On the Red Carpet — American Horror Story: Freak Show Premiere Interviews

On the Red Carpet — <i>American Horror Story: Freak Show</i> Premiere Interviews 1

In carny speak – Step right up, folks; step right up! Your Entertainment Corner attended the red carpet premiere for American Horror Story: Freak Show and we are bringing our interviews to you!

American Horror Story: Freak Show – “Monsters Among Us” Review. A Helluva Show!

American Horror Story: Freak Show – “Monsters Among Us” Review. A Helluva Show! 2

Step right up, folks; step right up to the most amazing show in town! American Horror Story: Freak Show (AHS: Freak Show) steps into a darker realm with its chilling season premiere complete with what some might call “monsters.” And a carnival side show wouldn’t be complete without clowns…but Twisty the Clown (John Carroll Lynch) is unlike any clown you ever want to encounter. AHS: Freak Show will excite and terrify you in the season premiere “Monsters Among Us.” Enter the tent if you dare.

The Goldbergs – “The Facts of Bleeping Life” Retrospective. Sha-la-la-la

The Goldbergs – “The Facts of Bleeping Life” Retrospective. Sha-la-la-la 3

“The Facts of Bleeping Life” has one of my favorite openings for The Goldbergs as we get a glimpse of how both Adam (Sean Giambrone) and Barry (Troy Gentile) see themselves in their minds and then cut to the reality of their musical skills.

The Originals –“Rebirth” Review. A New Day In The Quarter.

The Originals –“Rebirth” Review. A New Day In The Quarter. 4

With quite a few new faces joining The Originals this season, things are certainly looking up.

The Blacklist – “Dr. James Covington” Retrospective. The Doctor is In.

The Blacklist – “Dr. James Covington” Retrospective. The Doctor is In. 5

When the body of a criminal is found in an ally with his internal organs missing, the police assume someone was out for revenge. Amused by their conclusion, Reddington (James Spader) informs Agent Keen (Megan Boone) that this is the work of Dr. Covington (Ron Cephas Jones), a disgraced surgeon who lost his license after someone died. Disgraced, Covington now runs an illegal organ transplant ring catering to criminals and wealthy clients. But, is there more behind Covington’s motives?

Castle – “Montreal” Recap. Toys and Crazy Theories.

Castle – “Montreal” Recap. Toys and Crazy Theories. 6

Before we dive into the ‘Where was Richard Castle’ mystery, let’s get into the murder of the week. What’s a good Castle episode without a great murder mystery to solve and in “Montreal,” we get a good one. Not that murder is good but this is a juicy case and not just because they find the body of Wally Williger in the water. Wally was the CEO of a toy company and the investigation leads Beckett and Castle to his office to make inquiries. Toys and Castle equal SQUIRREL! Yeah, while Beckett is doing her job asking questions, Castle is playing with all the toys.

Sleepy Hollow – “Root of All Evil” Review. Two Sides of the Coin.

<i>Sleepy Hollow</i> – “Root of All Evil” Review. Two Sides of the Coin. 7

We know of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus for the small sum of 30 pieces of silver from the Bible. And, during the American Revolution, dark forces used 30 “Tyrian shekels” to turn the tides, even making a traitor out of one of the most loyal of subjects, Benedict Arnold (Scott Poythress). And here we thought old Benedict was nothing but a turn coat, but the way Sleepy Hollow’s writers spin the tale, Benedict didn’t betray his country of his own volition.

Witches of East End – Season Finale “Box to the Future” and “For Whom the Spell Tolls” Retrospective. All Good Things.

Witches of East End – Season Finale “Box to the Future” and “For Whom the Spell Tolls” Retrospective. All Good Things. 8

After watching the Witches of East End season two finale, make no mistake about it. In the world of the supernatural genre, the writers know how to weave a well-driven ensemble piece with evolving characters and storytelling that pushes boundaries. In the aftermath of the thrilling two-hour season finale (episodes “Box to the Future” and “For Whom the Spell Tolls”), I’m still processing the weight of the surprising turn of events, as well as the impact they will have on the future of the series as a whole. ‘Darkness is rising’ is not only the theme for season two, it’s the foundation for so much that transpires in the finale. Episodic writers Richard Hatem and Maggie Friedman go all out with shocking revelations and heartbreaking losses.

The Strain Season Finale – “The Master” Review. Ancient Feud.

The Strain Season Finale – “The Master” Review. Ancient Feud. 9

My hopes were high for an intense, drama laden season finale but “The Master” doesn’t deliver. There are moments in the season finale that capture my interests, but the majority of the episode lacks any grip. I’ll compare it to a 7-layer dip. When you sink your tortilla chip into the very top and plunge down, hoping to get every single delicious layer only to have your chip break halfway through … well, this is how I felt when I finished watching “The Master.”

The Vampire Diaries – “I’ll Remember” Review. At Least Alaric is Back.

<i>The Vampire Diaries</i> – “I’ll Remember” Review. At Least Alaric is Back. 10

“I’ll Remember” isn’t the best season premiere but it isn’t the worst either. I’m getting used to having Alaric back, even if he bores the hell out of me.

Haven — “Much Ado About Mara” Recap. Isn’t Gibberish Fun?

<i>Haven</i> — “Much Ado About Mara” Recap. Isn’t Gibberish Fun? 11

How much fun is “Much Ado About Mara?” The “gibberish trouble” also known as the “Scoville trouble” has Duke (Eric Balfour) talking all kinds of crazy nonsense, and while he thinks he’s making sense, his words don’t convey what he’s feeling or thinking. Aside from the insanely entertaining gibber-jabber, there is a much darker side to this episode. Mara (Emily Rose) adds another notch to her dastardly belt but I have to admit, I kind of like this ballsy persona. I love Audrey (Emily Rose), I do, but something about Mara makes me want to get to know her more. What’s her story? I’m sure I’ll absolutely loathe her by the end; I actually wanted to smack her after what she says to Dwight (Adam Copeland), but her honesty is refreshing in a town so full of secrets.

The Goldbergs – “Mama Drama” Retrospective. Jesus and the 30 Apostles

The Goldbergs – “Mama Drama” Retrospective. Jesus and the 30 Apostles 12

Adam (Sean Giambrone) is eager to try out for a role in his school’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar, which happens to be his favorite musical. Beverly convinces Adam, “There is only one role suitable for my talented, delicious, little boy; my baby is Jesus.” The only problem is despite Beverly’s endless praise, Adam isn’t a very good singer.

Satisfaction Renewed for a Second Season

<i>Satisfaction</i> Renewed for a Second Season 13

I’ve been having fun watching Satisfaction’s Neil Truman (Matt Passmore) and his wife Grace (Stephanie Szostak) do the marriage dance with the help, so to speak, of Adriana (Katherine LaNasa) and Simon (Blair Redford). So, after watching the shocking cliffhanger that closed out season one, I’ve been anxiously waiting to find out whether Satisfaction would be renewed. I’m happy to say it is.

Interview/Conf Call Transcript – Kevin Durand Talks About The Strain

Interview/Conf Call Transcript - Kevin Durand Talks About <i>The Strain</i> 14

Video Interview and Conference Call with The Strain’s Kevin Durand. Our interview with him while he was on the red carpet of the final Sons of Anarchy premiere – he talks about his character and tells us he’s a big fan of SOA. In a conference call, Durand talks about his character Vasiliy Fet and how he chose the accent, and so much more.

Video: Look at Season 5 of The Walking Dead

Video: Look at Season 5 of <i>The Walking Dead</I> 15

The Walking Dead returns Sunday, October 12 9/8c on AMC.

Lifetime Presents Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever Premiering Nov 29

Lifetime Presents <i>Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever</i> Premiering Nov 29 16

You know you’ve been waiting for this movie to happen! It’s happening! Grumpy Cat (voiced by Aubrey Plaza) is a lonely cat living in a mall pet shop. Because she never gets chosen by customers, she develops a sour outlook on life…until one day during the holidays, a very special 12-year-old girl named Chyrstal enters the pet store and falls in love with her after realizing she is the only person who can hear this unique cat talk.

Travel Channel’s New Series BOOZE TRAVELER Premieres Nov 24

Travel Channel's New Series <i>BOOZE TRAVELER</i> Premieres Nov 24 17

What a job! While working in the bars of South Boston, Jack Maxwell learned one thing – sit down with a stranger and a couple of drinks, and the whole world opens up. In Travel Channel’s new original series, “Booze Traveler,” premiering on Monday, November 24 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, Maxwell sets out across the globe to find the world’s most interesting beverages and the people who drink them.

The Flash Series Premiere – “City of Heroes” Spoiler Free Advance Review. Speed Racer.

The Flash Series Premiere - “City of Heroes” Spoiler Free Advance Review. Speed Racer. 18

I’ve been eagerly awaiting The Flash to premiere ever since Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was introduced on The CW’s Arrow. His appearance allowed fans to get a feel for Gustin before the network dished out millions for a standalone series. Thankfully, he and his character were well received so The Flash is born…again.

Interviews: The Men of The Vampire Diaries – Matt Davis, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder. Is it Hot in Here?

Interviews: The Men of <i>The Vampire Diaries</i> – Matt Davis, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder. Is it Hot in Here? 19

Your Entertainment Corner ventured down to San Diego and frequented the Bayfront Hilton like a second home. During our four-day stay in San Diego, we were able to sit down in The CW’s The Vampire Diaries’ (TVD) press room and speak to several of the sexy men of the series, including Matt Davis, who returns as beloved history teacher Alaric Saltzman; Paul Wesley, who plays vampire Stefan Salvatore; and Ian Somerhalder, who plays another vampire named Damon Salvatore and just so happens to be Stefan’s brother. With The Vampire Diaries’s six season premiere airing Thursday, October 2, 2014, it seems only right to post these interviews now.

Homeland – “The Drone Queen” & “Trylon and Perisphere” Season Premiere Review. Carrie is Back, Better than Ever.

Homeland – “The Drone Queen” & “Trylon and Perisphere” Season Premiere Review. Carrie is Back, Better than Ever. 20

Homeland is back and it’s better than ever. Sharp writing, great cinematography, superior acting by all, and terrific direction by Lesli Linka Glatter in episode one and Keith Gordon in episode two. So far, I’d say Homeland is, once again, an exciting, tension-filled series worth watching.

Showtime® Comedy Series Shameless, House of Lies and Episodes Return January 11, 2015.

Showtime® Comedy Series <i>Shameless,</i> <i>House of Lies</i> and <i>Episodes</i> Return January 11, 2015. 21

Beginning Sunday, January 11th, SHOWTIME will celebrate the New Year with its three Emmy-nominated leads William H. Macy, Don Cheadle and Matt LeBlanc when brand new seasons of SHAMELESS (9 p.m.), HOUSE OF LIES (10 p.m.) and EPISODES (10:30 p.m.) return on the network’s powerhouse, triple-header Sunday night.

News: Married and You’re the Worst Season 2 Ordered by FX

FX logo 2014

FX Orders 13-Episode Second Season of Married and You’re the Worst Will Move to FXX for Its 13-Episode Second Season.

The Blacklist – “Monarch Douglass Bank” Retrospective. A Big Boom

The Blacklist – “Monarch Douglass Bank” Retrospective. A Big Boom 22

Reddington (James Spader) is on the warpath as he searches for his ex-wife, Naomi (Mary Louise Parker) who was kidnapped by Reddington’s ruthless, sworn enemy Berlin (Peter Stormare) in the season premiere of The Blacklist.

The Lottery –“In Extremis” Review. Well, That’s That.

The Lottery –“In Extremis” Review. Well, That’s That. 23

If the series is to return, which I haven’t heard one way or the other, I won’t be watching. There’s no point.

Sleepy Hollow – “The Kindred” Review. Franklinstein vs. the Horsemen?

<i>Sleepy Hollow</i> – “The Kindred” Review. Franklinstein vs. the Horsemen? 24

Slow and steady wins the race but I’m not sure this philosophy applies to television shows. I know Sleepy Hollow’s writers are probably prepping us for some major craziness with Moloch’s (Luke Smith) plans to “scorch” the earth, but the slow pace of “The Kindred” leaves me wanting. While there are a great many intriguing happenings in this second episode of the season, especially Henry’s (John Noble) shenanigans, I wasn’t impressed with this episode as a whole.

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