Kenzi in Pink! Review: Lost Girl – “Oh Kappa My Kappa”


Review: Lost Girl, S1 Ep3, “Oh, Kappa, My Kappa”

Air Date: Monday, January 30, 2012, 10/9c on Syfy



You know, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) is a tough and loyal girl. Judging from her goofy victory dance when she finds out Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) has spent the night with Bo (Anna Silk), it’s apparent she’s going to become a mainstay in Bo’s life.

It’s the morning after Dyson’s healing Bo. The glow of the morning sun streams in the windows as they decide to have another go at it. Bo is already healed so there’s no apparent reason for a second go, right? This is one of several clues that these two are really into each other:

Dyson: “Are you OK?”

Bo: “It’s hard to complain. I’m healed in record time because of you. Hey, would sex with any Fae give me this big of a hit?”

Dyson: “Well, I like to think I bring a little something special to the table.”

But both of them are Faes, with Dyson firmly on the Light Fae side, and Bo somewhere in the middle, still undecided if she wants to go Light or Dark. I see why the Faes want her to choose sides, as her reluctance to choose makes her “dangerous.” How can they trust her otherwise?

Seeing that Bo is floundering about without any real purpose, Kenzi, unbeknownst to Bo, advertises Bo’s services as a private investigator. Though Bo is reluctant, she goes along with it. Their first case involves Gina (Nikki Grant), a college student who goes missing. This storyline is so YAWN, and reminds me of a Buffy episode. I’m much more interested in the dynamics of Bo and Dyson’s relationship. There is plenty of interaction between them here, with Dyson aiding Bo as she goes undercover as campus security and Kenzi as a student during sorority rush. Can you picture Kenzi in pink? She’s all black wig and black clothes, and tough as nails, though she really does have a tenderness about her when it comes to Bo. It’s like a protégée being protective of her mentor:

Kenzi (going through the undercover clothes Bo has bought): “Wait, what kind of security guard wears pink?”

Bo: *silent*

An aghast Kenzi: “Oh, no! … I hate you long time. Are you really gonna make me do this?”

I would be remiss if I didn’t explain why I like Kenzi so much. She is probably my favorite character in Lost Girl. Why? Aside from the aforementioned reasons, she’s funny. What could easily be a dark, mirthless show is made light by Kenzi’s dark humor. She has a snappy zinger for every situation (witness her reaction to Bo’s concern that her private investigator ad was all lies: “The truth is for pussies”), and manages to get out of really sticky situations. While looking for the bathroom in the sorority house, the sorority girls catch her snooping around the basement. With the girls standing on the stairs, staring at her intently, she recovers quickly, explaining she has “a bashful bladder.” At a chug-a-lug beer session with the sorority girls, her blonde wig goes askew. The girls ask her, “Is that a wig? Why are you wearing a wig?,” to which Kenzi quickly and gamely replies, “Uhh… psoriasis.”

Kenzi in Pink! Review: Lost Girl - "Oh Kappa My Kappa" 1

Kenzi's (Ksenia Solo) sorority sisters question her wiggy wig.

This scene? Hilarious to the hilt. Not to mention the sight of Kenzi using a Hula-Hoop™, which is a real hoot.

As funny as this is, the episode ends on a dark note. At Trick’s (Rick Howland) behest, Dyson informs Bo he’s always there for her, but that’s all their relationship can be. After seeing Dyson in the back room of the coffeehouse getting hot and heavy with waitress Kaila (Lizz Alexander), Bo is obviously jealous but reluctantly accepts Dyson’s explanation. My question is, what lies is Dyson telling Bo? For the answers, and more, I suggest you keep watching.

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