Not What You’re Expecting. Review: The Originals – “Always and Forever”


The Originals

Season 1, Episode 1

Air Date: Thursday, October 3, 2013, 9/8c on The CW.


“Always, forever; family above all.” – Elijah

The series premiere of The Originals dives right in with a flashback to the Original vampire siblings landing off the shores of Louisiana. It’s an intriguing introduction that intersperses scenes from the sneak peek into The Originals series showcased during an episode of The Vampire Diaries last season. I’m sure you remember it, the aptly titled episode, “The Originals.” So don’t be too surprised when you feel a sense of déjà vu while watching “Always and Forever.” But this hour ends in a way you don’t expect.

In case you have never watched The Vampire Diaries, you should know the Originals are the first vampires to walk the earth. They are the epitome of immortal beings able to walk in the sun without fear of bursting into flames. Hard to kill and ruthless, they stake their claim wherever they land and wreak havoc. Sound like lovely people, don’t they? The three siblings Elijah (Daniel Gillies), Rebekah (Claire Holt), and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) are forces to be reckoned with in their own right—Elijah being the super cool older brother; Rebekah the baby sister who yearns for a return to humanity; and Klaus, the hybrid half-brother who wants to be king of all the land.

Observations and thoughts:

Hayley has bitten off more than she can chew with her one night stand.

Hayley has bitten off more than she can chew with her one night stand.

The title slips easily into dialogue when Elijah informs his sister, “Always and forever, Rebekah. That is what we once swore to each other.” This sentiment is repeated quite a bit throughout the episode to drive the point home. The eldest Mikaelson won’t allow his brother and sister to forget what they mean to one another—what they’ve promised to one another as a family. How interesting their family ties are when you know good and well Rebekah  is at the end of her leash with Klaus. She seems to be done with Elijah at some point, too. His constant reminders of what Klaus means to them wears thin with her. She won’t be swayed. So what will it take to get her down to New Orleans?

I believe The Originals will be an awesome spin-off because the focus is on Klaus’ desire to regain his kingdom. You know who the ‘good’ guy and ‘bad’ guy are and what the potential outcome will be. The series should be straight forward and more adult oriented. There’s no teenage angst to deal with or high school antics dragging the show down. “Always and Forever” is narrated by Elijah, and centers on his motives for his family in New Orleans. He wants to create a new life for them; one that will fulfill their promise of familial solidarity. I wonder whether this will be a theme for each episode. Will a different Original narrate and be the centralized focus each week or is it just a onetime deal? Elijah’s quite the leading man and I like the direction the episode takes with him at the helm. Klaus is too much of a loose cannon and Elijah thinks before he acts. It’ll be interesting to see where the difference between the brothers comes into play in future episodes.

Don't you wonder how papa Mikaelson would handle a vampire-hybrid grandchild?

Don’t you wonder how papa Mikaelson would handle a vampire-hybrid grandchild?

Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) is shown sparingly through the episode to remind us of where the plot is going. This baby she’s carrying is important to not only the Mikaelson family, but the vampire/werewolf world as a whole. Maybe. I don’t know yet. We’ve not gotten the full gist of just what this baby means in the grand scheme of things. I’m curious to see how Hayley handles being a mom since she “never had a mother” to nurture her as a child. This should be a fun ride.

Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) is so mysterious about how he’s able to control the witches in the French Quarter. Oh, but I know his secret … You would too if you attended San Diego’s Comic-Con this year and sat in on The CW pilot previews. The secret Marcel holds is a good one, though you know Klaus will figure it out. I can’t wait to see what the writers will do with this plot point. As an aside, I didn’t like Davis’ performance in the spin-off episode, but now I’m feeling better about his portrayal of the vampire “king.” He’s making his place in the acting world and I applaud him. Keep up the good work!

Memorable and funny lines:

Hayley to Elijah after hearing his family tale: “Your dad was a dick.”


Elijah to Rebekah: “Say what you will about Niklaus but on my life, I’ll not let anything happen to that baby.”


Elijah to Klaus: “Family is power, Niklaus.”


Klaus: “You are a sentimental fool.”

Elijah: “Perhaps, but I’ve last this long haven’t I?”


I will miss Elijah and his suits. Poor guy can't catch a break.

I will miss Elijah and his suits. Poor guy can’t catch a break.

All in all, “Always and Forever” is a solid premiere. It piques the interest and delights the senses with all those vampires running rampant through the French Quarter. The music adds to the Gothic feel of the town being overrun with witches and creatures of the night. But with the ending of this episode comes a serious question: What will become of Hayley and her baby? ‘Cause she’s just lost her biggest champion.

Tune in to The Originals Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Not What You're Expecting. Review: The Originals - "Always and Forever" 1

Not What You're Expecting. Review: The Originals - "Always and Forever" 2
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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