On December 18, 2013, I had the pleasure of participating in a conference call with Joel McHale and Jim Rash, stars of the NBC hit comedy series, Community.
Following the less than stellar season four, ousted show creator Dan Harmon, was brought back this season thanks, in large part, to Joel McHale. He and Jim are passionate when talking about the upcoming season, and describe the January 2, 2014 season premiere as a “repiloting” of the show.
I don’t remember laughing as much during one of these press calls; the two would often go off on some unrelated rant usually involving Joel’s looks or Jim’s Oscar. I wish you could hear the audio because the transcript just doesn’t do it justice.
While many conference calls give away a few spoilers, this was the first call I have participated in where a studio representative had to cut in and caution the actors and press who had screened several episodes about the major spoilers being tossed around during the call.
Below are my questions, followed by the entire Q&A of the call.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Greg Staffa with Your Entertainment Corner. Please proceed.
Greg Staffa: Thanks for taking my call, gentlemen.
Joel McHale: Hey.
Greg Staffa: The show has had – as we’ve talked about, the show has had its ups and downs. And the hardcore fans have stuck by the show. And now you’re talking about how the season premier is a “re-piloting.” And my question is, how would you explain or how would you encourage someone new to the show to give it a chance when in the past they might have seen commercials or one or two episodes? How is the re-piloting another way to re-engage new fans?
Joel McHale: Well I would say – I mean, the episodes speak for themselves and you don’t have to watch from the beginning to enjoy the show. And you might be a little lost on some of the inside jokes that are made, but – I mean, (unintelligible). But I mean you would have to – you – I think these are some of the best episodes we have ever done, so – I – and I think they stand alone. And that said, I think it’s also the – it’s the job of NBC to keep pumping us out there and put us out there, that this is a, you know, highly enjoyable show. So, if you know, getting – just getting the word out about the show, I think, is important.
Jim Rash: Yes, and I think that, you know, granted you can say “Oh, the idea of a re-pilot is, you know, we’ve got to get new people. We need to expand our audience,” and all the things that you would love for your series with little or no effort. But I think regardless of calling it a re-pilot, it’s not just to add people. It’s also to raise the stakes for our characters.
You know, it’s – Jeff’s already going to a new place with this. You know, where he starts is sort of lower – you know, has hit rock-bottom and this is a whole new world for him. And also just sort of what goes through his mind in the pilot episode alone, about the, you know, his allegiance to the school or not to the school for his own selfish reasons, his, you know, his attachment to these people, to them wanting to come back, for what reasons. I mean, I think it is more than just for new people. It’s really for the fans to see the evolution of these people if the stakes are sort of raised in different ways.
Greg Staffa: Okay. I just have a quick follow-up: you guys have already completed filming for this season, is that correct?
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Greg Staffa: Do you guys then move on to different projects or do you become a fan, or is this something that you’re done with this season, you’re moving on to different things, – how do you approach it? Are you guys Community fans now, like the rest of us? Or is it just another job that’s in the books?
Joel McHale: (Unintelligible) Community was another job you would be devoid of joy or emotions. No, because it’s only 13 weeks, with – we started in August and we ended in early December. I mean, Jim goes off and makes movies and writes movies and wins Oscars, and then I do The Soup and I try to be in movies as much as I can.
And then you really can only hope for it to come back, because I love doing this show. I know that when Community is over, it will be a near-impossible task to duplicate the quality of the show, to be – to go into another show with this sort of quality. So I – you know, I look forward to – I – yes, but I’m – I would say as a fan of the show, I look forward to every year coming back and seeing what, you know, what’s next for us to do as characters.
Jim Rash: Yes, and it’s sort of nice when you – you’re experiencing all of these episodes with the fans at the same time, because we haven’t seen anything completed. You know, we’re going to be seeing it the same way everyone else sees it. And we don’t also have the, you know, the – you sort of don’t have that ability to sort of just hear what the fans are saying as you’re shooting. In other words we’re just going to put it out there and experience it all together. So I think, you know, in that way we’re already huge fans. And I know Joel likes to watch himself, so, I mean, I think, like for him…
Joel McHale: What?
Jim Rash: …he’ll just sit there in front of the TV and then, like, text me and say, like “How great was I in that?”
Joel McHale: Jim also…
Jim Rash: And that’s pretty much him: not just a fan of the show but of himself.
Joel McHale: Jim Rash.
Jim Rash: I’m not going to be shooting movies, I’m going to be hardly doing…
Joel McHale: Jim likes watching himself but that Oscar gets in the way so much because he puts it right…
Jim Rash: No, you know what? In your face: I’m just going to be doing bake sales while we’re off, just tons of bake sales.
Joel McHale: Yes, in the shape of Oscars.
Jim Rash: All right, and next question?
Greg Staffa: Thank you, gentlemen.
Jim Rash: Thank you.
Joel McHale: What’s it like having an Oscar? Go ahead, shoot, Jim.
NBC Universal
December 18, 2013
1:30 pm CT
Operator: Welcome to the Joel McHale and Jim Rash Community press and media call. I would now like to turn the conference over to Leslie with NBC. Please go ahead, ma’am.
Leslie: Hi everybody. Thank you very much for dialing in today. We are very excited to have Joel and Jim Rash with us this morning. And I would love to just turn it over to Joel and Jim to answer your questions so we can get going. Thank you so much.
Jim Rash: Hello everyone.
Joel McHale: Hello.
Jim Rash: Say hello, Joel.
Joel McHale: Hi. That’s how I talk in interviews on the phone because I don’t know how to behave. It’s like a radio play.
Jim Rash: I’ll do the foley stuff.
Joel McHale: So I guess you, Jim and I will just do a little (unintelligible) here now?
Leslie: Do we have a question? I know we have some questions operator.
Operator: Yes, our first question comes from Neil. Please go ahead.
Neil: Hi guys.
Leslie: Neil.
Jim Rash: Hi.
Joel McHale: What’s up, Neil?
Neil: You know, not much. You know, looking from the outside in this has been a very surreal experience. I don’t know if there’s ever been a show with so many behind-the-scenes stories that are almost as fascinating as the actual storylines. What’s it been for you guys kind of inside that bubble? Have there been moments you’ve sat back and said “This is crazy!” or has too much been made out of it?
Joel McHale: Jim, you go first.
Jim Rash: Oh, bless you. What a sweet, sweet gesture. No, I think partly blown out of proportion, in the sense that I think we just sort of – we were that show that has been sort of under the radar for so long in as far as ratings-wise and, you know, we’ve always been blessed to be able to come back. And I think I we never really know where we’re going.
So I feel like the – in a weird way the drama sort of kept us out there in the – what was that?
Joel McHale: No I said “Yes.” I agree with you, Jim.
Jim Rash: Yes, that just sort of kept us out there. You know, it was sort of like our drama behind the stage was sort of keeping Community sort of on people’s minds outside of fans, I guess.
Joel McHale: Yes. And I would say that, you know, especially this year with Dan back the material has been – I mean, the scripts have been so great that it becomes, you know, with all the things that have happened with the show, when the material’s so good you kind of forget about that stuff. And, you know, last year was kind of the crazy year, and – but now that Dan is back it’s like, you know, the monarchy has been restored and things are as they should be. So in that sense, it – I’ve – the sense of relief that I’ve had this year has been tremendous.
Neil: That being said, you know, last season took a lot of hits. I actually thought it was pretty good. I’m wondering in reflection did it really feel like it was creatively missing something? Or do you think it kind of took some unfair knocks?
Jim Rash: Well, I feel you can’t help but feel – you can’t not have Dan’s mind and the creator’s mind and not feel that there’s some kind of difference. I mean, I think that as great as a task that was before them and as great as these writers were that we’ve had over all of our seasons, you know, the math’s fantastic but Dan’s brain you can’t sort of replicate and sort of his vision.
I think it’s, you know, part of the whole staff is sort of to sort of go into that vision and help service it. But without him you don’t really have your sort of guide through that. And so, while there was so many things that were so already created by the first three seasons as far as the depth of the characters, the world, how things work, how it operates, how it can be both fantastical but at the same time character-grounded, those things are all there. But without somebody who has this sort of approach to make it so dense and deep with layers, you know, it’s difficult. It’s a Herculean task that, you know, I certainly wouldn’t want to take on. But I think we did our best, you know?
Joel McHale: Yes and, you know, like a show like Breaking Bad or Arrested Development, you need that kind of ‘where it comes from’ one place, like Dan – that would be Dan or Mitch Hurwitz or (unintelligible) again. And there was some great – some really good stuff last year but it did not have the direction that most – that the other seasons had.
Neil: Got you. Happy holidays to both of you.
Jim Rash: Yes, you too.
Joel McHale: Thanks a lot.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line Will. Please proceed, your line’s now open.
Will: Hey guys. Good talking to you.
Jim Rash: Hey.
Joel McHale: Hey, what’s up?
Will: Nothing much. You know, you guys have got an absurd number of great guest stars for this new season. I’m curious first of all which of the bunch were the most fun to work with, but I’m also wondering if you ever felt that there were so many that it kind of distracted from the core ensemble of the show?
Joel McHale: No, not at all. I think there would – no, I would say it only supported it. And I think the…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: …guest stars, because Dan’s writing is so terrific, he – even though there are a lot of guest stars, he doesn’t fall into that trap of – at all, even, not even near the trap of people start using guest stars to make up for storytelling. And all they – all these guest stars only absolutely support and enhance it. And I think the – our guest stores are so creative, like Vince Gilligan and Mitch Hurwitz and Chris Elliot and Paul Williams – I mean, talk about a crazy group of people, included Gina Gershon and the incredible, beautiful, lovely Bree Larson. It just – it’s – I think it’s some of the most – I think it’s the most creative guest stars of the last, I don’t know, I’m going to go with the last 100 years of television.
Jim Rash: 100 years, Joel?
Joel McHale: I don’t care.
Jim Rash: That’s amazing.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Jim Rash: I would agree. I don’t need to add to that.
Will: Do you have any particular favorites of the bunch to work with?
Jim Rash: Well, Gilligan has the most probably interaction with the largest bunch. What was yours?
Joel McHale: Yes, I didn’t get to – it is – I will say it’s hard to choose a favorite. They all were – I didn’t get to work with Vince Gilligan, but they all really – and, you know, I’m not trying to be diplomatic here. I will say that Mitch Hurwitz made me – Mitch Hurwitz and Chris Elliot…
Leslie: (unintelligible).
Joel McHale: …and – Steve – excuse me, Walton Goggins, thank you, Leslie, geeze Louise. They all – I mean, boy, it’s hard to – as you can see, I’m stammering, because it’s really hard – it’s like picking amongst your children. You know, the ones that you…
Jim Rash: It’s the “Sophie’s Choice” of guest stars, guys.
Joel McHale: So it – so I – so to answer your question, no. I’m not – I can’t pick one.
Jim Rash: Oh my god, Joel. You got so angry.
Joel McHale: So pissed.
Will: I’m very sorry and I hope you can still enjoy your Christmas.
Jim Rash: Yes we will, thank you.
Joel McHale: Okay.
Will: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question will come from the line of Amy. Please proceed, your line’s now open.
Amy: Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today.
Joel McHale: Absolutely.
Amy: I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about how they decided to deal with Pierce’s character this season. I thought the episode was really funny, but I was just letting up to get you guys’ take on that decision, how they decided to write his character off?
Joel McHale: Go ahead.
Jim Rash: Well, I mean, you know, I – as far as, like, why, you know, it’s like without – you – without the – with the departure of Chevy from the show, I think that was a way to sort of service both how he affected the study group – the character of Pierce – and how they would move forward from this moment. You know, and I think that it’s always difficult when, you know, a transition period happens. Obviously, you know, five episodes in with we deal with the transition of Troy leaving the school.
But I think it’s about passage of time and, you know, it’s the same thing as deciding that all the fourth season had happened the way it happened and then use the replications – and the ramifications of the choices made there into the fifth season. So I think it was sort of approaching it from the growth of the characters and what it meant for them and the impact of a singular guy on the rest of them. Same thing that will be dealt with the Troy departure.
Joel McHale: Yes, I think, you know, there was a lot of – from season four there was a lot of unanswered questions. And Pierce’s departure was kind of abrupt and it needed to be addressed. And it would have been easy for Dan to say everything was a dream upon his return. But the way he handled it was masterful. And it really answered all the questions that I think fans would have – or have and will – and had after it’s appeared. So – and I think, you know, you’ve seen the whole thing, yes?
Amy: Yes, well the first three. I’ve seen that whole episode, yes.
Joel McHale: Yes, I mean, that – the ending scene with Walton Goggins is one of the best scenes we’ve ever done, I think.
Amy: It’s so fun, right?
Joel McHale: Walton is so funny and it’s such an incredibly great reveal of how he died. I mean, I – when that – it was like — when I read that, I mean, I stood up and screamed “Touchdown!” And it just dealt with it so well. And on top of that, you know, Dan called the first episode as a re-piloting as he calls it, and I think the second episode is a re-establishing the grounding of – the grounds-ness, I guess you could say, of the characters.
And so that episode is a bottle episode except for the tag scene…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: …and I just think we learned so much about everybody through Pierce’s death and I just – you know, it was just perfectly run and perfectly executed. And that episode – it’s just – it just cooks, so I’m really excited for people to watch it at 8:30, January 2nd on NBC.
Leslie: It’s actually 8:00.
Joel McHale: No, that one’s the second episode.
Leslie: Oh yes, you’re right. I apologize.
Joel McHale: Come on, do your job.
Leslie: Sorry.
Amy: And I was just going to ask you guys, you know, we’ve talked a little bit about kind of all the behind-the-scenes stuff but just personally, how does it feel to be in this season as you have filmed this season? Did you ever kind of – was there a point where you thought this would not be possible and you would not be back on-set and doing this show again?
Jim Rash: I feel like that’s always – at the end of each year we have that little emotional “Will we be back?” you know, process through our mind. But I think that this whole year was just sort of – it felt like a gift. It felt like you were being handed material that was just – I would argue some of the best of the – all the seasons. You know, and I feel like the growth of this year for all the characters and for Community in general is pretty paramount. You know, in the sense that we really went very far as far as hitting big sort of epic episodes, but also really paying homage to these characters that we started with, you know, five years ago.
Joel McHale: Yes, I’d say as Jim just said it’s seemed – it always seems like every season we don’t know if we’re coming back. And if we don’t have that feeling then I don’t know what it would be like.
Jim Rash: It would feel weird.
Joel McHale: Yes. I…
Jim Rash: It would feel almost anti-Community if we had – if we were assured of anything. Sort of a…
Joel McHale: Yes, imagine if we were…
Jim Rash: What was that?
Joel McHale: I was like imagine if we were on the Big Bang Theory, where we like “We can do this until we’re 60 if we want.”
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: And so yes…
Jim Rash: It just seems fitting…
Joel McHale: …everything…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Amy: Awesome. Thank you guys so much: I really appreciate it.
Joel McHale: Thank you.
Jim Rash: Sure thing.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Keith. Please proceed: your line’s now open.
Keith: Hey gentlemen. Nice to hear from you both.
Joel McHale: Hey, what’s up?
Jim Rash: Yes, hello.
Keith: Yes, I was just big fans of you both and of the show. Excited for it coming back. I was wondering if I could ask each of you a bit about the developments of your individual characters for this season. Joel, over the last four years you’ve seen Jeff really come to into his own as being a much more dimensional person. And last year especially we saw him leave Greendale and resolve issues with his father. With this season, with him coming back as a teacher I was wondering what Dan really wanted to accomplish in helping him to mature once more as a person. And also I was wondering how his relationship with the rest of the cast is affected with his new position of sort of authority?
Joel McHale: All very good questions. I would say that this year, Jeff – that my character because of – now he’s a professor, he is once again somewhat destabilized. And his immaturities are exposed, a whole new set of them. And I think there was a number of things that kind of got taken care of last year, and those things – they’re not things that just get kind of wrapped up.
And they’ve driven – they’re – as people in real life, people do – are able to overcome some things, but they always have to – you know, it’s not something like, “Well, that was done and now I’m fixed.” It’s more like you are constantly finding new kind of things to fix and hopefully make you – hopefully make that person healthier. But Jeff is – you know, he’s got to – he’s had years of selfishness. And a bunch of that, I think, gets – you know, is exposed this year. And it was very fun to play.
But there’s no doubt, though, that he loves this study group. And he has to really comes to terms with how he feels about the school ultimately. And I think Dan just absolutely lays those things out well for Jeff to have to deal with and as an actor was really fun to deal with.
Keith: Now Jim, I haven’t seen the episodes themselves. In the promos the Dean seemed extremely excited to see Jeff once more. I was wondering if there were – if you thought there were any plans for the two of them to develop and grow together as characters and what Dean’s growth might be for this season or how he might progress further into character?
Jim Rash: Well I think this year, you know, much like the re-pilot sort of thing, I think one of the things that we get back to a little bit with season five is that, you know, is that authority figure side of the Dean. You know, although he’s well-intentioned and makes huge mistakes, he does love the school. So I think he’s obviously giddy that Jeff is back, both as an entity but also in the idea of helping save the school, which is once again in jeopardy. And continues to be: I think it’s in a constant state of ‘in jeopardy.’
And this year definitely leads up to sort of something big in the sense of what the – the loss that the Dean would feel with the school not being around or these, you know, people not being around him, which he has sort of folded into their family by force. And I think you just sort of continue to see – I mean, obviously the fascination with Jeff continues and will continue, I’m sure.
Joel McHale: Yes, you’re not going to – can you believe that?
Jim Rash: Yes. It’s still there. That’s actually, I think, a request of Joel, I think that Dan was not sure about it. And then Joel said “I really want the Dean to still be obsessed with Jeff.” And I was like “I can go either way.” And Joel just keeps pushing that agenda.
Joel McHale: I will punch you…
Jim Rash: That’s correct, right Joel?
Joel McHale: I don’t know where you’re getting this. But it’s weird to me…
Jim Rash: I’m getting it from a place called “Reality.” It’s a file I have right here.
Joel McHale: Listen, it’s weird to me that you constantly were like, “I think the Dean needs to win an Oscar this year and he needs to show it to everyone.”
Jim Rash: Hey, these – I’m just spitballing ideas, man.
Joel McHale: Oh, now you’re – yes. Okay, sure. The Dean makes an independent film that everybody sees (unintelligible).
Jim Rash: That didn’t go over well.
Joel McHale: Oh sure.
Jim Rash: It did not go over well. Anyway, that’s – I think it’s getting back to being an authority figure, to segue back to what I was saying.
Keith: Do you think that he’s – do you think the Dean is at his happiest when Jeff is around with him to obsess over? Or do you think there’s something, somewhere that he can progress in a life independent of Jeff Winger’s character?
Jim Rash: Say that one more time? Sorry.
Keith: I’m sorry about that. Do you think he’s at his happiest when he’s obsessing Jeff, or that there’s a way that he can progress with his life independent of the Winger?
Jim Rash: Well, I think involvement with Jeff and the study group is something that is where he’s at his happiest, to just be included. And I think that just goes to speak to him as a person. I think that he probably has a need there that is not fulfilled yet.
And of course these unlucky few who decided on that study room table became sort of the focus. You know, I think – you know, early – in season three I even established that I told them about danger – about the fire before I told anybody else. You know, it’s sort of, like, by default they have become – I am forcing my way into their family. So I think he is happiest when he is included, whether by his own doing or they actually let him in.
Keith: Thank you both so much. I appreciate it quite a lot.
Jim Rash: Yes, thank you.
Joel McHale: Wish you the best.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Rebecca. Please proceed.
Rebecca: Good afternoon. My question is actually for Jim.
Jim Rash: Oh good.
Rebecca: Being that you are an Oscar winner, do you ever, like, feel the urge – I know you’ve written one episode before. But do you feel the urge to write more?
Jim Rash: No. I mean, I had such a great time, you know, being allowed to write last year and was proud to be a part of at least the Community history. But, you know, to be honest it’s like I’m already envious of the stuff we sat down to read this year. You know, I feel like Dan’s brain, Chris McKenna’s brain and the brains that they have hired are – you know, it’s – I’m always in awe of that. You know, and I think that I would probably do some bad imitation of it if I even attempted. So I sort of enjoy the road they take us on. In other words, they don’t need my bald head.
Rebecca: Well, for – and for both of you: do you always stick to the script?
Joel McHale: Oh yes.
Jim Rash: I think for the most part, yes. I think I would say 99 point something percent of the time we’re just doing Dan’s and Chris’s and the writer’s words. Wouldn’t you say, Joel?
Joel McHale: There’s this – yes, there’s this weird thing where people, like, “Do you guys just kind of make it up as you go along?” And I’m not sure why. I guess there’s a lot of that. But no, I mean, Dan’s is not an improvised comedy, and Dan’s – all the stuff that Dan is saying in every episode, they’re very deliberate parts of the train-track that is being laid down to get to the end of this season.
So I – it’s – in this – I know this is going to sound really grandiose but it’s as specific as, you know, Shakespeare was with his words, where there’s really nothing – I don’t think there’s – there’s nothing that’s left for – you know, there’s no excess. And so anyway, so yes – no, there’s not much improvising going on. But as you can see from the performances, they look like they’re improvised because the actors are so damn good.
Rebecca: Definitely, great. Thanks you guys.
Jim Rash: Absolutely, thanks.
Joel McHale: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Jessica. Please proceed.
Jessica: Hey, Human Beings.
Joel McHale: Hello.
Jessica: Can you guys talk a little bit about the costumes or lack of costumes or unusual accessories in one of the first new episodes that we’ll see?
Jim Rash: Whoa.
Joel McHale: Say that again one more time? Say one more time?
Jessica: Can you talk about one of the many costumes, lack of costumes or accessories that they’ve put you in to wear this season?
Joel McHale: Have you seen any of the episodes yet?
Jessica: I have.
Joel McHale: Okay.
Jim Rash: Well…
Joel McHale: Go ahead, Jim.
Jim Rash: You go, Joel.
Joel McHale: Well as you know I dress in a different outfit for – no, I – there is, you know, from – oh boy. As you – I mean, all I can really say is kind of generally is that, you know, our – the show goes in so – has such a big world and can go so many different places. And there’s one episode in particular, the one that Mitch Hurwitz is in, that kind of goes the furthest. And I don’t know how much I can say, just saying that when you tune in you will not really believe that this is a half-hour comedy. So that’s kind of in general.
Jim Rash: Yes, I mean, I think the wonderful thing about this place – with Community is that with each genre-shifting moment, you know, we live in a world where these costumes appear on our cast. And this other world is developed within minutes. I mean, it goes back to paintball: you know, in what was maybe a two hour period anarchy had it.
And this year I think we go into all types of interesting worlds. For me, I just get down to ugly white undies and I wear the same pair of shoes as the Dean every day. I mean, I have one pair of shoes. They are – maybe cost a dollar to make. Joel, I’m sure, is super-envious.
Joel McHale: I am.
Jim Rash: My clothes are all highly flammable. So I’m like the most unsafe person on the set. I mean, I literally am a walking disaster of a bomb just…
Joel McHale: Yes.
Jim Rash: …ready to ignite. We did – you know, it’s a little less “costumes for the Dean” this year. There are a couple little ones here – peppered here and there. But I think that, you know, part of the re-pilot was to sort of make sure that none of us were just a one-sentence character, which we never were in the very beginning or throughout the series.
But, you know, it’s nice to remind ourselves that we’re all one thing. You know, we did a lot of costumes last year. So I think that while I have a couple little things here and there, it’s nice. I get to wear those dollar shoes.
Jessica: I love it. And you guys – you have so many cool guest stars. We talked about that. I’m wondering, can you give me like three names of people that you are pretty sure you couldn’t ever get on the show?
Jim Rash: Couldn’t?
Jessica: Yes, couldn’t.
Jim Rash: I think we’ll never get Gene Hackman.
Joel McHale: No.
Jim Rash: He won’t come out of retirement for us. Who else won’t we get?
Joel McHale: Basil Rathbone, probably because he’s dead.
Jessica: Good point.
Jim Rash: And…
Joel McHale: We’ll never get Nathan Fillion, I’ll tell you that.
Jessica: Oh, you might. (Unintelligible). Okay, well I love you guys. And thanks so much.
Jim Rash: Thank you.
Joel McHale: (Unintelligible) you know, we’ll never get a live killer whale, I know that.
Jim Rash: No, let’s hope not. Yes.
Jessica: Let’s dream.
Joel McHale: Yes. Sweet, all right. Well I guess that we ended – stop talking.
Jim Rash: Yes, let’s segue out.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Nicholas. Please proceed.
Joel McHale: Hello, Nicholas.
Nicholas: Hey guys, how are you? Oh hey, wow. I didn’t think I’d have, like, my whole name said out like that. That’s fantastic.
Joel McHale: Nicholas (Tyberius) Roman.
Jim Rash: Wow, perfect.
Nicholas: I’ll take it. Awesome. With – all right, so with the departure of Chevy and the reduced role of Donald Glover, has the chemistry kind of changed between the cast? And if so, has Dan Harmon’s return as showrunner sort of offset that burden?
Jim Rash: I would say the – both those absences have – and Troy’s departure – only sort of – not so much changed, but sort of – I mean, it’s the same sort of word, but evolved sort of the human – I mean, the study group’s connections. You know, it’s particularly – you get to figure out what Abed is without Troy. And I think they do a very good job of watching this guy transition into the next chapter of his life without his best friend.
And I think – the same thing with Pierce’s absence and having, you know, other characters complete the study room table. And as the study room table becomes a whole other entity, I think it really speaks to the idea of the evolution of a series, that the rules keep getting changed on us, but – which is very much like reality. And people adjust.
And so I feel like, if anything, it always opens up new doors when something happens like the death of someone or the – you know, the departure of someone. It only helps to sort of explore what happens when that happens to Jeff’s character and, you know, Britta and all these characters? So I feel like that’s always sort of a wealth of great change for a series.
Joel McHale: Yes, and Dan doesn’t shy away from those things and he never has.
Jim Rash: No.
Joel McHale: Just like when, you know, like when Britta and Jeff had the – you know, it was like the first season or second season – you know, through the first season it was like “Will they? Won’t they?” And Dan goes “Oh they will, and they have been for a year.”
And I – it’s the same way with, you know, Pierce’s departure. His death – and people die in real life. And people have to deal with it.
Jim Rash: Wait, what?
Joel McHale: I know you aren’t – okay, Jim, they don’t just go to a happy place where their body is put into a closet for a while and then they come back later.
Jim Rash: You are lying. We all become cartoons. (Unintelligible).
Joel McHale: Okay, I’m just making this up then. No, but…
Jim Rash: (Unintelligible).
Joel McHale: …Dan will just go headlong into those things. And I will say – and I’ll talk about Jonathan Banks here for a minute. Jonathan Banks’ presence in this show is just absolutely, out-of-this-world tremendous and he is such a fine – not only is he such an incredibly – he’s an incredible actor, he is really funny. And, you know, it’s just a whole different wonderful vibe. And you’ll see how – and you’ve already seen in these first two episodes how he just – you know, his character just sings through this thing. And I didn’t mention him with the guest stars, because I count him as a series regular than a guest star earlier.
And then with Troy’s departure, as Jim just said you will see how – you thought that Danny Pudi was awesome before. He is incredible with being this character that is socially different than everybody but is dealing with these big, heavy emotions. And boy, does he do it in a way – I mean, he’s just incredible.
Nicholas: Well that’s all I’ve got, but thank you for answering.
Jim Rash: Thank you.
Joel McHale: Yes, thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Greg Staffa with Your Entertainment Corner. Please proceed.
Greg Staffa: Thanks for taking my call, gentlemen.
Joel McHale: Hey.
Greg Staffa: The show has had – as we’ve talked about, the show has had its ups and downs. And the hardcore fans have stuck by the show. And now you’re talking about how the season premier is a “re-piloting.” And my question is, how would you explain or how would you encourage someone new to the show to give it a chance when in the past they might have seen commercials or one or two episodes? How is the re-piloting another way to re-engage new fans?
Joel McHale: Well I would say – I mean, the episodes speak for themselves and you don’t have to watch from the beginning to enjoy the show. And you might be a little lost on some of the inside jokes that are made, but – I mean, (unintelligible). But I mean you would have to – you – I think these are some of the best episodes we have ever done, so – I – and I think they stand alone. And that said, I think it’s also the – it’s the job of NBC to keep pumping us out there and put us out there, that this is a, you know, highly enjoyable show. So, if you know, getting – just getting the word out about the show, I think, is important.
Jim Rash: Yes, and I think that, you know, granted you can say “Oh, the idea of a re-pilot is, you know, we’ve got to get new people. We need to expand our audience,” and all the things that you would love for your series with little or no effort. But I think regardless of calling it a re-pilot, it’s not just to add people. It’s also to raise the stakes for our characters.
You know, it’s – Jeff’s already going to a new place with this. You know, where he starts is sort of lower – you know, has hit rock-bottom and this is a whole new world for him. And also just sort of what goes through his mind in the pilot episode alone, about the, you know, his allegiance to the school or not to the school for his own selfish reasons, his, you know, his attachment to these people, to them wanting to come back, for what reasons. I mean, I think it is more than just for new people. It’s really for the fans to see the evolution of these people if the stakes are sort of raised in different ways.
Greg Staffa: Okay. I just have a quick follow-up: you guys have already completed filming for this season, is that correct?
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Greg Staffa: Do you guys then move on to different projects or do you become a fan, or is this something that you’re done with this season, you’re moving on to different things, or – how do you approach it? Are you guys Community fans now, like the rest of us? Or is it just another job that’s in the books?
Joel McHale: (Unintelligible) Community was another job you would be devoid of joy or emotions. No, because it’s only 13 weeks, with – we started in August and we ended in early December. I mean, Jim goes off and makes movies and writes movies and wins Oscars, and then I do The Soup and I try to be in movies as much as I can.
And then you really can only hope for it to come back, because I love doing this show. I know that when Community is over, it will be a near-impossible task to duplicate the quality of the show, to be – to go into another show with this sort of quality. So I – you know, I look forward to – I – yes, but I’m – I would say as a fan of the show, I look forward to every year coming back and seeing what, you know, what’s next for us to do as characters.
Jim Rash: Yes, and it’s sort of nice when you – you’re experiencing all of these episodes with the fans at the same time, because we haven’t seen anything completed. You know, we’re going to be seeing it the same way everyone else sees it. And we don’t also have the, you know, the – you sort of don’t have that ability to sort of just hear what the fans are saying as you’re shooting. In other words we’re just going to put it out there and experience it all together. So I think, you know, in that way we’re already huge fans. And I know Joel likes to watch himself, so, I mean, I think, like for him…
Joel McHale: What?
Jim Rash: …he’ll just sit there in front of the TV and then, like, text me and say, like “How great was I in that?”
Joel McHale: Jim also…
Jim Rash: And that’s pretty much him: not just a fan of the show but of himself.
Joel McHale: Jim Rash.
Jim Rash: I’m not going to be shooting movies, I’m going to be hardly doing…
Joel McHale: Jim likes watching himself but that Oscar gets in the way so much because he puts it right…
Jim Rash: No, you know what? In your face: I’m just going to be doing bake sales while we’re off, just tons of bake sales.
Joel McHale: Yes, in the shape of Oscars.
Jim Rash: All right, and next question?
Greg Staffa: Thank you, gentlemen.
Jim Rash: Thank you.
Joel McHale: What’s it like having an Oscar? Go ahead, shoot, Jim.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jay. Please proceed.
Jay: Hey guys, nice to talk to you again.
Joel McHale: Hey man.
Jay: Jim, I actually met with you in New York this summer when the way, way back was coming in. I mean, of course…
Jim Rash: Oh yes.
Jay: …like Joel said he’s also doing some other movies with – you’ve got some things with Robin Williams and Eric Bana coming up. Between you guys work with the show and your film work and also a little bit of TV hosting and everything, how do you juggle all that stuff? And do you ever get to sleep?
Jim Rash: Well I’ll let you go, Joel, because I don’t think you do sleep.
Joel McHale: I don’t. Especially last, because my dog two night ago – or two days ago had his – he got his – he got neutered. So he’s been whimpering a lot and that’s been this great – no. Well, it’s a – it’s always different every week. And it – I don’t necessarily have the balance down right. My major goal is to see my wife and children as much as possible. And then, you know, Jim always wants to get on the phone and talk about his Oscar, which takes up about two or three hours.
Jim Rash: Yes, or Joel – yes, Joel just wants to get on the phone and talk about…
Joel McHale: Think of it.
Jim Rash: …no, I’m…
Leslie: His muscles?
Jim Rash: No, I’m not saying that. Leslie, mind your business.
Leslie: Sorry.
Joel McHale: No, it’s not – so I count myself as incredibly blessed, because I get to work. And I remember a lot of time before I got The Soup or Community where I spent most of my time not working and trying to get it. So to have it is a huge blessing. And once I work out – if I ever get the balance I’ll be very happy. But I haven’t yet. But believe me, I’m – I skipped – working on Community I skip to the set each day. And it’s – for as long as…
Jim Rash: He literally – he’s being honest, he literally skips to work.
Joel McHale: Literally.
Jim Rash: It’s one of the more sad visuals I’ve ever seen.
Joel McHale: Jim can’t skip, because he’s got his Oscar in his back pocket.
Jim Rash: You know what? That’s not even funny, because I’ve had some weird surgery that gives me the inability to skip. That’s – oh, how offensive.
Joel McHale: So tell me right now without pause what your weird surgery is.
Jim Rash: The weird surgery was I wasn’t sure if you need ankles and I got them removed. And that was wrong: you do need ankles. They put them back and now I can’t skip. In your face.
Joel McHale: You sound like an idiot in your face.
Jim Rash: No, I…
Joel McHale: What an idiot, an Oscar winner guy who doesn’t think you need to have ankles. In your face.
Jim Rash: That was my journey.
Joel McHale: Idiot journey.
Jay: Now over the years…
Jim Rash: Next question.
Jay: …the series has had some classic sort of ‘theme’ episodes: the paintball episode, the video game episode, the Law and Order episode. Can we look forward to any of those this year? And do you guys have sort of an ideal fantasy type of theme episode that you’d love to do for Community?
Jim Rash: Did you say – I’m sorry, did you say Dean episode or just theme episode.
Jay: Theme, theme episode.
Jim Rash: Theme, you said theme. Oh, I made it about myself for two seconds. I apologize.
Jay: That’s quite all right.
Jim Rash: Theme episode. Well, you definitely get some this year. I mean, as far as sort of the fantastical side and, you know, the school being overtaken with a genre, so to speak, without losing its characters. That you get for sure (unintelligible) , we definitely sort of do a – if we can talk about these things, I don’t know. But, you know, we do – we hit upon some David Fincher worlds and we do all types of stuff.
Joel McHale: There’s another D&D episode, I don’t know if I can say that. Leslie, you can tell me – you’re the one.
Leslie: Yes, we’ve already kind of put it out there that it’s coming.
Jim Rash: Okay.
Joel McHale: There is an homage to Logan’s Run.
Jay: Okay.
Joel McHale: If I can say that, but I’m saying it. And I don’t know what’s going to happen if I do. And then we do a shot-by-shot – a shot-by-shot redo of the movie – what is it, it’s that “Blue is the Grayest Color” or whatever it is? Very sexual.
Jim Rash: Yes. It’s like our own “50 Shades.” It’s just a lot of nudity.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Jim Rash: A lot of pixilation.
Joel McHale: We also are doing a live “Sound of Music.”
Jay: Okay, great.
Jim Rash: Oh, I wish.
Jay: All right. Thanks, guys.
Joel McHale: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Rosalyn. Please proceed.
Rosalyn: Hi guys. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.
Joel McHale: Of course.
Rosalyn: One of the things I was realizing when I started watching episodes is – or thinking about, is does Jeff have a similar trajectory to Chang from the first season? Or is that asking too much?
Jim Rash: From which season?
Rosalyn: From the first season. Like sort of watching Chang sort of downfall in being that teacher that we respect to being that guy that no-one wants to pay attention to?
Joel McHale: You respect Chang as a teacher in your first – in the first season?
Rosalyn: Maybe a little bit. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Joel McHale: Then you’re an insane person.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: He was out of his mind as a teacher.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: (Unintelligible). You really like abuse.
Rosalyn: I actually am a teacher, so kind of.
Joel McHale: Wait, you like abusing your children? What?
Jim Rash: What’s happening?
Joel McHale: We’ve exposed a crime, Jim.
Jim Rash: What do you think – I think, Joel, you have more of an upward climb, wouldn’t you say?
Joel McHale: Yes, I would say no. Chang is – he is referenced a couple times. He’s like “Maybe I’m just insane and out of mind.” Still, I would say that it’s a completely different path and Jeff has all sorts of insecurities and deficiencies from building up walls around him from trying to act cool and be cool and always overconfident. And so, yes, he’s – I’d say he’s on a completely different path, I would say.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Rosalyn: Oh, okay. And then I’ve been a fan and I’ve attended a couple of Community cons. How excited are you guys for the fans to see 503 with the homage to a certain other actor? Without giving away who it is.
Joel McHale: I’m very – well, I’m very excited. And have you seen it already?
Rosalyn: Yes, no, it’s the last one that they sent out with the screeners, so.
Joel McHale: Yes, as you know how funny it is and I don’t want to ruin it for the people who haven’t seen it, so, you know, it was more – you know, it was one of those things where I’m always – every time I read these scripts that are, you know, our table reads I’m like “Holy crap, he did it again.” And he just – Dan just knows – he just knows, man.
And I can’t even – yes, that’s why Dan is Dan. And he’s got this whole world in his brain. And I think it’s just so fun, because if you look at some of the things that are said about this actor and what it is, a lot of them are very true and are actual analysis, which is hilarious.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Rosalyn: All right. Thank you guys so much, and have a good holiday.
Joel McHale: Thank you.
Jim Rash: Yes, thanks. You too.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Fabiano. Please proceed.
Fabian: Hi guys. It’s so nice to talk with you today. My question is: you’ve released some really cool holidays in the past. I know you’re debuting in the mid-season this year. Can we expect to see any holiday episodes?
Joel McHale: Yes, there’s an Arbor Day…
Jim Rash: We’re hitting all the big ones: Easter…
Joel McHale: Yes, National Secretary’s Day, bring your kid to work day…
Jim Rash: May Day play day.
Joel McHale: Yes. Then we celebrate all the Slovenian holidays.
Jim Rash: Which I was surprised how fun they were.
Joel McHale: Fun and I didn’t realize that you could have two holidays a day. And they – in that country they have over 380.
Jim Rash: I know, like let’s move there. I think – in the seriousness, no. We tried to stay on our calendar this year. Isn’t that right, Joel?
Joel McHale: Yes. And, you know, last year there was a ton of holidays…
Fabian: Yes.
Joel McHale: …and so you’ll see as Dan said, it’s a re-piloting of the show and a re-establishing of the characters. And, you know, and you’ll see how, I mean – and Community lives because the characters are I believe incredibly grounded. And then that means that when that happens that the world can go crazy…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Fabian: Right.
Joel McHale: Or just go way out there, and that’s – and you will see that in spades this year.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Fabian: And to kind of follow up on an earlier question, is there an episode that you guys that are particularly excited for the fans to see this season?
Joel McHale: That’s hard.
Jim Rash: That’s tough, because there are probably many. Because I think we have ones that are sort of – I think – I personally think only because I wasn’t associated the first D&D round, very excited that I got to be part of the D&D redub – excuse me, D&D two, I guess…
Fabian: Right.
Jim Rash: …because I feel like, you know, that was where Dan and them want to always, like, go further, you know, than we went the first time. And I think they do and that in particular and I am – what about you, Joel?
Joel McHale: I am just – well, it’s – again, as you just kind of said, Jim, it’s hard for me to pick out – I’m – I am truly excited about all of it. The thing that I am excited for people’s reaction to is there is a – in the Logan’s Run homage there is one scene in particular that involves choreography that might be the most insane – it’s definitely the most insane piece of television I’ve ever been a part of. And it – I’m so excited – I don’t know what people are going to even think for the – I’m just excited to see what people’s reactions are to it, because it’s so wonderfully out there.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Fabian: Sounds awesome. Thanks you guys so much. And have a great holiday.
Jim Rash: You too.
Joel McHale: Thank you.
Leslie: So we have just a couple more questions left. Are you all good to stay on a few more minutes, Joel and Jim?
Joel McHale: Yes.
Jim Rash: It’s cool. A couple more minutes, yes.
Operator: All right, then. Our next question comes from the line of Shannon. Please proceed.
Shannon: Hi guys. Thanks for taking our calls today.
Jim Rash: Of course.
Shannon: They’ve asked a lot of really great questions and stuff about character development and I’m really interested in all that. But I really want to ask you what the people really want to know.
Jim Rash: Uh-oh.
Shannon: Is Joel going to be in his underwear this season?
Jim Rash: Joel, I’ll let you take that one because I don’t think I – I don’t know if I could keep my lunch down.
Joel McHale: Oh. Let’s – well, yes. Because, you know, the Dean wouldn’t be into that. And so…
Jim Rash: I’m not talking. I’m talking as myself. Go ahead.
Joel McHale: …this is the first time in network television history that I spend an entire episode full-frontal.
Shannon: Wow.
Joel McHale: You believe me?
Shannon: No.
Joel McHale: Okay good, you don’t believe me.
Shannon: No, of course not.
Joel McHale: I – there are a number of – that’s one of the reasons that I have to go to the gym so often, is out of paranoia that I won’t appear well on screen. So yes, there – I am pretty exposed, yes. I would say there’s a lot of exposure.
Jim Rash: Well, I mean the good thing about it is that, you know, when they have to – when he does have to take his shirt off or go to his underwear and, you know, his body wasn’t where it needs to be…
Joel McHale: What?
Jim Rash: …we have the technology to sort of make it better? You know what I’m saying? It’s like in post Dan will go “Let’s just fix this, because it’s not right.” You know, just one of those things.
Joel McHale: Wow.
Jim Rash: You know, Joel does his best but sometimes clothes come off and it was not what you were hoping for. And we can fix it in post. Next question?
Joel McHale: What’s weird to me is that when Jim has been asked to kind of be not well-clothed he usually take – when he takes his shirt off he has his Oscar duct-taped to his side, which is weird, because duct tape reacts to your skin pretty harshly. And…
Shannon: Well I would imagine they would have to, like, do some (unintelligible) kind of thing, like to smooth that out? I don’t know. That sounds really bumpy.
Joel McHale: Oh it takes way…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: …technology than that. And there’s other bleep – there’s other bumps that he has that need actual professional attention.
Jim Rash: Well, that’s I wear – why the Dean’s clothes are so large and baggy on me. It’s just to sort of hide imperfections.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Shannon: Well, I just have one question about the Dean’s clothes. I got disconnected earlier, so I kind of missed – I heard the tail end of, you know, some kind of Dean clothing, you know, cheap clothing situation.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Shannon: But one of my favorite parts of every episode is when the Dean comes out and his over-the-top whatever that he’s wearing that week. Have you had a favorite Dean outfit that you just really love?
Jim Rash: Over all the seasons?
Shannon: Yes, just any time, sure.
Jim Rash: Well, it’s – they’ve all been, you know, fantastic. We have an amazing wardrobe department that has sort of had to on the fly to create so many wonderful things and then the writers put them into the scripts. I – you know, I always go back to the – pretty much every entrance at the, you know, our flashback – our very first sort of flashback episode, when we were commenting on all the costumes I come in on. I mean, that whole little line-up of five were great, from Tina Turner to my, I guess, Carmen Miranda. All of those. I think Joel’s the one who probably admires them the most.
Joel McHale: Yes. I mean, I become so bored…
Jim Rash: No, tell them what you said. You just said it yesterday to me.
Joel McHale: Well I say “Thank God for those outfits,” because, Jim, sometimes I can hardly understand a word he’s saying, because I’m (unintelligible).
Jim Rash: That sounds different than I heard it yesterday. Yesterday it was, like “Jim, you’re like a wonderfully-wrapped present in costumes.”
Jim Rash: “I can’t wait to open them, because the outside is as good as the inside.” Next question.
Joel McHale: Literally I was on a plane all day yesterday. So once again, Jim usually takes his home line and just puts it against a stuffed animal and then he calls that. It’s weird.
Jim Rash: Well I had a great conversation with you. And yesterday you were a little seal.
Joel McHale: You see? That’s what I’m talking about. So now it’s pretty clear, right?
Jim Rash: All right, end that.
Shannon: Well thank you. It was a pleasure to talk to you.
Jim Rash: Yes, you too.
Joel McHale: It was a pleasure to talk to you and allow Jim and I to insult each other.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Winham. Please proceed.
Winham: Hey guys.
Jim Rash: Hello.
Winham: Okay, so my question is for Joel. I was wondering what was more fun to play, the student or the teacher?
Joel McHale: Boy, you know, it’s – neither and both at the same time, because they both are, you know, they’re each – it – they’re both really fun to play. And it’s more about – I – you know, I got to do really fun things as a teacher, but as a student I got to do – if you had said to me that you’re going to be, you know, in a zombie apocalypse and get to play kind of a Bruce Willis action star while you’re on half-hour sitcom I would say that you’re probably high.
And – but with the teacher, I mean, as we’ve been saying this season kind of we re-establish ourselves as characters. And then things go nuts. And it was fun every day, so I get – I cannot make a distinction.
Winham: Okay.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Winham: And then quick for both of you, did the cast have anything to do with Dan’s return? Did you guys send him baked goods, camp out at his house? How did you get him to come back?
Jim Rash: Pretty much all of that, right?
Joel McHale: Yes.
Jim Rash: I mean, the bake sale went really well.
Joel McHale: Yes, it was a very good bake sale. I make a macaroon that will slay you.
Jim Rash: Oh my, you’ll die when you eat these.
Joel McHale: No, I mean, there was nothing I particularly laid out. I should have gotten him a beard trimmer.
Jim Rash: I think, you know, we, you know – certainly Joel probably was paramount in starting these conversations, you know, towards the end of last season I would say. You know, and sort of imagining a world where everyone – the whole team, and that meant some crew people as well that had moved to another show for season four and are now back with us. So it really was like a – not just a re-pilot but we were putting the family back together, you know, and I think Joel needs to take some of that credit for…
Joel McHale: Well, Jim, you were…
Jim Rash: (Unintelligible).
Joel McHale: …yes, but Jim you were in those lunches, too.
Jim Rash: Well, I just feel – fine. But I feel like you were the one who…
Joel McHale: I win.
Jim Rash: What’s that?
Joel McHale: I win.
Jim Rash: Yes. So that, coupled with those wonderful baked goods, you know, at least got the conversation going.
Winham: All right.
Joel McHale: We really had to keep out – Jim and I – much like when you’re mountain hiking you need to keep your carb intake high, because you’re burning calories so much.
Jim Rash: Yes, which is good until unfortunately, you know, Joel has to take his shirt off and we have to go into post to fix all those carbs.
Joel McHale: Right, or when Jim’s Oscar falls 400 feet down a cliff and we spend two days getting it. I’m going to pick that thing up. Thank God you didn’t drop the Independent Spirit award.
Jim Rash: Well I think we nailed it.
Joel McHale: Boom.
Jim Rash: We nailed that question.
Winham: All right, well…
Joel McHale: Question answered.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Winham: …thanks for talking to me. And I just have one request, that you guys should end this interview by singing us “A Kiss From a Rose.” Just saying.
Joel McHale: Oh I could. If you pay us – if you pay my episodic rate, I will.
Jim Rash: Wow.
Joel McHale: Boom.
Jim Rash: Boom. I don’t even know if I could even get to the – I don’t know if I could get to it.
Joel McHale: I’ve been kissed by a rose…
Jim Rash: No, it’s going to sound terrible. I already know it.
Joel McHale: Yes, it’s already awful. People – like reporters are just jumping off the line. They’re like throwing their phones out their cars.
Jim Rash: They’re literally saying “I did not sign up for this.” Click.
Joel McHale: They did it. I did not sign – click. They don’t even finish the sentence.
Jim Rash: They didn’t even finish their own sentence, they wanted off so fast.
Joel McHale: I bet there’s not even any reporters left.
Jim Rash: Oh, someone’s calling in, though.
Joel McHale: An alien is calling. And alien is calling in.
Leslie: We do have two more questions. If we want to take those, that’d be great.
Joel McHale: Nailed. Go, shoot.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Aswin. Please proceed.
Aswin: Hey, how’s it going?
Jim Rash: Hi.
Joel McHale: Hey buddy.
Aswin: Just a question: I was talking to Gillian probably right around Thanksgiving time…
Joel McHale: Gillian, with ‘guh.’
Aswin: Gillian, that’s what I meant. It was a hard ‘g’ or a soft ‘g?’ I always confuse the two sounds.
Joel McHale: I get it.
Aswin: Anyway, I was talking to Gillian about what she would say to skeptical or perhaps disillusioned fans and ways to maybe lure them back to this season if they’re still reeling from the abrupt departure of Dan Harmon. And she said that while she believes it’s convincing enough an argument that Dan’s back and that she said you have some of your best episodes this season. She suggested that perhaps you guys, to convince people further, could go to people’s homes and sing Christmas carols. I’m not suggesting anything necessarily that extreme, but I guess I’m asking how would you guys pitch it to perhaps skeptical fans beyond the obvious points of Dan Harmon’s return?
Joel McHale: Oh boy. I – yes, well, beyond Dan Harmon’s return – what else do you need? And I mean, more so, you know, we just need – we, you know, to be promoted well would I think help us greatly to bring people in and to remind people that the show is back on January 2nd and, you know, doing things like this. But I think just getting out that general awareness is a key.
But B, throughout the year last year we had – we have, I think, the best fans in the world. And I sadly wasn’t able to be at Comic Con, but if Comic Con was any evidence – I saw some of the video – it – there looked to be no problem with having, you know, that people were back and onboard to watch it, evidenced by them having to turn away 4000 people or something.
Jim Rash: Yes, I agree with that. And…
Joel McHale: That said, I will go to people’s homes while Gillian is singing and I will give them a foot massage.
Jim Rash: Yes. And I will go and apologize for the two things they’re doing and then do their chores.
Joel McHale: Yes, right. And those chores will be, like “Have you ever seen an Oscar before? Oh, here’s one.”
Jim Rash: Well, you know, as long as you don’t take your shirt off and show them the truth. Next.
Joel McHale: Boom.
Jim Rash: Boom.
Joel McHale: Well, look. I can just take the shirt off, but you have to take the shirt and the girdle off, so.
Jim Rash: And my face.
Aswin: Well thanks guys so much.
Jim Rash: Yes, you too.
Joel McHale: Thanks, buddy.
Leslie: Okay, this is our last question…
Operator: And our next question comes…
Leslie: Last question.
Jim Rash: Great.
Joel McHale: All right.
Operator: Perfect. And it will be coming from Derrick. Please proceed.
Derrick: Hey guys. Thanks so much for doing this today.
Joel McHale: (Unintelligible).
Jim Rash: Absolutely.
Derrick: All right. Well, I feel like a lot of the big questions have been asked. So if it’s okay I’m just going to ask about an obscure detail and be kind of that geek.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Derrick: Okay. At the end of the last season we had this kind of a subliminal message on the chalkboard, with “Six Seasons and a Movie” slogan in there. Can I just ask who wrote that and do you think you should try more subliminal messaging to bring more people on board watching the show?
Joel McHale: Yes, we’re going to use…
Jim Rash: That was…
Joel McHale: …subliminal messages to command our army of – our sleeper cell to awaken all the fans.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: I don’t know who wrote that.
Jim Rash: I think (Don), right?
Joel McHale: Yes, I think it was (Don), one of our set dressers. He’s a man and in his mid to late-40s who it seems at one point was pretty athletic.
Jim Rash: What are you talking about? He – (Don) always writes something I think of interest up there. And I think that was just sort of his big sort of “Here we are, let’s make this happen.” You know, I think we’d – at this point we’ve put that on our vision boards, “Six Seasons and a Movie,” and at this point I feel like we might proving how completely valid the idea of The Secret is, that if you put it out there it works.
Leslie: Didn’t it first come up when Abed was obsessed with the Cape?
Joel McHale: Yes, that was…
Jim Rash: Well, yes. That show would go for six seasons and a movie, yes.
Leslie: And then we adopted it…
Leslie: …for Community.
Jim Rash: Well, yes.
Joel McHale: Well, no, it – he – “Six Seasons and a Movie” is an original term from Community that he – that Dan wrote, whereas my character kept saying “It’s going to be off the air in three weeks.”
Jim Rash: Oh, that’s right.
Joel McHale: So that’s – that was the origin. But there is some really good – you’ll be – you will not be disappointed as far as seeing, you know, tons of cool stuff that will be in the background, stuff that’s happening and I mean, that’s why when you read Dan’s scripts they’re so wonderfully layered with stuff like that, and…
Jim Rash: Yes.
Joel McHale: …that’s why these worlds get created – the worlds are created and they’re really wonderfully complete worlds, even though we’re only telling a story in 21 and a half minutes now.
Jim Rash: Yes.
Derrick: Okay. Well I know we the fans love things like that.
Joel McHale: Awesome.
Derrick: So thanks very much.
Joel McHale: Thanks – thank you.
Jim Rash: Yes, thank you.
Derrick: (unintelligible) be back.
Joel McHale: Oh, I can’t – believe me, I’ve – I am looking forward to January 2nd than I am – more than I was Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years’.
Jim Rash: Yes. We’re very excited for this year, that’s for sure.
Joel McHale: Yes.
Derrick: Cool.
Leslie: Okay, I think that’s it. Thank you, everyone for calling in. We really appreciate it…
Jim Rash: Yes, thank you.
Leslie: …and please feel free to reach out to me if you need anything, artwork, episodes, whatever. Thank you so much.
Joel McHale: Yes, feel free to reach out to me for artwork as well.
Leslie: Yes.
Jim Rash: Yes, and reach out to me for baked goods. All right, bye everybody.
Leslie: Bye. Thank you, Jim and Joel.
Jim Rash: Yes, bye Joel.
Joel McHale: You…
Jim Rash: Bye Leslie, bye.
Leslie: Bye.
Joel McHale: Bye.
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