Haven — “See No Evil” Review. Monkey See. Monkey Shoot. Monkey Taser?



Haven S5 Key Art (featured)Season 5, Episode 1 Season Premiere

Air Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 8/7c on Syfy



“The last 500 years have been torture for me, and the worst part? Being Audrey Parker.” – Mara


After nearly nine months, Haven is back but this is a much darker Haven than we last saw in the season four finale “The Lighthouse.” If you missed all the action last season, catch up with the two-part season finale here – part 1 “When the Bough Breaks” and part 2 “The Lighthouse.” Of note, there are several clues from last season that play a major role in what goes down in the season five premiere, “See No Evil.” And we will definitely see plenty of dastardly deeds happening courtesy of Mara (Emily Rose).

Mara (Emily Rose) isn't in the mood for 20 questions.

Mara (Emily Rose) isn’t in the mood for 20 questions.

Rose plays multiple characters – two of the main ones this season are Mara and Audrey Parker. Is Audrey Parker really gone? Has Mara completely taken over? Over the years, Haven has slowly revealed Audrey Parker isn’t really…well, Audrey Parker. It’s always been Mara who comes back as a new and slightly improved version of herself. She was Sarah, Lucy, Audrey, Lexie, then Audrey again, and now, after the startling revelations of season four, Mara is back, with a vengeance.

If you’re not familiar with the show, there is a mysterious barn Mara (as Sarah, Lucy, Audrey…etc) would go inside—time passes differently inside the barn—but when she comes out, she is someone new and it is 27 years later. The writers of Haven have really kept the mystery alive over the years, keeping us guessing about Audrey and why she returned every 27 years. Based on Stephen King’s novella, The Colorado Kid, the writers have really taken the story lines to another level of weird both last season and now with “See No Evil.”

As I watched “See No Evil,” I was shocked and horrified by Mara’s actions toward some of the townsfolk, especially with what she does to both Dwight (Adam Copeland) and a very confused Nathan (Lucas Bryant). Dwight, consider yourself lucky. Nathan doesn’t fare quite as well. Rose impresses me with her ability to transform the Audrey persona to become the nearly unrecognizable persona of Mara. To say Mara is a bitch, for lack of a better word, is an understatement. Perhaps Mara is just misunderstood? What do you think? Who knows, but after falling in love with the town of Haven and all its inhabitants, I admit I have a love/hate relationship with Mara based on Rose’s portrayal. I truly enjoy the way Rose plays Mara with so much contempt and animosity, with an air of superiority. It’s absolutely dastardly. I love it! But I still miss Audrey.

L-R: Dwight, Nathan, and Duke have their hands full with trying to stop Mara, figure out what this new sewing trouble is, and find Jennifer.

L-R: Nathan and Duke have their hands full with trying to stop Mara and find Jennifer.

More shocking events happen during “See No Evil,” and not everything is Mara’s doing. Even the lighthouse, a fixture of the town, and not to mention the series’ logo, isn’t safe from danger. And not everyone makes it out of the underground cave where they sent William (Colin Ferguson) back through the dimensional portal.

Throughout “See No Evil,” we are given clues about what will come to pass this season. Everyone thinks Mara is causing the latest “trouble,” which involves three stuffed monkeys, but she isn’t stitching anyone up. She’s too busy looking for “thinnies,” or thin spots that are veils between worlds. But if you recall, a certain family curse was reinstated last season…ahem, the Crocker family curse.

Mara also gives us a tidbit of information about what she’s doing in Haven. “I have to continue my work. All these little ‘gifts’ that we’ve given you turned out to be so much better than I could’ve ever imagined, and all the new ones; the new ones are gonna be exactly what I need.” Need? Need for what? Again, Rose delivers this line with such an icy glare, I almost believe Audrey is gone for good…almost.

Haven - Season 5 - See No EvilNathan, Dwight, and Duke (Eric Balfour) aren’t the only ones having a rough time. Vince (Richard Donat) desperately tries to get his wounded brother Dave (John Dunsworth) to the hospital after they emerge miles away from the cave. Strange how everyone – Mara, Nathan, Dwight, Duke, Vince, and Dave – reappears in various locations around Haven after the portal is closed. I think this will be significant in a future episode and may help them locate Jennifer (Emma Lahana).

Why is Mara so desperate to get through one of the “thin spots?” Fortunately, she can’t. Someone is closing the thin spots but who can it be? Maybe the missing Jennifer…or perhaps it’s someone who’s already come out of the cave? Dave sure is having some very strange and vivid dreams while under the morphine drip. Just saying. And for the record, “it’s not black goo; it’s aether.” Thanks Mara; that explains it…nope, doesn’t explain anything. But I’m intrigued nonetheless.


Funny and Memorable Lines

Mara to Nathan: “Oh, you think she’s still in there don’t you? Nope. Not one iota. I have all of her memories though – Lucy, Sarah – so much annoying clutter.”


Dwight to Nathan: “What happens in the cave stays in the cave? … What if Audrey isn’t in there anymore?”


Duke and Nathan talk about Jennifer.

Nathan: “Hey, what happened to her, in the cave? After she shut the door, she collapsed.”

Duke: “I don’t know; she got dizzy. You try operating a supernatural door to another dimension using a vampire novel and a positive attitude!”


Gloria (Jayne Westwood), Haven’s medical examiner, to Dwight: “If you’ve ever wondered who needs more sleep—babies or old people—the answer is old people.”


Dwight learns from Duke that Mara is the cause of all the troubles. Duke also explains he might be the one causing the new stitching trouble.

Dwight: “How many troubles do you have inside you?”

Duke: “Crockers’ been killin’ for a long time.”


Nathan to Mara: “I will always love you, Parker.”


“See No Evil” is a shocking and enthralling season premiere. Haven ups the ante for this season and I’m anxious to learn more. I can’t wait to see what new troubles will be showcased. According to Bryant, he mentions a Freaky Friday type of trouble during our conference call that should be very interesting to see. The cast delivers stellar performances, as always, but something more is going on – some extra oomph and I’m digging it. And for Nathan fans, you need to read this transcript from our conference call with both Lucas Bryant and Emily Rose. He explains a bit about what may become of his character. The mystery continues.

Haven — “See No Evil” Review. Monkey See. Monkey Shoot. Monkey Taser? 1

What did you think of “See No Evil?” Do you have a love/hate thing going on for Mara? Let me know. Leave me a comment or tweet me @judybopp. I’d love to hear from you!


Tune in to Haven, Thursdays at 8/7c on Syfy.

For more on Haven, go to http://www.syfy.com/haven.

Follow the show on Twitter @Syfy, as well as cast members @EmilyroseLA, @EricBalfour, @TheLucasBryant, @davehaven, and @vincehaven. For Eric Balfour fans – follow @EricBalfourfans.

LIKE Haven on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/haven.


Photos ©2014 Syfy, a division of NBC Universal, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Haven — “See No Evil” Review. Monkey See. Monkey Shoot. Monkey Taser? 2

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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