Review: Lost Girl, S2 Ep 8, “Death Didn’t Become Him”
Air date: Monday, June 11, 2012, 10/9C on Syfy
I couldn’t help but feel pity for Lauren (Zoie Palmer). Asking Bo (Anna Silk) to meet Nadia (Athena Karkanis) seemed strange to me but after hearing her explanation, I guess it made sense (even though Lauren technically cheated on her girlfriend). Nadia drifts further and further away, driving Lauren straight into Bo’s arms. While Bo cares about her, Lauren loves her more. And you know how those relationships work out. Regardless, I suspect it won’t be long before Nadia is “revived.”
Bo and Lauren discuss Nadia
Did you see Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) all AGOG at seeing Det. Hale (K.C. Collins) shirtless? It was pretty funny seeing that, and now that she’s glommed on to his sexiness, it’s going to be a dance of awkwardness between the two. How Hale didn’t catch the look of lust and bewilderment in Kenzi’s face is beyond me, but now that she’s in, hook, line and sinker, their relationship dynamic is going to change. I’m all for it!
On the other hand, I’m not sure I like how all the different Fae characters are being trotted out in one episode after another. It’s like we can’t connect to them because only a few of them are recurring characters, like Vex and Ciara. Our lens into the Fae world is being broadened but only some Fae are permanent fixtures on Lost Girl. This time, we meet another one, a Lich delightfully played by Salvatore Antonio. The Lich, an ancient Fae member of the royal family, feeds off different talents of humans (e.g., keen intelligence and dancing) and off of humans themselves, in order to sustain his immortality. He’s got the telepathic power to have his minions do his beckoning. It’s like a zombie carnival he’s set up for his own personal amusement. It’s sickening but also amusing.
The Lich puts Bo and Lauren on display for his "dead" humans
Not only do we meet Lich, but we meet a Dark Fae butcher named Gary (Zachary Bennett), a gleefully gory character in his own right. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him; seeing him chew off his finger and just his general creepiness and bizarre, crazy look in his eyes make him compelling. Yes, he’s gross, but in an entertaining way. When Bo tells him he’ll be forced to eat tofu for days, poor Fae fellow gives her and Dyson the information they need about the Lich. Anything to avoid tofu. He owns Gary’s MEATS, after all!
As for Hale and Kenzi, they’re kept busy babysitting The Glaive’s daughter, Tori (Courtney White), who can’t have ANY fun whatsoever. Why this sadistic order is made, we don’t know, but Tori is a recurring character so we’ll be seeing more of her. She didn’t really interest me, but Hale and Kenzi as a team are hilarious to watch, especially after Tori vomits on Hale. I’ll freely admit my jaw dropped just as Kenzi’s did—Hale is a STUD! It’s improbable that he didn’t notice her expression, because it was so obvious. Come on, Hale, you’re not that clueless, are you? Or are you just trying to keep your cool?
“Death Didn’t Become Him” has one revelation going for it: an unveiling of a new power of Bo’s. After she’s shot in the stomach by the Lich’s minions, an unknown force flows through her and blue rays of light shine from her eyes. How this happens I’m not sure, but I doubt it had anything to do with the Lich. It’s more likely a power Bo didn’t realize she has. How this power is summoned will hopefully be an answer we get soon.
I think I’m becoming less enamored of Lauren and Bo’s relationship. Seeing Bo and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) working the Lich case together makes me think Lauren will end up pining for Bo for eternity. I hope she won’t be reduced to a pitiful woman pining for someone’s love. I can’t think of anything more pathetic than that.
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