Ray Donovan – “Snowflake” Recap. To Tell or Not to Tell.


Season 2, Episode 9

Airdate: Sunday, September 7, 2014 at 9:00 pm ET/PT on Showtime



It’s not going to be ok. It’s never going to be ok.” – Bridget Donovan

Can Ray protect Bridget?

Can Ray protect Bridget?

Will Ray (Liev Schreiber) be able to fix the situation now that he knows Bridget (Kerris Dorsey) witnessed Cookie (Omar J. Dorsey) murdering her boyfriend Marvin (Octavius J. Johnson) and his father ReKon (Kwame Patterson)? If Ray was ever successful at covering up things for his clients, now is the time for him to put his special skills to work for his daughter. While Bridget wants to tell the truth, Ray doesn’t think that’s such a good idea. Too bad Abby (Paula Malcomson) doesn’t agree with him.

Before Ray can do anything, though, he needs to know whether Cookie saw Bridget in the car so he pays him a visit using the pretext of Lee (Peter Jacobson) wanting to “make sure you’re square.” It doesn’t really matter whether Cookie saw Bridget; if anyone comes forward…well, as Cookie puts it, “These things take care of themselves.” Now, we all know what that means! While Ray is concerned about the police finding out Bridget smoked weed with Marvin and ReKon, now he needs to worry about what Cookie will do if he finds out the truth. Cookie and his cohorts can be quite scary when they want to.

I love the look of disbelief on Lee's face after Ray tosses him over his desk.

I love the look of disbelief on Lee’s face after Ray tosses him over his desk.

To make matters worse, Cookie wants the rights not only to Marvin’s music but to ReKon’s whole “catalogue.” I thought Ray might have a problem convincing Lee to hand everything over but that isn’t the case at all, especially after Ray throws Lee over his desk! Ezra (Elliott Gould) is the one holding back. I guess Ezra doesn’t have a clue about how dangerous Cookie can be if he doesn’t get what he wants. Well, not until Ray explains that Bridget witnessed the murders. It’s like a light bulb goes off in Ezra’s befuddled mind. Thank heavens!

Poor Bridget; she is so traumatized by the whole affair (who wouldn’t be?) and finally tells Abby the truth despite Ray warning her not to say a thing. But how could her father expect her not to tell her mother? Bridget had some of Marvin’s blood and guts in her mouth, for cripe’s sake! How do you not talk about something like that? I understand Ray not wanting her to tell the police—he just wants to protect her—but not telling her mother is another thing altogether. Ray and Abby haven’t been on the same page for quite a while now so it doesn’t surprise me that Abby tells Jim (Brian Geraghty), her cop boyfriend, the truth about what Bridget saw. If Abby doesn’t think that’s not going to piss off Ray royally, she doesn’t have a clue about her husband.

Cookie can be so nice when he wants to be.

Cookie can be so nice when he wants to be.

Ray finally takes Bridget to the police station so she can give her statement. I admire her for wanting to tell the truth so the cops can arrest Cookie but let’s not forget her life is at stake here. True to form, Abby and Ray sit in the hall waiting for Bridget and arguing. “Fuck you!” Abby yells at Ray. This woman doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘filter!’ Things get a bit hairy when Cookie approaches the three of them as they leave the police station. “Snowflake? I’m so sorry about what happened. I loved the little nigga too. He had everything in front of him.” I must say, I admire Dorsey’s acting skills. He easily swings between Cookie’s killer persona and his kind and compassionate persona. You can almost believe he actually cares about Bridget.

While “Snowflake” deals mostly with the fallout of Marvin and ReKon’s murders, there are a few minor plots, one involving Kate (Vinessa Shaw) and the other dealing with Bunchy’s (Dash Mihok) love life. Kate’s fear that Ray ruined her life with the story he and FBI Bureau Chief Cochran (Hank Azaria) is confirmed when she visits Mike Renzetti (Frank Renzulli) in prison. Something tells me this story line isn’t finished yet. I just hope Kate can get herself out of the bottle long enough to find the guts to tell the real story.

Bunchy’s relationship with new girlfriend Patty (Heather McComb) takes a hit when he has a problem with her son Clifford (Aaron Fernando). At first, the two get along great with Clifford calling him “Uncle Bunchy.” I just love the way Clifford imitates everything Bunchy does, especially when it comes to putting a burger together Boston style. But Bunchy has a bad reaction to lifting a naked Clifford out of the bathtub, and what he does is nothing short of shocking. My heart broke for Bunchy when he tries to explain and Patty asks him to leave.


“Snowflake” is a compelling episode that leaves a lot to be resolved. While I think the Marvin/Bridget story line is over, I wonder if it really is. With Ray dumping Bridget’s bloody clothes in a dumpster, has he paved the way for the cops to find out the truth? And with Mickey paying Cherry (Jeryl Prescott Sales) to distract Boris (Nick Gracer), the marijuana shop security guard, as only she can do with that talented mouth of hers, does that mean he and Shorty (Steph DuVall) will go ahead with their planned robbery of the store? Will they both end up in jail? Also, will Bunchy’s problems with Patty and Clifford spell the end of their relationship? More importantly, will Bunchy ever be able to sustain a normal relationship with a woman? Perhaps the most important question I have is how will Bridget ever recuperate from last week’s devastation? I know time heals all wounds but still… And last but not least, will Ray and Abby ever be able to repair their marriage?

What did you think of “Snowflake?” Leave me a comment below or tweet me @SeasideTV. I’d love to discuss the episode with you.

Tune in to Ray Donovan, Sundays at 9 pm ET/PT, only on Showtime.

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Stay up-to-date with the series on the official Ray Donovan website: http://www.sho.com/raydonovan.

Photos courtesy of Suzanne Tenner / © 2014 Showtime Network, an affiliate of CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


<i>Ray Donovan</i> - "Snowflake" Recap. To Tell or Not to Tell. 1



Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!
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