My Superhero BFF. Review: Lost Girl, S3 Ep 3 – “ConFaegion”


Review: Lost Girl, S3 Ep 3 – “ConFaegion”

Air date: Monday, January 28, 2013, 10/9c, on Syfy



We’re barely into the third season, and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) is proving herself to be an even better sidekick (albeit with the aid of a Fae weapon). Too bad it takes the gang—Bo (Anna Silk), Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried), Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten)—being out of commission for her to step up and solve the mystery of why the team has been reduced to a group of horny teenagers. It’s sort of an amusing situation to be in (surely, a Fae contagion would be cooler than reducing Fae to nymphos?) but I’m taking this as a filler episode.

My Superhero BFF. Review: Lost Girl, S3 Ep 3 - "ConFaegion" 1

The Morrigan gives Vex orders to kill Bo

The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier) is back with a vengeance, and is intent on taking down Bo. Disregarding the peace plan between the Dark and Light Fae, she’s setting herself up to be dunked in boiling water by Det. Hale (K.C. Collins), the new Ash. She uses Vex (Paul Roger Amos), who’s Mesmer-less and crashing on Bo’s couch, to take down Bo and Kenzi but considering how he and Kenzi have been connecting through their mutual love of makeup, he doesn’t find it possible to kill her. The writers of Lost Girl surely won’t kill off major characters so Vex would have to go. Lately, he’s been rendered pretty much useless without his particular power but at least he does something commendable.

Though I found “ConFaegion” a little absurd with the nympho teen plot, I did find Dyson hilarious while dancing on Bo’s bed to Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like the Wolf.” Seeing him shirtless could never bore me! Playing Spin the Bottle is comical, though; surely there’s a better way to get Tamsin and Bo to smooch without being under the sway of some parasitic power. Doesn’t Bo have chemistry with everyone? Tamsin’s revelation to Bo that she’s a Valkyrie is interesting, though their shared dark secrets remain secret to the viewers. Still, I enjoyed seeing vulnerability in Tamsin, because I think she’s a terrific addition to Lost Girl.

My Superhero BFF. Review: Lost Girl, S3 Ep 3 - "ConFaegion" 2

The team turned teenagers

The positive aspect of this credulous plot twist is the talk between Lauren (Zoie Palmer) and Kenzi, who is closer to Dyson than she is to Lauren. I’ve puzzled as to why Kenzi is being possessive where Lauren is concerned. Is it because Kenzi, like me, sees her as needy (not to mention human) and thus an unsuitable match for Bo? I think she’s hip to the fact Dyson can keep up with Bo, as they’re both Fae. And now that there’s a third party in the picture with Tamsin, this will surely have an effect on everyone’s relationship, not just Lauren and Bo’s. I don’t think we should chalk this up to pure jealousy.

Can we talk about how awesome Kenzi is with the Staff of Righteousness? Adapting to it so quickly, with all the right moves, convinced me she should keep it. The weight of such a responsibility, though, is likely too overwhelming for her. The little hesitation in saying, “I decline,” shows she is really thinking about it. It would’ve been cool to see her battle with the Staff but how would she have slept with it? What about sexy times? Awkward, right?

My Superhero BFF. Review: Lost Girl, S3 Ep 3 - "ConFaegion" 3

Kenzi the kickass BFF

I find myself missing Trick (Rick Howland). Thus far this season, he’s become everyone’s crutch, and that bugs me. How is it that he neglects to see that Bo still possesses some of the Dark in her? And how about giving him some love? Doesn’t he deserve love like everyone else, even if he is the Blood King? His wife died eons ago; should we expect him to die alone?

Not to mention Hale—he’s perfectly serviceable as The Ash, being fair to all, but we’re seeing even less of him than last season. I fear his warning to The Morrigan will fall on deaf ears, as she really has it out for Bo. With Vex’s disappearance, who will be doing her bidding now?


Tune in to Lost Girl Mondays at 10/9c, only on Syfy.

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