He is very convincing as a monkey (ha, ha!) and charming with his costars. The change in Ray over the three seasons is significant and Jane shines during the wedding scene. He makes the show a hit!

Funny lines:

Tanya to Ray after hitting him: “She’s not your wife anymore you big, dumb, whore!”


Ray to Tanya about Jason: “I have forgotten more about fucking than that guy will ever learn.”


Ray to Tanya about her not being invited to Frances and Mike’s wedding: “Tanya, you’re a pimp and pimps don’t get invited to weddings.”


I love every moment of “A Monkey Named Simian” or “Frances Is Not A Fan” and watched it more than once just to be sure I didn’t miss anything. I look forward to each new episode of Hung and can’t wait to find out what happens with the characters as they set off on new paths in their lives. Tanya has to move on without Charlie, and Ray may find himself in a bind with Jessica.

Tune in to Hung, Sundays at 10:00 PM ET/PT only on HBO. For more on the show, visit

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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