Music Review – Steve Martin’s New Album, “Rare Bird Alert”


Steve Martin, actor extraordinaire, is and has long been one of my all-time favorite actors – in both the comedic and dramatic arenas. While somewhere in the dregs of my memory I thought he had won an Emmy for something, I was surprised when I saw him today on ABC’s The View, promoting his latest album, “Rare Bird Alert,” which was released a few days ago on March 15, 2011.

Music Review - Steve Martin's New Album, "Rare Bird Alert" 1

Album Cover

Track Listing

1. Rare Bird Alert
2. Yellow-Backed Fly
3. Best Love
4. Northern Island
5. Go Away, Stop, Turn Around, Come Back
6. Jubilation Day
7. More Bad Weather on the Way
8. You
9. The Great Remember (For Nancy)
10. Women Like to Slow Dance
11. Hide Behind a Rock
12. Atheists Don’t Have No Songs
13. King Tut

While I don’t usually listen to country or bluegrass tunes, I more than enjoyed watching Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers perform live on the show one of the hit singles, “Go Away, Stop, Turn Around, Come Back.” The tune is catchy and believe me, his mad banjo skills are no joke. Take a look at this YouTube clip of the song, as recorded by a fan who was obviously cracking up at Martin’s jokes on stage.

The album itself contains a mixture of instrumental and vocal tracks – there are even collaborations with the Dixie Chicks on the song “You,” and Paul McCartney who provides vocals on “Best Love.”

One of the funniest tracks on the album is “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs.” Take a listen for yourself and let me know if you agree with me.

Two of the songs on “Rare Bird Alert,” including the title track, were written on the set of Martin’s new film “The Big Year,” due to be released this fall. He, Jack Black and Owen Wilson play fiercely competitive bird watchers. With a cast like this, something tells me I’ll be laughing out loud throughout the entire flick.

Martin still makes me laugh, as well as the hosts and audience members of The View, as he spoke about McCartney, Having Paul McCartney sing a song that I wrote has to be one of the greatest thrills of his life.”

In speaking about his “new” career as a musician, Martin, who has been playing banjo for 47 years, quipped, “I get a big thrill out of this because it’s very personal and it’s, you know, self-contained – you’re kinda in charge of it – of your own self. You know, a movie has a million people working on it and …”

Last year, Martin established the Steve Martin Prize for Excellence in Banjo and Bluegrass in order to support and encourage other bluegrass pickers. He wants to introduce people to the genre and hopes that his fame will help.

An MP3 of “Go Away, Stop, Turn Around, Come Back” is available for $0.99 on at


Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!

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