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Never Test A Brother’s Love… Review: The Vampire Diaries “A View To A Kill”

Air Date: Thursday, January 31, 2013, 8/7c on The CW


“They may be dysfunctional, bickering lunatics but they stick together no matter what.” – Stefan Salvatore

“A View to a Kill” is full of surprises. A long forgotten (at least in my mind) vampire returns; Bonnie (Kat Graham) gets caught unaware, and the bad boys of Mystic Falls have a little sit-down. While I know everyone chasing the cure has their reasons, I didn’t realize how much they varied. From redemption to double-cross, the precious reversal of immortality is on everyone’s minds.

Observations and thoughts:

What a contrasting sight to see Stefan (Paul Wesley) awakening next to Rebekah (Claire Holt) after what appears to be an interesting night. He almost appears confused as to what’s happened. That in itself is intriguing. Which begs the question, does he have regrets? Is he mooning over his decisions with regard to getting over his feelings for Elena (Nina Dobrev)? And let’s take this another step: we know he’s willing to do anything to get the cure for Elena, but how far is he planning to go to get it? He once loved Rebekah. I don’t think using her will be as easy as he expects.

Rebekah is a great distraction for Stefan, but you know his mind is still on Elena.

How about Rebekah being the lonely teen girl who missed out on high school dances, having a steady boyfriend, and being able to have a family of her own? Oh, I know why she wants the cure. I think she’s bored with life. She’s lived for such a long time but hasn’t really lived. She wants the white picket fence; she longs for the American dream. It makes me pity her because she didn’t choose the life she leads.

I’m surprised by Bonnie’s new abilities. She may be out of control, but she’s got moves we haven’t seen before. I applaud the writers for taking her character outside the box. She hasn’t gone over to the dark side yet, but she may be leaning closer to the dividing line. I have faith that she’ll continue to use her powers for good, or at least for helping her loved ones.

“You’ve killed, haven’t you? Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?” I can’t find too much fault with Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic). Especially not after that line to Elena. It shows the guy has a sense of humor. He’s just trying to figure out his place in life since he doesn’t have to sit in the shadow of his older brother anymore. He has other motivations too, but if he wasn’t threatening one of the more well-known (and well-liked) denizens of Mystic Falls, would anyone really be upset with what he’s doing? He can’t be the only bad boy in town, right?

Kol didn’t know what hit him. You notice how he didn’t think twice about going after Bonnie again?

I enjoy Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Damon’s (Ian Somerhalder) tête-à-tête maybe a little more than I should. They have more in common than I realized. The conversation between them—as well as Elena and Kol’s heart to heart—is eye-opening. Not only do we feel a sense of, dare I say, camaraderie between the two, but the Original brothers show they still have a touch of their human side hidden underneath. Klaus yearns for the magic touch Damon has with Elena, while Kol wants peace as much as Elena does. I don’t see anyone getting what they want any time soon.

And last but not least, how about that Hulk Hogan move pulled by Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen)? I was not expecting that nor was I expecting the younger Gilbert sibling to be as commanding as he is. Yes, you can say it’s just McQueen coming into his own, and taking his character to another level, but I think it’s more. Jeremy has changed and will continue to do so now that he’s fully embracing his “hunter” side. He’s adapting to his new role better than Elena adapted to hers. I look forward to seeing where the writers take his character and how the others react to him.

Memorable and funny lines:

Stefan to Klaus and Damon: “Why don’t you two enjoy your villain bonding time.”


Klaus to Damon, hoping for the key to gain forgiveness: “How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you’ve ever done? Is it willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological?”


Damon: “You do bad things for no reason; you do them to be a dick.”

Klaus: “Debatable.”

Damon: “If you’re gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise, you’re just not worth forgiving.”


Aren’t you glad Damon didn’t get a chance to murder Jeremy? Let the shirt ripping commence!

“A View to a Kill” is entertaining on many facets. I was surprised, enthralled, and shocked, which made for a great episode. Things are just beginning to heat up. Klaus is out for revenge and you know he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. Exciting times are ahead!

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit

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Photo Credit:  Bob Mahoney/The CW ©2013 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.