Lies and Betrayal. Review: Copper – “The Hudson River School”


Review: Copper, S1 Ep 7, “The Hudson River School”

Air date: Sunday, September 30, 2012, 10/9C on BBC America


Elizabeth (Anastasia Griffith) is in hot water with Corky (Tom Weston-Jones). There was no reason for her to lie about Annie’s (Kiara Glasco) whereabouts so why did she? Her excuse, as told to Morehouse (Kyle Schmid), is flimsy.  I’m still puzzling over it but now Corky knows she lied to him and she’s in shreds over it. She is terrified by Corky’s fit of rage. I feel sorry for her, but even sorrier for Annie having to endure the torture of going back to Reilly (Matthew Deslippe), her brute of a “husband.” I cheered when he ended up suffering a much-deserved fate. Griffith and Weston-Jones have such palpable chemistry that it’d be a shame if they had fewer scenes together because of this conflict.

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Elizabeth glows after spending the night with Corky

New York City is threatening to burst into flames. Sara (Tessa Thompson) is right to be afraid for her and her husband Matthew’s (Ato Essandoh) safety, even though they now live on the outskirts of town. Now that she’s pregnant, her fears threaten to overshadow their livelihood. It doesn’t prevent Matthew from fulfilling his duties as a doctor, however. His focus is admirable in the midst of these stressors; he’s stalwart when it comes to protecting Sara. Thompson and Essandoh do a fine job portraying a couple holding strong in the face of racial tensions.

We get to learn more about O’Brien’s (Dylan Taylor) wife Sybil (Lara Jean Chorostecki). She may be a pain in her husband’s arse, but I love her feistiness; she prevents her husband from falling into any sort of torpor in his detective duties, continually prodding him to investigate the rumors swirling of NYC burning down. Even if she seems like a nag, there is love between them. Witness how they cuddle and hug on the streets. O’Brien has gotten short shrift on Copper thus far, so this is a nice, albeit brief, look at his marriage. I hope O’Brien and Sybil become more of a focus in future episodes.

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A sorrowful Maguire

Poor Maguire (Kevin Ryan). He’s a fool for love, isn’t he? After Molly’s death, he latches onto Mary Lockwood (Joanne Boland), which is a bad idea because now he knows she’s not the woman he thought she was. Whatever happened to courting a woman or, at least, having more than one real conversation before running off to get married? But now, Maguire is becoming suspicious of the events surrounding Molly’s death. The scene between Corky and a naked, sorrowful Maguire was a powerful one; Ryan’s acting was ace here, showing a man broken by the loss of love.

I was slightly horrified when Corky returns to Reilly’s place to dispose of his body. Leave it to Corky to come up with a creative method of “disappearing” someone. I hope he doesn’t tell Annie how he got rid of Reilly because that girl has certainly been through enough. Where will she go now that Elizabeth seems to have burned her bridge with Corky? He and Eva (Franka Potente) don’t want her living in a brothel so where else could she possibly go? To the convent? That actually wouldn’t be a bad idea. It’s not too late for Annie to have a decent upbringing. If only she were willing to unhook her claws from Corky!

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Annie manages to escape the clutches of her lecherous father

As for Eva, that evil weevil, she drops a huge hint when she tells Corky she would’ve slit Elizabeth’s throat had she been in Corky’s place. That is exactly how Molly died. Will this click in his head, especially when he’s privy to Maguire’s suspicions? I can’t wait to see this unfold.


Watch Copper Sundays, 10/9C, on BBC America.

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