Nothing A Little Heartbreak Can’t Cure. Review: The Vampire Diaries – “The Devil Inside”


THE VAMPIRE DIARIESSeason 5, Episode 12

Air Date: Thursday, January 30, 2014 8/7c on The CW


“I’ve impersonated Elena a million times. I can mimic everything about her.” – Katherine Pierce

The Vampire Diaries (TVD) hits the rewind button—another trip down ‘been there, done that’ lane with the doppelgangers. I guess the writers are reverting to this plot line because of the many tangents they can go off on. I’m just happy to see Nina Dobrev in the role she was meant to play.


I’m over the moon that Katherine (Dobrev) is back. I don’t care why it’s happened, or how the consequences. She’s around and keeping Dobrev in the character I love most. I don’t think Dobrev gets the accolades she deserves for her portrayal. Katherine is such a complex and strong woman with hundreds of years of history just waiting to be explored. While I know we probably won’t delve into her past right now, I like where Katherine’s story is going. The one thing I enjoy most is how Dobrev makes Katherine appear uncomfortable in her own skin. Utter disgust mars her features as she comes into contact with people and the faces she makes crack me up. Will Katherine fail at this, her greatest ruse? You have to know it won’t last.

I hate seeing Damon so heartbroken.

I hate seeing Damon so heartbroken.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is in quite the mood during “The Devil Inside.” I’m not sure what the issue is because he’s usually so in control. Did breaking up with Elena (Dobrev) finally send him over the edge? Is he regretting his decision? And why does he feel the need to bury Katherine or whatever it is he’s done with her body? The snark is still there, the snappy comebacks and swagger too, but Damon is still a bit off. I kind of like it. If Damon is reverting back to his bad boy status, I’m all for it.

Stefan (Paul Wesley) continues to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong. This is appears to be his recurring MO but I don’t get it. Has he nothing better to do than fix other people’s relationships? I’m surprised by this because Stefan is still hopelessly in love with Elena. Has he made a breakthrough and decided it’s better for Elena to be with someone who makes her happy? Or is he choosing his brother’s happiness over his own? Oh, wouldn’t that be something.

Random Thoughts:

Why is Damon leaving Elena voicemails when he broke up with her? I thought he was clear on what he wanted so I wouldn’t guess he’d be calling her nonstop. Inconsistency maybe?

I bet Nadia never thought she'd end up in this predicament.

I bet Nadia never thought she’d end up in this predicament.

Nadia (Olga Fonda) is now a watchdog? Is this the best the writers can come up with? She’s a gloried bodyguard while still being the ever devoted daughter. Bo-ring. I liked Nadia better when she was causing trouble. That seems to be a thing with me. I like the villains more than the good guys. The troublemakers always have more fun.

I didn’t realize Caroline (Candice Accola) was such a clean freak. “I’m stress cleaning; I’m stressed. Boy drama.” I love finding out the little intricacies characters have hidden inside. Never would have guessed she has a pair of yellow rubber gloves in her arsenal.

Are you kidding me with Tyler (Michael Trevino) making yet another appearance? I thought we were through with this clown. He brings nothing to the table and is only going to confuse Caroline where her heart is concerned. She’s finally made a breakthrough where Klaus (Joseph Morgan) is concerned and I’m on that ship. Please, writers, throw me a fricking bone.

If Katherine is in Elena’s body, and Elena is a vampire, why doesn’t she react to being around humans like any other vampire would?

Did Stefan really bitch slap Tyler? High five! (Can you tell I really don’t like Tyler?)

Memorable and funny lines:

“Who do I like better, Bonnie or Caroline?” *whispers* “Please say Caroline.” Katherine uses her wiles to get Matt to answer a few Elena questions.


“I’m not giving you the pouty face; this is my ‘you’re being a dick’ face.” Stefan explains one of his many looks to Damon.


Damon to Caroline, in what has to be one of the funniest lines in “The Devil Inside”: “You once told me that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan.”


Nadia to Katherine: “You’re not impersonating Elena, you are Elena.”


Somebody's looking to make trouble.

Somebody’s looking to make trouble.

I enjoyed “The Devil Inside” and might almost believe TVD is making a turn toward the better. I’d hate for this season to end up a total flop. Let me know what you thought about “The Devil Inside” and everything else TVD by leaving a comment in the section below or hitting me up on Twitter @ellemoe.

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries on Thursdays, at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit:  Bob Mahoney/Blake Tyler/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Nothing A Little Heartbreak Can’t Cure. Review: The Vampire Diaries – “The Devil Inside” 1

Nothing A Little Heartbreak Can’t Cure. Review: The Vampire Diaries – “The Devil Inside” 2
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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    • ami on February 11, 2014 at 4:55 pm
    • Reply

    last episode damon said he was gonna get back elena.

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