Oxygen kicks off a jaw-dropping second season of “License to Kill” hosted by World-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Terry Dubrow on August 8 at 6PM ET/PT.
Jul 02 2020
CONAN Moves Production to Historic Largo at the Coronet Starting July 6, Guests Via Zoom, No Live Audience
CONAN will start broadcasting from the historic Largo at the Coronet in West Hollywood. O’Brien will continue interviewing guests via Zoom, without an audience, and will only have a limited staff and crew on site, following government and industry health and safety protocols. The remainder of the show’s production staff will continue working from home.
Jun 30 2020
Recap: Snowpiercer, Ep. 7 “The Universe Is Indifferent” – Cold Blooded
This week’s Snowpiercer episode, “The Universe Is Indifferent” is filled with love, hope, anger, betrayal, and a heinous act that will end in tragedy. In the opening scene, we see Miss Audrey (Lena Hall) performing on stage in the Night Car. This scene will be duplicated at the end and it comes full circle.
Jun 18 2020
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