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Let’s Get Ready to … Grumble. Review: The Tomorrow People – “Rumble”

Season 1, Episode 11

Air Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 9/8c on The CW.


“Your powers are a privilege, not a right. And if we didn’t need your kind for certain functions, I would gladly depower all of you.” – Jedikiah Price

The Tomorrow People is heading down an interesting path. Leadership is being questioned and changed; trust is tested and pushed to its limits; a new potential foe is making himself known. Just what do the writers have up their proverbial sleeves?


I take it Cara (Peyton List) and John (Luke Mitchell) got their spiel from a couple in Cara’s past. How interesting. Cara’s life is still quite the mystery and we learn she hasn’t always been the well put together woman she is today. Seeing the events that have shaped her life sheds some light on why she hates Ultra so much. But she’s not built to lead. The writers give Cara character growth by moving her from the scared little puppy she was into a fearsome fighter. Too bad she doubts herself. I can’t get behind Cara because she has no faith in her own abilities.

Oh no he didn’t!

The Tomorrow People (TP) have settled into their roles. I’m not sure I like where this has taken the familiar faces we’ve come to know. The usual suspects don’t do anything unpredictable. I can guess what will happen before it happens and not even miss a beat. The one good thing about the predictability is it means I know the characters. So to see something out of the ordinary happening in “Rumble” is exciting. Way to shake things up, writers! The new breakouts certainly add some punch to The Tomorrow People. But how many new TP’s will fill the Lair before I can’t remember who’s who? I’m missing the freshness of The Tomorrow People. In some ways, the show is becoming a caricature of itself. Jedikiah (Mark Pellegrino) is turning into a super villain; Stephen (Robbie Amell) is always in the dark, trying to find his way into the light; and John is dealing out a failed attempt at redemption.

Random Thoughts:

I love Stephen but he has to be the most gullible guy there is. I don’t expect him to follow along with a plan without offering up objections. He always has something to say and tends to go off on his own. Not this time. He takes one for the team in “Rumble” and I have to give him his props.

Cara isn’t as smart as she thinks she is. Too often, she makes judgments with her heart and not her mind. I don’t fault her for considering how she feels about a situation before diving into it, but I can see how her way of leading will cause nothing but trouble. She cares too much about every single TP (and human for that matter) out in the world and it is going to get someone killed. Oh wait; been there, done that.

Stephen really needs to watch his back.

Jedikiah is so onto Stephen. I could be wrong about this but I think Jedikiah knows he can’t trust Stephen. Why else does he test him? “I want you to do whatever it takes. Prove to me that you belong here.” Either that or Pellegrino does such an amazing job portraying his character with a bit of ambiguity in order to keep viewers guessing. I swear he’s been close to catching Stephen in a lie in a few episodes; other times he appears to believe everything Stephen tells him. Sucks that Jedikiah isn’t a mind reader.

I’m not sure how I feel about Morgan (Carly Pope) assimilating into the group so quickly. She’s more than comfortable touching John, and doesn’t hesitate to tell Cara like it is. I wonder if she’s planning to make a move and knock Cara off her high horse. Girl fight!

Russell (Aaron Yoo) doesn’t crack as many jokes this time around because he’s too busy being a badass. Sort of. Look, I know he’s tough and all but I won’t forget he was once a budding pianist. That slicked back hair and clean cut look has not faded from my memory. I can’t tell which Russell is the real one. Has he always been a tough guy or is the musician true to his heart?

Minor Tidbits:

Luca (Jacob Kogan) says, “hoagies.” I can’t express how happy I am to hear someone say hoagie instead of sub. Yup, I’m all about my food names.

I’ve noticed lately how the TP break out into a sprint before teleporting. I wonder what the significance is. Sometimes they transport from a standing position, so why the track and field display? Is it for dramatic effect?

Funny line:

Russell: “Are you calling me fat?”

Cara: “I’m calling you lazy.”


I don’t think we’ve seen the last of this guy.

I’m not so impressed with “Rumble.” Truth be told, I’m falling out of love with The Tomorrow People because it’s just not holding my interest. I want to believe we’ll get farther along in the TP struggle and find that Ultra isn’t the ultimate big bad. The new bad guys trickling in are all the same with a minor tweaking here or there to make them appear original. And when I can see the actors pulling their punches, well, I’m ready to say, ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ and find another way to fill my Wednesday nights. I’m waiting to be impressed, writers. Leave me a comment in the section below, or drop me a line on Twitter @ellemoe to let me know what you thought of “Rumble.”

Tune in to The Tomorrow People Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit: Katie Yu/The CW — ©2014 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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