Review: #Haven Christmas Episode “Silent Night” (Christmas in July? Audrey must find out the source of the trouble before Haven vanishes)


Review: Haven, Christmas Episode “Silent Night”

Air Date:  Tuesday, December 6, 2011 10/9c on Syfy.


It’s a bright, sunny day in July – a perfect time to deck the halls and decorate the Christmas tree…right? It seems everyone, except Audrey (Emily Rose) believes it’s Christmas Eve, but if you’re a fan of the show, you know Audrey isn’t affected by the “troubles” that afflict most of the town and its citizens.


Review: #Haven Christmas Episode "Silent Night" (Christmas in July? Audrey must find out the source of the trouble before Haven vanishes) 1

L-R: Eric Balfour as Duke and Emily Rose as Audrey

Audrey thinks Nathan (Lucas Bryant) and Duke (Eric Balfour) are playing an elaborate practical joke with Duke donning a Santa suit. But, when Duke reiterates the same sentiments as Nathan about it being Christmas Eve, Audrey tries to prove her point, to no avail.

Audrey: “If Christmas was in the summer, then why would Santa wear such a warm suit?”

Duke: “Because he lives in the North Pole, Audrey.” (How can you argue with that logic?)

I didn’t realize how much I missed Haven until watching “Silent Night.” Although this is a seasonal, one-off episode, it still gives you insight into the main story arc of the show.

Throughout “Silent Night,” the instrumental version of the song of the same name plays at key moments when people begin to disappear. The town’s population goes from 25,000+ to 3,000+ in a very short amount of time. As Audrey desperately tries to convince Nathan that all the peculiar occurrences happening around town are because of a trouble, Nathan reacts indifferently; this seems out of character for him. Why doesn’t he just trust Audrey’s instincts on this? He knows she’s not affected by the “troubles” like everyone else.

Review: #Haven Christmas Episode "Silent Night" (Christmas in July? Audrey must find out the source of the trouble before Haven vanishes) 2
L-R: Emily Rose as Audrey and Lucas Bryant as Nathan

What intrigues me is I cannot figure out what is going on until very near the end. As people go missing, they are erased not just from Haven but from memory as well. “Silent Night” also highlights Audrey’s dislike for the holiday season since she grew up in foster homes and doesn’t really have any family. However, what this episode captures is that the holidays are not always about biological family but extended family too, and being surrounded by friends and people who love and care for us is all part of the magic of the holidays.

Observations and thoughts:

As the population drops to 17 Havenites, Audrey, now alone, must solve the mystery. Will she be able to figure out who the troubled person is before it’s too late?

Needless to say, the song Silent Night is no longer a favorite holiday tune – but if I’m being honest, it never really was. I’m more of a “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” and “Jingle Bell Rock” kind of gal.

Funny moment: Duke talks to Audrey when the town is restored:

“Um, Audrey, maybe when you get here you can explain to me why I’m in a Santa costume. I’m…I’m having one of those Haven moments.”

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Photos © NBC Universal/Syfy.

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Review: #Haven Christmas Episode "Silent Night" (Christmas in July? Audrey must find out the source of the trouble before Haven vanishes) 3

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.

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