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More Rain, More Suspects Review: The Killing “Openings”

Air Date: Sunday, April 29, 2012, 9/8c on AMC


“Look, she hated her life. Said it was all a fake.” – Jasper Ames


I'm glad Richmond has someone who cares about him. Jamie is a true friend.

“Openings” is a solid episode that shows us what’s behind the scenes of what we think might be going on. I feel like I don’t know who anyone is or what their motives may be. This entire murder mystery is turning into a big clusterfuck and I’m anxious to find out just what Linden (Mirielle Enos) will do to make sense of it all.

Observations and thoughts:

So what exactly is the deal with Terry (Jamie Anne Allman)? She’s in love with Michael Ames (Barclay Hope), a married man (they must be her forte) who tells her, “Stop calling me.” I think she knows he’s serious but does she know he’s Jasper’s (Richard Harmon) dad? Does she know that gives him a clear connection to Rosie (Katie Findlay)? What does it mean in the grand scheme of things? Because again, we find there are even more people connected to Rosie who may have had something to do with her murder. Unfortunately, we’re not getting any closer to a motive or an ironclad suspect; there’s just more speculation and suspicious people thrown into the mix. When is that one person who knows everything going to show up? As an aside, Jasper is an asshole. I know I’m probably being unfair to the kid because he needs attention (which he obviously doesn’t get from his parents) but he’s seriously starting to piss me off. He’s going to ruin this case.

A sweet moment during "Openings" where I wished Rosie were still alive.

My heart aches for Mitch (Michelle Forbes). She’s reaching out to Tina (Chelsea Ricketts) who reminds her of Rosie and… it’s weird. She’s too interested in the girl. With society being the way it is in this day and age, I don’t blame the girl for being suspicious. I want her to trust Mitch though; I want her to help Mitch heal in a way that no one else can. I think Mitch needs to save this girl since she wasn’t able to save Rosie. Hopefully, it’ll send her home to take back her place with her family. I’m not surprised by what Tina does to Mitch (ripping her off) but I thought she was confiding in her for a reason.

Linden and Holder (Joel Kinnaman) are getting back into the groove of things. I love seeing the two together and laughing at their banter. “You still watching the Discovery Channel?” However, I still feel like there’s a barrier between the two. Holder keeps smoking around her and Linden is on the edge because Greg (Tahmoh Penikett) is seeking custody of their son. “Well, I’m just trying to save you from having that file or whatever it is thrown in your face again.” Holder is looking out for Linden but will it matter? She’s going to keep pushing and pushing until she finds answers. She wants, no… needs to know who killed Rosie and she won’t stop until she catches her killer. She is falling apart and can’t seem to pull the pieces back together.

You should pay close attention to the last three minutes of each episode. I think they hold clues or at least feature things of import.

Just what are Gwen's intentions with coming back? I don't trust her.

“Nothing but roses and puppy dogs.” At least Councilman Richmond (Billy Campbell) still has his sense of humor. He appears to be in a better place, not letting his predicament get him down but Gwen (Kristin Lehman) showing up doesn’t seem to help. I flinched upon seeing her so I can only imagine what emotions Richmond was experiencing. I still don’t understand why she ran out on him like she did. I know they aren’t married, but damn! She cared about him at least, or so I thought. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near me.

Funny lines:

Holder: “You’re becoming like ‘A Beautiful Mind’ with that board Linden. Next thing you’ll be writing on windows and… talking to Rosie.”


Jasper to Holder: “Yeah, anybody ever tell you you’re white?”


“Openings” felt dark. There’s some rain, a new suspect and the usual creepy suspense. Linden has a stalker, Richmond is making a comeback, and I’m still just as confused as ever. I’m not giving up that I’ll figure out who murdered Rosie, but all this other stuff being thrown in the mix sends me off on tangents. I’m still enjoying the ride and looking forward to finding out what happens next.

Tune in to The Killing, Sundays at 9/8c on AMC. For more information on the show, visit

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Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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