Emily Rose and Colin Ferguson sound so fun on this call. There are some really great questions but what’s even more exciting are the answers from these two awesome actors. I really love the answer to one of the questions about what each of them like best about the characters they play. Emily says of her characters, “And so with Lexie, I feel like one of the fun things for me to play with her was like all of the external things that she was — her hair, her rings, her nose ring, the dark sort of edgier kind of point of view, and just the humor. I mean Audrey is so serious all the time because she has to be. And so playing Lexie was like a breath of fresh air because she didn’t take anything seriously. She’s like there to have a good time, party a bit.”
It’s great to read these transcripts (even better to be on the damn call). You can see how each of
These actors joke around with each other and razz each other like Colin saying Lucas Bryant was
a pain to work with and Emily follows up, after learning Lucas didn’t comment on working wit
her, saying Lucas was an “evil, evil man.”
They also discuss the origin of William’s character. My personal Wild Hair Theory – William is another version of Agent Howard. I could be wrong but it’s an early theory I’ve developed. I’m also dying to see the episode with the hospital scene Colin mentions, too.
Without further ado – here’s the transcript:
Haven Conference Call – Emily Rose and Colin Ferguson. September 23, 2013
Moderator: Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today. We are very excited to have both Emily Rose and Colin Ferguson on the phone with us today. They play Lexie and William, respectively, on Syfy’s Haven. Syfy’s Haven airs Friday at 10:00 p.m., after SmackDown. And without further ado, we’ll hand it over to your calls. Operator, let’s take the first call.
Operator: Our first question comes from the line of Tim. Please proceed with your question.
Tim: Hi, Emily; hi, Colin. Thanks for doing this today.
Colin Ferguson: Pleasure. Hi, Tim.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Tim: My first question for Emily, Stephen King made news by signing on to write the upcoming season premiere of Under the Dome. I was wondering if there’s ever been any discussion of recruiting him to write for Haven.
HAVEN — “Survivors” Episode 402 — Pictured: Lexie DeWitt (Emily Rose) — (Photo by: Michael Tompkins/Syfy)
Emily Rose: We’ve always been really excited to have kind of what we call the Stephen King blessing. He’s like very aware of what we’re doing and, you know, signed off on us at the beginning. We’ve always absolutely wanted to have him come do a cameo or write an episode or something like that. We haven’t had that opportunity.
But the production company that we work with are Piller/Segan/Shepherd which is our parent company, they very much have that sort of connection with Mr. King, constantly filling him in on what’s going on and giving options for other Stephen King stuff. So I hope it happens in our future. I would really hope that for Haven, that’s really often that it happens for Under the Dome, but yes, I hope so. But not yet.
Tim: Great. That’s good news. For Colin, Lucas Bryant did one of these calls to start the season and he had really nice things to say about working with you and said you had a great sense of humor. I was wondering what it was like working with Lucas for you.
Colin Ferguson: He’s a pain. From beginning to end, what a chore.
Emily Rose: He didn’t have anything to say about me? That evil, evil man.
HAVEN — “Survivors” Episode 402 — Pictured:L-R: Kyle Mitchell, Colin Ferguson, Robert Maillet — (Photo by: Michael Tompkins/Syfy)
Colin Ferguson: Typical Lucas. No, we did have a movie together a bunch of years ago, and he’s just a phenomenally nice guy sort of through and through. But I think that can be sort of be said of most of the people up here. It’s one of the reasons that I really wanted to do it. I’ve been, you know, I’ve been familiar with these guys and been hanging out with them since their season premiere way back in the beginning. That was down in Los Angeles. And not knowing I would ever have a part in it, I’ve been at the premiere and the finale airings of every one that they’d done over at John’s house in Los Angeles. So being able to step into a group of people who, you know, they’re your friends, you know them, and was sort of a big thing for me coming out of a show where I had a family, you know. So, though I have nothing to say nice about Lucas, everyone else is lovely.
Emily Rose: Yes, yes. Very true.
Tim: I had more questions, I’ll get in line. Thank you very much.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Tim.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jamie. Please proceed with your question.
Jamie: Hi guys. Great to talk to you again.
Colin Ferguson: Hey, Jamie.
Jamie: Hey. So can you talk a little bit about kind of what, I don’t know how much you can say, but more of what role William has to play for both of you? I mean is he – I assume that he’s kind of the one that’s bringing Audrey back to everything. Are we going to learn, like does he know from his past or any kind of that stuff, or is it going to be revealed anytime soon?
Colin Ferguson: Em, did you want to hit it first or should I?
Emily Rose: You should hit it first, Colin. You hit it.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Em. We are going to find that history about who William is and what their relationship was. How much history we can’t really say, although I think I can’t say that it’s not going to be left completely up in the air. As the season wears on — that’s not complimentary — as the season progresses, that’s the right word, you find out sort of the problems and strengths of their relationship and you find out if it’s going to be an addition or subtraction to the town. So that stuff definitely plays out. But I mean there are bigger questions, you know, up in the air right now with, you know, is it Lexie or Audrey, and then what will happen with all that. So my part plays out for sure, but I guess that’s about all I can say. What do you think, Em?
Emily Rose: Yes, I think that’s really good. I think that, you know, when you watch Haven, you’re not necessarily completely in the point of view of Audrey, but that is a large part of the point of view I think, in my opinion, and obviously because I’m playing Audrey. But I feel like, you know, for the first bit of it, there is a bit of a fog surrounding William. Who is he? What is their connection? Why is he so familiar with her? All these things. And, you know, leaving the audience wondering in that way, it really puts them in on Audrey’s or Lexie’s, you know, mindset about who is this person just walking into my life and shouting off all this stuff about me. And yes, I mean what their history is, that is the cool part, if there is any. And Colin does such a great job of keeping that veiled for a time and then given at the end there. So I think that’s all I can say.
That’s not as articulate as Colin’s was, but, yes…
Colin Ferguson: But we’ve had a really fun time playing into it. I mean it’s been – they’ve done a really good job of writing both sides of that equation, so that we – I mean you genuinely don’t know, hopefully, you know, that like, gosh, is he nice but just a little off, or is he off and pretending to be nice? And like I’m really pleased with casting, stunning casting.
Emily Rose: He’s mainly off. He’s mainly off all the time.
Jamie: What’s been your favorite scene the two of you have filmed together? What’s been the most fun?
Emily Rose: Oh, that’s a tough question.
Colin Ferguson: Well, for sure, without revealing, yes, we did a scene – I really enjoyed a scene that we did, it took place in a hospital, I can say that. And I think that was a fun one for me because I really thought that they were going to write him with a lot more humor, you know, and he – when he was being nice or not nice, it was funny both ways. And I really appreciate that they went that way with him because I so enjoyed doing that sort of stuff. So that was a great eye-opener for me, I enjoyed it.
Jamie: Great.
Emily Rose: Yes. You know, it’s been really fun, like, you know, Colin and I started hanging out at these Syfy, you know, media tour deals and, you know, just sort of like you do with your friends when you hang out — we weren’t friends before that but, you know, had a friendship develop over all those, you know, many times of doing interviews together — but just sort of blast about, hey, it will be so fun to have you on Haven, it’d be so cool if we got to do something together. And so now looking back with you asking that question, there are so many scenes I feel like we had this opportunity to do, you know, some really fun work. And what’s cool about Colin and I’s scenes, I feel like that we get – the treat we get of doctors is there really is really good, you know, scene work. There’s some great scene work.
Colin Ferguson: Yes.
Emily Rose: And I think for me, you know, it is that trick of not wanting to give it away, there is a scene that takes place where I am in a prison cell, that’s what I want to say, but I think that was a really fun scene to play, because tables were turned and it was really, really enjoyable, the listening that happened and just the scene itself that played out. And I also just really like those early bar scenes in episodes one through four because it’s so early on on the journey and they’re both sort of kind of naïve, or at least you hope they are, to really what’s happening. So those are always fun to play.
Colin Ferguson: And we’ve had a running joke where I would sort of go in before I’m about to do something and I would go, so in this take I’m going to do this and this and this. And Emily was saying like, she would always turn to me and go, you don’t have to tell me ahead of time. I am listening. You (unintelligible).
Emily Rose: Yes. I’m going to choose to listen and be present, Colin, that’s what I’m going to do.
Colin Ferguson: You remember the night in Orlando when Josh Gates and myself tried to get you sick on rollercoasters?
Emily Rose: Oh yes. I remember it well…
Jamie: I was there with you guys.
Colin Ferguson: That’s what I was going to say. Jamie was there. If I remember correctly, Jamie, you were there…
Jamie: Yes, yes.
Emily Rose: And Josh was the angel and Colin was the devil.
Colin Ferguson: Yes.
Emily Rose: It was fun, super fun.
Jamie: Great. Well, thank you guys and congrats again, Colin.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Jamie.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Erin. Please proceed with your question.
Erin: Hi. Thanks so much for being on the call. It’s great to talk to both of you again, especially to have you both on the same show for once.
Emily Rose: Yes.
Erin: I really love both of your characters, and I’d like to hear from each of you what you like best about them.
Colin Ferguson: Okay.
Emily Rose: That’s fun.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. I like – I touched on that a bit in the last one I think. What I like most is what they’ve – that they’ve given me so much to play. You know, when you come in to be – to service, you know, a show the way that had been brought in, the fear is that you’re going to be the plot hammer. You’re just going to come in and like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and everybody else with just cool reaction. But they’ve actually written this great role that has so much subtexts because you’re not really sure what he’s doing from time to time, and that was a huge gift for me. So I think probably that’s what I’m most grateful for and what I like the most, that he does that with humor. And yes, I would say that three times in a row if I could, but that’s where I’m at.
Emily Rose: Yes. I think for me, as far — I just choked a little bit there — I think for me, Audrey is such a fun character to play in general because she gets to be all these different people. And so with Lexie, I feel like one of the fun things for me to play with her was like all of the external things that she was — her hair, her rings, her nose ring, the dark sort of edgier kind of point of view, and just the humor. I mean Audrey is so serious all the time because she has to be. And so playing Lexie was like a breath of fresh air because she didn’t take anything seriously. She’s like there to have a good time, party a bit. And if she gets freaked out, kind of cool and crazy. But she’s mainly there like razzing everybody and, you know, just kind of a party girl. So that was like, you know, just the most, I don’t know, the detail and just the thing that always caught me off-guard when I was getting to film was I was like, I get to say that line in a completely different way and it’s hilarious. That’s really fun. So that was part I enjoyed the most with Lexie.
Erin: That’s great. And that was kind of the follow-up question I had for both of you, is, these new characters for, you know, obviously no longer, you know, Jack Carter as well as it’s not really Audrey, even though it is. Is it a challenge for each of you to step into roles that have to be so different from what you played before, or is that just super-easy for each of you?
Emily Rose: Yes. No, it was really fun for me. But I think having kind of just had my son, having the baby and then coming straight into like four days of straight shooting in order to kind of catch up with everybody else, there was a little piece in me that was like, is this Audrey or is this Lexie? And I constantly was kind of talking with Colin and just saying like, oh, I kind of maybe want to take that, take it again, it feels a little more Audrey than it was Lexie, I need to make sure that this character is coming through. You know, that’s always your fear, is that maybe one will bleed into the other.
But in my case it’s okay if they do kind of bleed into each other I think, but still you want to make a clear distinction. But no, to me, the externals, the things like my costume and what I’m wearing really help me get caught from one person to the next.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. And I would say the first day is always the worst. I mean, prior to coming in, you have all these ideas about what the character is and how you’re going to play it and all that stuff, but you don’t know if anyone else is going to approve or if it’s going to work. And you don’t really know until you start bouncing off the other person and seeing if any of it lands or if, you know, the writers and the execs and the other actors had a completely different take on the scene.
So prior to that first day, you’re pretty nervous playing someone new, you know, because there’s all this concept discussion. The concept doesn’t really mean anything at the end of the day, it comes down to execution and what that means to everybody involved. So yes, that first day is always nerve-wracking.
But after that, I mean it’s a breath of fresh air because you get to, you know, the good news about playing someone for a bunch of different years is that you learn them so well and it’s such familiar clothing to step into. The downside is that it’s hard to make it fresh.
The good side about getting someone new is that it’s completely fresh, so you’re energized right out of the gate. The scary bit is your bag of tricks is way smaller, so you’re just slowly growing it as the character grows, and that’s a fun, fun exploration. So in a sense Emily and I were doing it together, you know, in the first couple of scenes.
Erin: Definitely. And I got to say, although I love Jack Carter, I kind of already like William better.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Erin.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Heather. Please proceed with your question.
Heather: Hi guys. Thank you so much for talking to us today, and congratulations to both of you on your sons.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Heather: So coming into this – we’ve talked before, Emily, and you’ve said that this show is always a little bit of a different element for you because you came in without any kind of bible for your character. So it’s a question for both of you and Colin, with these new characters of Lexie and William, how much did you know when you were getting started playing these characters? Did you have any idea where their relationship was going to end up or were you just sort of winging it as you went?
Colin Ferguson: Well, the funny thing about that is you’re told things but, you know, whether they’re true or not is the hard bit, because the writers don’t know. You know, they’re writing episode 401 and they say, yes, we think it’s going to do this direction, we’re fairly certain it’s going to go like that. But until they actually write it, it could go another way. And a lot of times, you know, they’re watching. So they see the chemistries, their interaction, where do want to go with it? So you try – or at least I try to prep based upon what they say, but you have to sort of keep the trap door open just in case it’s snakes right or left without you, you know, suddenly.
Emily Rose: Yes, definitely. And I feel like, you know, it is constantly my desire to want to know and to get as much information as I can so I can make, you know, informed choices as an actor. But in some regards, you know, with this particular character of Audrey Parker that I’m playing, the not-knowing is just as relevant. And so I do push at times when there are things that I do need the answers to, I feel. But then there are other times when I realize, you know, you just need to use this, Emily. Use the mystery, use the unknowing, use the, you know, no one knows where a relationship will end up when it starts unless they’re looking back on it in some regard. So from my point of view, you know, it’s constantly trying to open up whatever there is to discover and trying to find out, you know, what there is to know.
And like I tease Colin about trying to be present and to listen and to see what kind of comes from that. But, you know, of course I say that and in other sense of the word, I’m there, you know, as I’m about ready to have my son waiting to have the baby and going, I need to prepare for this character as much as I can. Give me all the information I can. You know?
And so in some ways, that’s beneficial, and in other ways you just kind of have to trust that you’ve done your homework and then forget about it and do the best you can on the day, so.
Colin Ferguson: And I have to say, with this, they — and I think I can say this — there’s something coming that’s pretty big that they did need to sit me down in L.A. and tell me all about before it all started. And that was true. That proved to be true. What they told me in the beginning was what they did ultimately.
So in this particular situation, it was good to sort of follow what they said and believe. So I guess the answer is, yes, they sat me down, and said, this is where this character is going and this is his history. It’s something.
Heather: Did you have to marathon all three seasons before you started so you could sort of know the ins and outs of everybody’s history?
Colin Ferguson: I’d already seen them.
Heather: Great.
Colin Ferguson: Just I had to catch up on the third season because I hadn’t seen all of them. But no, I’ve already seen the show, because, you know, I’m friends with everybody and I’d been to a bunch of the special nights.
Heather: Great. Well, thank you both so much for talking to us. I’m really enjoying the season so far and I’m looking forward to where it goes.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Diana. Please proceed with your question.
Diana: Hi guys. Thanks for talking to us today.
Colin Ferguson: Hi, Diana.
Diana: I wanted to kind of touch on, you know, this Lexie character seems on the surface to be kind of this tough rocker chick, maybe tougher than Audrey, but, you know, you pull out the guns and she’s hiding behind the chair. So would you say that Lexie, we might be able to see kind of a more vulnerable side of the Audrey character in Lexie?
Emily Rose: Yes, you definitely just hit on something that always sort of, I mean was an interesting character point for Lexie with the writers and between me, as I was constantly like, you know, she’s acting like she’s afraid of this fight but yet she’s super-tough and pulls out a gun, and, you know, is playing a tough girl but sort of isn’t. And I had to come to peace with – that there are those people that, because they’re scared to death, they do cover with a lot of toughness, you know, but when rubber meets the road, are hiding behind things or whatnot or are scared even though they talk a big talk.
And I think that’s kind of where I landed with Lexie, is that she is kind of like, you know, all about the exterior toughness. I definitely do think, of course there is a vulnerability to her. And in a similar way of Audrey, as sort of, you know, I’ve always imagined her being sort of more on the road, a bit more nomadic, a little bit, you know, somebody that’s in bars all the time looking for their family there instead of one that they may have or don’t have.
But I think we sort of kind of roll into the mystery of what William is saying and what he’s kind of talking at, you know, Lexie. We roll into that a bit sooner I think than we get to see the vulnerability. And then there’s a really large vulnerable sort of moment that occurs with her.
So yes, I had to process that out. There is a little bit. But yes, I do think she is a bit – there’s a duality with her in that regard in that she is a little bit of a scaredy-cat that tries to be all-tough all the time. And that’s kind of interesting.
Diana: And Colin, you’ve touched on that there’s going to be something big happen to you this season with your character. And of course you can’t give like too many spoilers and you probably don’t even know exactly what’s going to happen with William.
Colin Ferguson: I do.
Diana: But do you think that this…
Colin Ferguson: I do, Diana. Oh yes, I do.
Diana: Oh. Well, we’ll talk about it later.
Colin Ferguson: Splendid.
Diana: But can you kind of give us an idea? I mean, do you think William is going to become really a long-term, very important character to the show? I mean I’m sure you hope that’s the case, but some ideas on how his character might develop and integrate into the cast of characters on the show?
Colin Ferguson: Yes, that will be really, really interesting. There has been discussion about that and I asked about it pretty early on. I said, you know, if, you know, if he – because they were like, he might be good, he might be bad. So I was like, if he goes good, how would he integrate, and answer that question. And then if it goes bad, I was like, well, I know how it goes if he goes bad. You know, he either dies or something. You know, we all know that goes when a character goes bad.
So there is – there are ways that you could integrate into town for sure. Although I mean — I’m trying to answer your question without giving anything away, so you were definitely right to say, wow, this is a tough one. He…
Emily Rose: Don’t give it away. Don’t give it away.
Colin Ferguson: Don’t give it away. Yes. I would say…
Emily Rose: Stay strong.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. Because only two have aired, right, so there’s so much – hmm.
Emily Rose: Yes.
Colin Ferguson: I would – how about I say this. How, you know, Audrey interact is a problem.
Diana: Oh. Very interesting.
Colin Ferguson: I think that’s saying a bit for sure. Potentially I’ll get my hand slapped. But it’s a problem. And maybe that’s good, maybe that’s bad, but it definitely turns things on its end. So, how is that? How did I do, Diana?
Diana: Well, I’m still pretty clueless so you shouldn’t get into too much trouble with the studio.
Colin Ferguson: Okay, good. Right. All right.
Diana: Okay. But it sounds like, you know, there’s still some debate on whether he’ll go good or bad, but, hey, you know, even if he goes bad, you guys don’t always have a happy ending, so you may still be able to stick it out even if you go bad, so.
Colin Ferguson: Exactly, exactly.
Diana: All right. Thanks so much.
Emily Rose: Thank you…
Colin Ferguson: And by the way, it was – I guess it was Heather or Erin who said they liked the character – might like the character more than the Jack Carter, and that’s really nice. I mean that’s sort of the fear about leaving a show is that you’re just going to go on to do characters that are less. You know, and it’s nice that this character that I get to play is, you know, attractive in some way, you know, not like in a – that way but like – it’s a good character. I’m really – I’m flattered by that. So that made me really happy. Thank you guys.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jamie S. Please proceed with your question.
Jamie S: Hi. It’s such a pleasure to speak with you both again. And Emily, congratulations on the little boy.
Emily Rose: Thank you. Thank you.
Jamie S: Colin, was anything about William that wasn’t originally scripted for you that you added to this role?
Colin Ferguson: I’d like to think there was something I added to the role. It’d be awfully sad if there was nothing I added to the role. Yes. I mean I think that that’s a funny – it’s a funny line, that you definitely try to shove as much in that box as you can so that it’s a very, you know, rich character. But having said that, they did right – they definitely wrote to my strengths. And either it was just a happy coincidence or, you know, they actually watched what I was doing and knew who I was and wrote to that. So I – it’s a chicken and egg. I don’t know what came first, but it came together really, really well.
Jamie S: And for Emily, Audrey has lost every single female friend in previous seasons…
Emily Rose: I know. On set too, I’m all alone. All the boys…
Jamie S: Will Lexie find a female friend to watch her back this season?
Emily Rose: I don’t know what it is about me and not having any girlfriends. Where are all the girls at? I – let me think. Yes. Yes. No. No. Yes.
I mean there is a definite connection that she has with Jennifer. Jennifer and she have a connection. Whether or not that develops into any sort of a friendship or relationship, I definitely think, but not like in seasons past. In seasons past, I definitely had like a buddy that kind of comes along and we have conversations and kind of download about stuff, and not so much.
But I wouldn’t get too discouraged that, you know, that the relationships for Audrey are non-existent, because I think that they are very much in play this year for sure. So I won’t get too bombed out for her because, you know, Lexie, Audrey, Laudrey, I think that she’s taken care of, so, yes.
Jamie S: Great. Thank you.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Jamie.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Tony. Please proceed with your question.
Tony: Hi guys. It’s nice to talk to you again after seeing you on the red carpet at the Haven party, was another great party, two years in a row at Comic-Con, is a lot of fun.
Emily Rose: Oh yes, super fun.
Tony: You know, it’s interesting, but as actors this is really — we’re not going to get into spoilers or anything — but essentially mentally, you kind of answered it, but if you could just elaborate a little bit more. When you get kind of – you’re handed these roles, it’s almost like sketches, you’re not – they’re not quite developed new characters. Do you kind of – do you have to kind of create your own backstory or do you have to kind of play it in the middle because you’re afraid you might not go on the right direction? And how do you tackle something like that?
Colin Ferguson: I think it all depends on how much clout you have, to be honest. That’s my honest answer. It’s, you know, when I started out and I would get a role, I would go in and do it as good as I could. And if they told me to make up a severe change, I would say yes, and I would do it.
At this point it’s so much nicer because I can go in and they say, hey, this is the character and this is the first script. And I’ll say, okay, this is really cool, I really like this. I’m going to lean in to this kind of stuff because I really like that and I hope you guys like what I do with it. And if they do, then it spirals up and just gets really good. And of course they can just ignore me and do what they want.
But I mean that’s how I try to affect change, sort of look at the good in the script that they write and say, yes, I want to lean in to that stuff. And maybe if they’re listening, the character will go that way.
Tony: Uh-huh. And for Emily?
Emily Rose: Yes. I think, you know, I definitely agree with Colin in that it’s kind of like at the beginning you are very much taking your directions from the creatives that are creating this character. But what’s really great is that as, you know, you go on, the character really does become your own. And as you kind of start the conversations with everybody and say, you know, you head in a direction, if they sort of trust you with it, and if you are headed in the wrong direction, then you’ll end up hearing about it.
But I think as the show develops and especially having been in season four, I feel like I have a — I don’t know if I have clout — but I definitely feel like I have a voice in the conversation or if there’s something that needs to be said in terms of, well, Audrey would make this choice, wouldn’t make this choice, things like that. I feel like I definitely have the ear of some people to say, let’s look at this and let’s talk about this before this happens, you know. I’m not sure if that answers your question, but.
Tony: It does. It’s cool. And you do have some clout, I believe you do, so.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Tony: I just want to – just to comment, just a quick comment from both of you. I like the first scene between the two of you. It was almost like something romantically was going on there, then it kind of turned – and it became like, oh wait a minute, it got like a little strange because you brought up her past and all that. That must have been blast to kind of play ping pong that way and have a great time doing it.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. That was really – and the funny thing was, you know, you talked about what we were just talking about, and that had been so discussed ahead of time. So you have this meeting where it was like, yes, this is what we want from this scene. We want there to be, you know, some chemistry and people thinking, oh maybe it’s a hookup kind of thing, and then it’s going to go another way. And then as an actors – as actors, you know, we, Emily and I are sort of like, okay, well, how do we do that, you know? So we’d sort of monkey around and find some stuff. So it’s really gratifying to hear that, you know, what we tried to do came across. That’s nice.
Emily Rose: And I mean, it doesn’t really hurt at all that I – that, you know, Colin’s super-charming. I mean for a girl to act across charming, you know, leading guys, it’s always really helpful, because you kind of, like I said, you’re kind of just there in the moment. And, you know, whatever humor comes across, whatever, you know, looks come across, you can talk about it all you want, but on the day, when you’re standing there on your mark, you have to be able to read each other and have fun with it and play around. And then that’s how the scenes come alive.
Tony: Yes.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. And it’s all just conjecture until you’re with another actor and you go, oh, either we can both listen to each other, or it’s one of those where like, no, we just missed. And then you don’t. And there’s nothing you can do. If you don’t have chemistry with someone and – in the scenes, you can use every trick that you want but they’re tricks. You know, if you can’t listen and respond, you’re sort of done.
Tony: Yes.
Colin Ferguson: Would you agree, Emily, on that, like it’s hard to…
Emily Rose: Totally. Totally. I definitely agree. That’s why it helps when you like the other person you’re working with, just in, you know, in terms of like, oh, you know, oh yes, this person I enjoy them, it’s fun, I can laugh with them, you know, but then you also feel like you feel safe enough to sort of talk about the scene and that the other person won’t get offended or anything like that. You know, you have to – sometimes you come from different places on a scene, you have to be able to work it through and talk about it along with the director. But it’s definitely worked, that friendship or that base, or that sense of humor all helps the final product for sure.
Tony: Thank you guys. I mean I’m just digging the storyline and just watching you do your work is – it’s magic. If I could bottle it, I’d be a millionaire.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Tony.
Emily Rose: Thanks so much.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Tiffany. Please proceed with your question.
Tiffany: Okay. Can you talk about what it’s like working with Robert Maillet and Kyle Mitchell?
Colin Ferguson: They’re awesome. They’re great guys. I mean the first thing that Kyle and I had to do was fight and sort of to choreograph it. And, you know, typical to television, you choreograph this massive fight which is like, you spin you, and you spin you, and you swing this, and, you know, you see the file cut and it’s about six seconds long. So we got to know each other really, really quickly. And Robert’s amazing. I mean he’s a really funny guy. And he and Adam know each other sort of tangentially from the wrestling world. So that was really fun to hear them sort of shoot stories back and forth, you know, while we’re waiting for stuff to do what.
Tiffany: Emily?
Emily Rose: Yes. And Kyle is so funny. If you go throughout the seasons, you’ll see him kind of sprinkled around. But it’s neat that we have him land this sort of, you know, really farmy sort of role.
And Robert is just the nicest guy you’ve ever met, so sweet, so kind, and just, you know, such a gentle giant, which is always really awesome. It’s just great to have, you know, real characters to play around with. They’re fantastic.
Colin Ferguson: And did it air, did they use the take when it aired when the two of them walked over completely in synch? Did it air?
Yes. Okay. That was them. That was – those two working out of bed, and then they did it and Shawn, who was the director, he said, I love it, let’s keep it. So they’re very funny guys on their own.
Tiffany: Well, we’re also wanting to know how quickly we’ll start to see Lexie and William interact with everybody else from the Haven world. Is that something we can anticipate soon or is their storyline completely parallel for the season?
Colin Ferguson: Well, there’s a crossroad, absolutely. I mean I can’t tell you when, you know, it’d be shot. But yes, there’s absolutely a crossover at some point in some way.
Emily Rose: Yes. Yes. That, I will second that. Yes. It won’t – rest your pretty little head, Tiffany, it won’t be too long. Rest your pretty little head.
Tiffany: Okay. Well, thank you for your time today.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks, Tiffany.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Kenn. Please proceed with your question.
Kenn: Thank you very much. Emily, congratulations on the little one.
Emily Rose: Thank you so much. He’s here hanging out with me right now, so if you guys hear any little peeps, that’s who it is.
Kenn: And Colin, great to talk to you again after your trip. Congratulations on joining Haven. This is a little bit tongue-in-cheek and spoiler rate, so you can just run with it. William, didn’t you really come to Haven to propose to Lexie and you’re going to elope with her and take her away from discover Haven?
Colin Ferguson: Yes, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Kenn: Emily, will you go?
Emily Rose: How could you spoil everything. Everything.
Colin Ferguson: How could you not propose, huh? Have you met her? How could you not? It’s obviously what’s going to happen.
Kenn: I tried at Comic-Con a couple of years ago, security escorted me from the scene.
Colin Ferguson: Really?
Emily Rose: That’s amazing.
Colin Ferguson: That’s awesome. Yes, I mean, I don’t know where to run with it because I can’t. I can’t go more than that. But yes, I don’t know how you got that. Em?
Emily Rose: No, I’ve got nothing.
Kenn: Well, it was totally tongue-in-cheek. Really enjoying you in the bar scenes, know that they’re going to be there for a couple of more episodes. I’m looking forward to where, you know, enigmatic William goes with Lexie. A serious question, let’s talk about nose rings here, Emily. Talk to me about the nose ring.
Emily Rose: Oh wow. That’s such a good question. I fought for that nose ring. I fought for that little nose ring so hard, you find out how stubborn you are when you fight for something like that.
No, we really wanted to have – sorry, here I am. We really wanted to have, you know, some sort of a character, like a signature character, you know, thing. Every single character I have, I try to find what that is that, you know, I can hook on to.
And so for Lexie, just being sort of, you know, this very kind of rocker, you know, bar person, I had played actually a character that was kind of similar to Lexie and I was a little bombed that I never got to play her for longer. So when I saw Lexie and we were kind of dreaming up who she was, I just kept saying to my makeup artist and to my executive producer, man, it would just be so cool if I could get – she could have a nose ring. Nothing huge, nothing enormous that’s going to be distracting, but something delicate and dainty and it’s very her and it’d be very specifically Lexie.
And of course, you know, there were people that were a little afraid that that was too bold of a choice. But lucky for me, I have a network called Syfy that loved it and they loved it and wanted – liked that distinction. And so I was like so excited to have this little tiny thing because very rarely does a little, you know, blond like me get to kind of jump in to kind of characters and make them that sort of, you know, externally outgoing. So I was really, really excited to get a nose ring. And I know everybody online has differing opinions on it, but at least people are talking about it. So I really enjoyed it…
Kenn: Thank you both for your answers. And Colin, I will not reveal the fact that you’re really the nose ring vendor, okay?
Colin Ferguson: Done. Done. Thank you.
Kenn: Thank you. Thank you, Syfy. Thank you everybody. It’s a great season so far.
Emily Rose: Thank you so much.
Colin Ferguson: And it’s really funny that. I mean if you think back, there was so much discussion about, you know, because no one – you were like four weeks out of having a baby when all that put together. I don’t know, she’s four weeks at having a baby, and you looked amazing, like ridiculous four weeks of having a baby.
Emily Rose: I think – I think my biggest like triumph was when they took pictures of me in the Lexie look and they sent them to people and everybody was like, that’s great. We would just like to see them with the – with Emily wearing all that stuff now. And everybody was like, that is, that is her. That’s her. She’s transformed into character. And it was like, no way, I can’t believe it, she looks fantastic. So thank you, Colin, that was great. I was very nervous about being on camera that – and after having a baby, but thanks to the amazingness of extensions, it all worked out.
Colin Ferguson: And also like just the breast, you know, we discussed, you know, the first day of having your character on set, the new character, you were also a new mother on set for that first day.
Emily Rose: Yes. Yes, that was crazy and intense. But it all worked out really well. The production company, you know, obviously has been really fantastic about making sure I get away and get time to feed Miles and get that time in with him as being such a new little guy. So I really do feel really blessed. They worked really hard to make sure I had that time. And it’s amazing I’m not too sleep deprived. That’s because of my fantastic husband taking care of all of that and it’s been really great. It’s worked out great.
Thank you, Colin.
Colin Ferguson: Well, that’s my question. Thank you very much.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Cristi. Please proceed with your question.
Cristi: Hey guys. Thanks for doing this today. My first question is for you, Emily. Now that we know that being in the barn, like time is different, how old do you think Audrey is?
Emily Rose: Oh man. I don’t know how old Audrey is specifically. I like the number 27 years. No, I don’t – I don’t really know. And I think if I did know, I think that’d be probably something that I can’t say. But I will honestly tell you, I don’t really know. That’s a very large question.
Cristi: Okay. And the second part of that really is for Colin, like how long do you think that William has known her?
Colin Ferguson: I’m going to weigh in on the first question that I’ve no answer to, but I think it’s like, I was watching a DVD commentary of Groundhog Day, you know, with Bill Murray.
Cristi: Yes, yes.
Colin Ferguson: And it was the writer talking. And the question to him was like, okay, so, you know, can you describe the script and how long has Bill Murray been in this Groundhog Day? And he said it was sort of – he said that it was based upon sort of Buddhist teachings and he had been there for like 20,000 years, in Groundhog Day, according to the writer, Bill Murray has been doing that for thousands of years, which is sort of like…
Colin Ferguson: Yes. Sort of crazy. So I look at it and, you know, go bigger, go home. I think it’s a long, long time. But that’s – I’ve no authority to answer that, like it’s just absolute conjecture, you know, just because it’s a grand thing to say. How long have I known her? Gosh…
Cristi: You know what, I think – it sounds like you’ve been chasing her.
Colin Ferguson: God, I know. There’s one thing, like it’d be cool if it was thousands of years, but maybe that doesn’t feel quite right. But then to say like 432, you know…
Emily Rose: How many M&M’s are in the jar?
Colin Ferguson: Exactly. I’d like to think a long time in an epic sense, but I wouldn’t put a year on it. Is that okay?
Cristi: Okay. You seem – yes. He seems to just know a lot more about it immediately than anybody in Haven seem to know.
Colin Ferguson: Yes. Good. Well, that’s great. That’s a good thing then, because we had all sorts of discussions about, you know, we want him to sort of do what Agent Howard did, but he’s not the next Agent Howard, or is he? You have to have other elements of things in there. So, good. I’m glad that came across. We tried to put that in there. Whether or not it’s a red herring, I can’t say. But definitely it’s good, excellent.
Cristi: Thanks. And then, Emily, just one more question. Just a follow-up from something we discussed at Comic-Con. Is there any luck, any hear-back from Fred Willard about if he’ll join the cast?
Emily Rose: No. Fred Willard, where are you? Seriously. I know. Whatever happened to that campaign? That was amazing.
No, I haven’t heard anything from – I haven’t heard anything from Fred. But I do have probably less than six degrees to Fred Willard. So if I ever did really need to continue that question, I could probably send some notes along, other than Twitter. But man, that would be the best, wouldn’t it? Fred Willard.
Cristi: Yes.
Emily Rose: Fred Willard as Agent Howard, that would be awesome.
Cristi: Well, thank you guys so much, I appreciate it.
Colin Ferguson: Thank you.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Karina. Please proceed with your question.
Karina: Yes. Good day guys. It’s great to talk to you. Thank you for taking the time.
Karina: I guess my question more or less has kind of been answered, but I figured I’d ask it anyways. Emily, how much input did you have into building this new Audrey character? It seems like in the past they were kind of predetermined or preset in a time era. Were you able to say, I want to go here with this one?
Emily Rose: A little bit. More – a little bit. I mean I more so have the freedom with the characters once they’ve sort of been given to me. I haven’t really, you know, I don’t really get to say this is what kind of character I would like to play. But once they’ve been given to me and we sort of talk about who they are. Like I said, I do tend to fight tooth and nail for some things if I really believed that it’s a really great character choice. But that is about, you know, as much freedom as I have.
And then obviously like her vocal quality and her physicality and all of those things, they pretty much kind of let me run with very – very rarely do they sort of say, no, or, that’s not what we want, or whatnot. They kind of see what happens and then, you know.
It’s kind of interesting. I’ve kind of always been like, has this always been the plan, that I would get to play all these different people? Or what if you hired me and I did just play just one dimension really well, would you want me to do as many characters? Is this a strength of mine? Do you like doing as many? It’s kind of a very, you know, interesting thought.
But they haven’t yet asked me yet, you know, who would you want to play. Actually no, they have, and I have given them that answer. Whether or not that ends up being able to happen is another question. But I’m hoping it does before I’m, you know, done with our time here for sure.
Karina: Thank you. And Colin, all of my questions have pretty much been answered, so, basically welcome to the Haven family.
Colin Ferguson: Why, thank you very much. Glad to be here.
Karina: And thank you for your time this afternoon.
Colin Ferguson: It’s been great. It’s been really fun. I’m going to weigh in actually on Emily’s question, and just the funny thing about that with execution of a character when you get one, you know, because having been in your own body for, you know, 20, 30, 40 years, you know what works, you know what doesn’t. As much as you’re open to trying new things, you really sort of know how you do it and what works better on you. And that’s what you bring to the table.
So when a character is created for me anyway, I think I’m the same as Emily, where once they create it, you know the version of that that you do well. So you sort of go, oh that’s great. If we can do this instead of that, that will accomplish what you want, this and that, that’s sort of where I like to win, I like to weigh in as well, you know, when it’s coming down to, you know, costume and tone.
I stole your class. I stole your class.
Emily Rose: Stealer.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Robin. Please proceed with your question.
Robin: Hi, Emily and Colin. Thank you for talking with us today.
Colin Ferguson: Thank you for calling in.
Robin: Are there any of your own personal personality traits that you put in to these two characters?
Colin Ferguson: Yes. Yes, I do. I throw in as much as I can cram in to the little container. I’m like – yes, I’ll try anything that’ll work with a line. But that – my take on it is you put as much of your – like if it’s a mean guy, you put, how would I be a mean guy? So you put as much of your mean – your version of mean in there as you can, or something that’ll work for camera and all that jazz. So I’m always trying to, you know, discover new things about myself and put them in.
Emily Rose: Yes. I mean I feel like obviously without even knowing you do that, you know, some people – Colin, you were just saying today that it’s hard for you to watch people that you know on TV sometimes and separate that from who they are because you know them so well. So I think naturally you sort of put that, you know, in, in your characters for sure.
And it takes, you know, it takes a lot of work I think sometimes when it comes to like posture and physicality, to really train your body for a prolonged amount of time to sort of do something differently than how you do it. But yes, I think your view of the world is naturally infused in there.
And there is actually a moment in episode five and a scene that I said a line like – and Lexie, you know, was making a joke about something, and I totally threw in something that was a joke of me and my – me and my friends, what we do at home as like a little shout-out to them. So you do get a chance to do that occasionally. And when you do, it’s really, really fun.
Robin: What are you two most excited about for Haven fans to see this season?
Colin Ferguson: I would say this season. I’m really excited for them to see this season. From what the feedback we’ve been given from the post-production people and the executives, that they’re unbelievably proud of the season, that it’s coming together in a way that they’re really excited about and maybe even one of the best seasons that they’ve seen. So when you hear stuff like that, you sort of can’t wait for it – for the whole season to get out.
Emily Rose: Yes, definitely. And I think – yes. I mean – I think I’m just – the thing that I always enjoy the most about Haven is the relationships between people and how those changed or altered by the external circumstances. So for me, I think my favorite moments of this season are between some of the key relationships that are set up and how those change or are affected or altered by all the different variables that we draw into play.
So it’s really exciting to see, you know, Lucas react to some of the things he has to react to, a new way. And it’s really exciting to see, you know, William and Lexie and that new relationship and how – what the, you know, just the different elements of humor you get within that. So to me the thing I’m looking forward to the most is the relationship aspect of the season.
Robin: It’s been great so far. Thank you.
Colin Ferguson: Thanks.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Colin Ferguson: I’m going to throw in also on that. I mean one of the joys of working on this show with these people is that they’re all really fantastic people, so all day long we watch each other struggle trying to get certain moments, certain ways on camera, and that’s where a lot of the humor on set comes from, when, you know, you’re failing to get there or you finally got there. And I mean, just I’m looking forward to seeing all those little victories put together, you know, and so we can watch them together. And it’s just nice to be proud of the people you work with when you, you know, when you look back. So that’s something I’m looking forward to.
Operator: Our next question is a follow-up question from the line of Tim. Please proceed with your question.
Tim: Hi. Speaking of Lucas, he mentioned that your character William brings about – brings forth a lot of emotions in Nathan. I understand if you can’t, but can you expand on that at all? And were your scenes with him especially intense? Colin?
Colin Ferguson: Not so much intense in a sort of, you know, cage match kind of intense. But yes, I think the things that I know, the things that my character knows, turn the screw for the certain people in the town. And I think that that forces certain characters to deal with their own problems. And I think the stuff that I know or not about Audrey/Lexie is, you know, really makes him think and forces him to, you know, sort of step up or step down or clarify what he’s doing. So that’s always a fun time for a character, when you get to advance your own mythology. So, and the intensity with that because it’s very real.
The standalone episodic stuff that you do, it’s great, but you do it, you know, it’s a new trouble every week. But the long-term mythology is sort of what you hang your hat on and becomes the skeleton of the character. And so when there are shifts in that, it’s always a really fun thing. So that I think probably what he’s referring to. And those scenes were really fun to do.
Tim: Thank you. For Emily, although the series started with us getting to know Audrey, I know you consider her your main character, but it strikes me that her true self is no more Audrey than it was Sarah or Lucy or now Lexie. Do you think the audience will ever learn her true first name and more about who that person was? Is that something William might be involved with?
Emily Rose: Yes, I definitely think it’s something that he might be involved with. I think for me it’s not so much my concern that the audience necessarily learns what her true identity will be, but resonate with that true identity. Because the thing that I sort of struggled with in setting up Lexie for the beginning of the season was the concern I had in that, you know, I love launching a new character and now this is the first time that I’d been able to actually play that character for a prolonged amount of episodes. But how do I feel about Audrey not being there? And how do I feel about her being missing? And will the audience miss her like the characters miss her?
And so some of the stuff I’ve been, you know, reading on Twitter that sort of confirms that, about, you know, liking Lexie but missing Audrey, and I love that people miss Audrey because I feel like that’s what the other characters are going through and what she kind of feels about her own self. So my concern isn’t necessarily that, you know, they will understand who she is as much as they will resonate with who she is if and when she finds herself and kind of loved her just the same, because they’ve been with Audrey for three seasons, you know, obviously. But what happens if Audrey goes away? What happens if Audrey changes? What happens, you know, to these friends that you sort of made throughout these years? That’s kind of the bigger question for me in terms of what the audience connects with. And just in terms of, you know, an actor to a character too, trying to make sure that I do her justice and play her in a really truthful way and don’t let go of her in the midst of all these other changes, you know, because I do think she is such a key part of what Haven is. So, yes.
Tim: Definitely, we all love the character of Audrey. Just real quickly as a follow-up, will we see Sarah’s son James, the Colorado Kid, resurfacing in time this season?
Emily Rose: I don’t think we’ll see him resurface in a physical sense of the word, but I think he’s always definitely a present part of the story here and there for sure.
Tim: Thank you so much for talking with us today.
Emily Rose: You’re welcome.
Moderator: And ladies and gentlemen, this next question is going to be our last question for the day.
Operator: Our last question comes from – is a follow-up question from the line of Jamie. Please proceed with your question.
Jamie: Yay. Thanks for the last question.
Colin Ferguson: Yay.
Jamie: Are we possibly ever going to see like more incarnations before Sarah and Lucy? I mean I know obviously the people in the town that are there probably weren’t around, but is there ever any hints that that could be something that maybe they would explore…
Emily Rose: Do you want to see more incarnations of hers? That’s my question.Yes. Yes. I don’t know. I don’t know. That’s a really good question. That’s a very good last question. That’s a good last question.
Colin Ferguson: Well, I guess we can say that we shot a scene today that would definitely shed light on that.
Jamie: Okay.
Emily Rose: Wow. Colin has given you – Colin has given you gold. Yes, yes. Definitely would shed light on that for sure.
Colin Ferguson: For sure.
Jamie: All right. Great. Well, thank you guys…
Emily Rose: I’m sorry, it’s that awkward silence of — and that’s – it’s a great question though. It’s a great question. And I think that’s why I always want to ask that back, because that’s my huge question, is, you know, what incarnations would we see of her? Are there more? Is she locked in something, trying to get out? You know, I don’t know. That’s the big questions of this season and that’s what makes the show so exciting — one of the things that makes the show so exciting.
Jamie: Good. Well, thank you both of you. And I hope we see at the press tour.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Colin Ferguson: I won’t be able to attend and I’m really sad about it because I’m from Montreal, but I hope you guys have a fantastic time there. I will be there in spirit.
Jamie: Okay. Very good. Thanks a lot guys.
Emily Rose: Thank you.
Moderator: Thank you all very much for joining us today. Thank you especially to Colin and Emily for taking time out of their busy days while they’re shooting the last episode of the show. Haven, just a reminder, airs Fridays at 10:00 p.m. only on Syfy. Everyone have a great weekend, and thank you again. Week actually, it’s only Monday. Shoot.
Colin Ferguson: Great. Thanks, management.
Source: ©2013 Syfy, a division of NBC Universal. All Rights Reserved.
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