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Family. Review: The Americans – “The Walk In”

Season 2, Episode 3

Airdate: Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 10 pm ET/PT on FX



This war…they’re killing everyone. They’re never gonna stop.” – Elizabeth


Family is once again at the forefront of this week’s installment of The Americans — not only Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip’s (Matthew Rhys) family, but the Connors and Beemans as well. With Elizabeth and Philip away on a mission, Paige (Holly Taylor) takes it upon herself to do more snooping into her mother’s family background. In the meantime, FBI agent Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich) does a little investigating of his own into Bruce Dameran (guest star Erik Jensen), which leads to high praise from the FBI.

Stan the Man

Stan is ready to do what it takes.

There is a reason why Stan is so highly regarded at work; he leaves no stone unturned and always goes the extra mile. This time, his doggedness leads him to uncover the reason for Dameran’s visit to the Rezidentura last week, and saves more than a few world leaders from certain death. No wonder he receives special recognition.

Speaking about Stan, how easily lies role off his tongue when talking to his wife Sandra (Susan Misner). He should be ashamed of himself. Sandra obviously loves Stan and is doing everything she can to make herself a better person, presumably so Stan will pay more attention to her. But, he only has eyes for Nina (Annet Mahendru). Emmerich is so convincing in his role, I almost believe him too. One of these days Sandra is going to find out what’s really happening in their marriage, and I won’t have one ounce of pity for Stan when she divorces him.

The Early Years

The flashback to the Jennings’ early relationship is interesting. How young and naïve they were when compared to the seasoned spies they have become. Elizabeth’s trepidation when she says “I’m ready” to Philip comes clear through the TV screen, making it easy to understand how a young woman in a strange country must feel when trying to make a baby with a stranger. Although young at the time and not ready to be a parent, Elizabeth is now a fierce mother willing to do anything to protect her children.

A Spy with a Heart

I’d be afraid too if I were Derek in that situation.

The Jennings aren’t as ruthless in “The Walk In” as they’ve been in the past. During a mission involving American aircraft propellers, a crowbar-wielding Elizabeth faces Derek (guest star Dave T. Koenig), a worker who obviously feels threatened. It’s a bit humorous when he tries to appeal to her sensitivity as a mother in order to stop her from hurting him. How Elizabeth handles the situation (with Philip’s approval) is indicative of a spy with a heart—something she never would have done before.

A Spy with a Heart, Take 2

Elizabeth dons a disguise when visiting Jared (guest star Owen Campbell), the son of the couple killed in “Comrades,” in an attempt to keep a promise made to his mother, Leanne Connors (guest star Natalie Gold). I don’t blame Elizabeth for not following through. Jared is an American teenager who will be headed to Carnegie-Mellon when he graduates high school; his whole life lies ahead of him. As ruthless as Elizabeth can be, she shows a softer, gentler side in these scenes. The quiet tone of voice, and the manner in which Elizabeth handles Jared speaks to Russell’s incredible acting abilities. I have never seen someone go from callous to tender as quickly and seamlessly as Russell does.


We meet a new character in “The Walk In” who I hope has a recurring role. Paige meets a young girl named Kelli (guest star Lizzy Declement) on a Trailways bus ride to locate the “aunt” Elizabeth was supposedly caring for during her long absence from the family. The two girls have a lot in common, especially when it comes to parents; besides, Paige could use a friend to talk to right about now. During the bus ride, we learn why Paige has been snooping, which surprised me a bit.

When Paige gets to “Aunt Helens” (guest star Kathleen Chalfant), she demonstrates an ability a normal teenager would know nothing about. Does it astound you as much as it did me? The more important question is, however, why does Aunt Helen think Paige is someone named Sally?

Not only is Paige doing a lot of snooping, she’s lying, and it’s refreshing to see how Philip handles it. Too bad modern-day parents don’t deal with their kids the way Philip does. Paige doesn’t learn her lesson though, and I can’t wait to see how Philip handles her when he finds out what she did!

This Week’s Bits of Nostalgia

  • The Tab soda machine that screams “Sugar Free!” on its face
  • The fantastic clothing of the 80s. I wonder how long the costume department had to search for that bra Elizabeth wears in the early flashback
  • Test tube babies, the topic Paige is preparing for in an attempt to win a spot on the Debate Club
  • Peter Gabriel’s “Here Comes the Flood” playing during a pivotal scene

In Sum

Overall, “The Walk In” is a good episode, although not great like this season’s previous two episodes. There’s no intrigue or intense scenes, something I have come to expect from The Americans. I would even venture to say “The Walk In” is a tad boring; nevertheless, I enjoyed the episode anyway. What did you think?

Leave me a comment below or tweet me @SeasideTV after you’ve seen “The Walk In.” I’d love to hear your take on the episode.

Tune in to The Americans Wednesdays at 10:00 pm ET/PT, only on FX.

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All photos © 2014 FX Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved.




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