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Don’t Drink the Beer! Review: Lost Girl – “Original Skin”

Review: Lost Girl, S2 Ep 9, “Original Skin”

Air date: Monday, June 18, 2012, 10/9c on Syfy



After weeks of rather dark episodes, we finally get some humor—and surprising insights into some of the characters on Lost Girl. It was time for a funny episode, though “Original Skin” was hardly light-hearted. The Fae world is serious business, yo.

When is Bo (Anna Silk) going to stop moping over Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried)? She’s stooped so low, she’s seeking solace from a self-help book, “Life, Not Love: Learning to Like Yourself Alone,” for which Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) mocks her. Seeing Kenzi show off her new Alexander McQueen-type shoes and doing a faux “Riverdance” should’ve snapped Bo out of it, but dragging her away from the book to “change into someone else” proved to do the trick. Wasn’t Bo rocking those bangs, looking like a 50s biker chick?

Dyson in Kenzi’s skin

I can’t believe how good you look.”

I can’t believe Lauren (Zoie Palmer) actually says this to Bo. There was a moment where you could almost see a shy, tongue-tied teenager. Has years of working under The Ash emotionally stunted Lauren in some way? Maybe, but I think it’s more attributable to Bo’s ability to enthrall both sexes.

Well, bingo night at the Dal ends up not being so much fun after all. Some Fae creature, Reynard (Aj Jaywar), a psychiatric patient who’s escaped a Dark Fae facility, has injected Gorgon blood into the large beer keg in the basement in an attempt to inhabit people’s bodies and find a way to confront The Ash (Vincent Walsh). What a naughty bugger! What is it with Fae, Light and Dark, invading the Dal when it’s neutral territory? Things will only get messy if they don’t respect the boundaries, although messy is already happening! This sets the stage for some hilarious antics among the team, when everybody’s bodies are switched after Bo escapes Hamistagan (limbo). Meeting the Nain Rouge (Hailey Nault) in Hamistagan was definitely creepy though she means no harm and is only a “Harbinger of Doom.” I was quite impressed with Nault—she infuses her Nain Rouge with an understated sinister quality that actually gave me goose bumps. How much more of her will we see? Hopefully, quite a lot.

I have to give major props to Holden-Ried for making me bust up so hard. With Kenzi inhabiting Dyson’s body, only hilarity could ensue, and it definitely did—with ball grabbing, arm flexing, and trying to make his claws come out, it was all too much: “I got the wolf junk, babe! Oh… check me out!” And slapping his face in a comical move á la The Three Stooges, and doing that goofy cowboy dance? Masterful. Holden-Ried had Kenzi’s mannerisms down pat, which made me think he must’ve put in hours studying her tics. It was also clear how much he enjoyed taking on another character, from his feminine mannerisms to the way he used his voice. That was some damn good acting going on there.

Kenzi revels in her abilities while in Dyson’s skin

And I must comment on Det. Hale (K.C. Collins). Poor guy was saddled with being Ciara (Lina Roessler), who’s already showing her jealousy toward Bo. She may have seen a picture of Dyson and Bo together, but isn’t it obvious he’s not remotely interested in Bo now? Did she expect him to be a monk when she was gone all those years? Come on, sister, get over it. You’ve got to move forward now and not waste anymore years. (Besides, she’s going to lose Dyson eventually so she might as well enjoy the time she has with him now because she’ll suffer later, YEAH!)

Anyhow, Collins did a pretty good job in his scenes with Woods (Michael Cram), the bounty hunter inhabited by Bo. They sort of did these soft, gooey eyes at each other as a means of support. Cram did a good job, too, though his still gruff voice was sort of discombobulating (in amusing way).

Wait, there was something interesting the Nain Rouge said. She calls Bo “Isabeau.” When everyone gets back into their own bodies, Bo asks Trick (Rick Howland) about it but he feigns ignorance. The future she sees is of her killing Trick with her bare hands. She doesn’t tell him this, though. He’s definitely hiding a lot from Bo and doesn’t want to give her more info (or ammunition, as he might be thinking?).

Did your eyes tear up at the last scene between Dyson and Kenzi? Mine sure did. Inhabiting each other’s bodies gave them an intimate knowledge of the other’s feelings. Now that Kenzi has a better understanding of Dyson, she tells him how empty it felt being inside of him, like a big hole. These are things they will only keep between them. That hug felt genuine and heartfelt, aww.

Ciara is uncomfortable in Det. Hale’s skin

Now, we have to keep an eye on what this impending doom will be. I predict a war between the Light and Dark Fae, and Bo being forced to take sides. What’s your take?

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