Ally Walker
Ally Walker spoke about her role as Helena, a senior person in the Transitional Authority who has direct contact with The Hosts on the USA Network hit series Colony.
Listening to Walker discuss how little she knew about her character or the story line but took a leap of faith anyway to see where things would go made me come up with a different question from what I originally intended to ask. I wish you could hear her laughter in response to what I asked.
Fans often associate celebrities with the roles they play. In this instance, despite the numerous television shows and movies Walker has been in, almost everyone on the call mentioned her role in the hit TV series Profiler, which aired from 1996 to 1999. That kind of association fascinates me and led to my second question.
Keep reading to see my questions, followed by the remaining Q&A of the call.
Colony airs Thursdays at 10/9c, only on USA Network.
Megan: Hi, everyone. Thank you for participating in the conference call today. We’re very happy to Ally Walker here who stars on USA Network’s drama series, Colony.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Greg Staffa with Your Entertainment Corner, please proceed.
Greg Staffa: Thanks for taking our questions today.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Greg Staffa: In listening to you talk – taking this role sounds a lot like dating. Where you don’t know what you’re getting in the long term. But you have that first date and then you go from there. You don’t know what you’re going to find out about that person.
What was it about Colony that you were informed about that sold you on it? Because it doesn’t sound like you were given much but yet you did it.
Ally Walker: I saw the pilot. I knew Carlton Cuse from – I did one – I think my first pilot or maybe my second pilot with Carlton about 25-years ago. And it was a remake of the Witches of Eastwick. And it was hilariously silly and — but he and I became friends.
And I’ve seen him on and off over the years, you know. He’s a great writer. And so he had called me. And said, you want, you know, — they called and said do you want to look at the pilot? And I thought, yes, sure, okay. You know, not thinking much. And just, you know, hoping for the best.
But I was floored. I really thought, you know, it’s just – I like doing different and, you know, everybody does. But, you know, Profiler was so original. June Stahl was so original for me, you know.
And this show – when I saw it I was, like, oh, this is very original. You haven’t really seen this before. You know, it’s a very fresh idea and a very human experience.
And I just was kind of floored by the pilot. And I thought – and I said – and they said, don’t worry. You know, I’m going to write something good for you. And I said, great. And so I just jumped in.
Because I trust those writers. I thought, you know, what they did with the pilot was extraordinary. And I love Carlton. And I thought, you know, this will be good. So sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, right, just like in dating.
Greg Staffa: Thank you.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Greg Staffa: Many times celebrities are summed up by the roles that they previously played. For you it’s the Profiler. Anytime someone mentions your name the Profiler’s often attached to it. Who do you see yourself as? You do environmental work, you’re a parent – who are you to you?
Ally Walker: Well, you know, I mean first and foremost I’m my boys mom. I think that’s been the biggest and the most rewarding role of my life. You know, I really love my kids. And I had at an age – where I was in my mid-thirties – and I was really ready to have kids.
And I’m, you know, I’m their mom. And that’s who I am. You know, we don’t – I don’t talk about my career with my kids. There’s a long period of time when I didn’t work as an actor. Where I really took a lot of time off to be with them when they were really little.
And I shot a documentary about foster care. And I did other things in my life. But first and foremost, you know, to this day I really haven’t wanted to sign on to, you know, a show where I’d be gone all the time.
I tried a little bit of that a couple of years ago. It didn’t really work out. And I really put that first because that’s the real deal. You know, that’s my real life, so, I’m their mom.
Greg Staffa: Thank you. I enjoy the series.
Ally Walker: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Suzanne, please proceed.
Ally Walker: Good morning.
Suzanne: Hey, hi, I’m a big fan of yours ever since profiler. You were great.
Ally Walker: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
Suzanne: I was wondering what did you find the most fun about playing this role?
Ally Walker: Well, yes, I like playing strong characters. And it’s another, you know, it’s sort of another strong female character. And that always speaks to me.
Because I think, you know, that – there’s a lot of great roles out there for women now in TV I think. But this kind of woman just really intrigues me. I think it’s really hard to play ball in a man’s world. And she’s a real, you know, power ball, power hitter. And she just kind of calls the shots.
And she’s very – I like the fact that she’s very – it was just funny. I was talking to Maria Menounos about this. I like the fact that she’s very detached and unemotional. And she’s, you know, she’s like a corporate girl. She knows how to solve problems. And I like that. I like showing that kind of, you know, cold decision person.
It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a, you know, where they go with her.
Suzanne: Right. And is there anything that you find difficult or that you’ve been able — that you have found difficult about playing the role that you had to work out?
Ally Walker: You know, for me it’s really just about doing what the writer prescribes. I just try to do what’s on the page. And, you know, and if I don’t understand something then I, you know, go to the writer or the director or — and we usually figure it out.
I think with this particular show – and with others, you know, you’ve got to meld a lot of information when I started. And I kind of had to, you know, ask them, you know, where is this? What’s happening?
So it’s such a – excuse me – it’s such a fresh idea. But it really is amazing watching people, you know, survive and what comes out of people.
And I like Helena. She kind of keeps a tight lid on everything, you know. So I found that very interesting.
Suzanne: All right, thanks a lot.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Ton, please proceed.
Tony: Hi, Ally, good to talk to you.
Ally Walker: Hey.
Tony: I have (Pericode) as well. I’m been a fan since the Profiler.
Ally Walker: Thank you.
Tony: And I think that show broke a lot of ground. It was one of the first shows about Profilers.
Ally Walker: So do I, so do I, thank you.
Tony: I have also say, your character’s very intriguing in a lot of other ways. Because she’s sort of like a liaison between the invaders – for lack of a better word – and people that she kind of…
Ally Walker: Yes.
Tony: …rose over. How much…
Ally Walker: Yes.
Tony: …do you know about her? And how much do you know about her role that she’d deal with them directly – that kind of thing?
Ally Walker: I don’t kno-, unfortunately I’m working with Carlton and Ryan they don’t give you as much. I don’t know if I interface directly with the aliens. I think that they’re – I think that I do but I’m not sure. We haven’t – I haven’t really been giving them all the details of my, you know, kind of interfacing with them.
I think I do. I mean I’ve been lead to believe that I kind of do. And whether they speak some kind translator or something, I’m not really sure. That’s the only question I really have.
But, you know, I think it’s just interesting because, you know, again, being put in that position as a human being with (unintelligible) kind of if you think about it it’s really a tough – tough position to be put in, you know. To make things work (unintelligible) this outside entity and that interface is something like that is kind of freaky.
Terrifying actually.
Tony: Yes. And how do you – just kind of take me inside of your head a little bit. How do you think she views Proxy Snyder?
Ally Walker: You know, I think for Helena, everything’s a game of chess. Everything is – she doesn’t commit. And she doesn’t let go of too much.
And in that way, she maintains the game. So Proxy Snyder has committed a little too much in sort of an (eastical) way I think for Helena.
So I think she wastes — I think she admired his, you know, sort of wanting to do the right thing. But she’s not going to allow anyone to really see her cards. So she keeps her cards very close to her vest. And I really like that.
And that’s about survival.
Tony: Yes. No, just the analogy’s great. I really like that. I totally see that in her preface app.
Ally Walker: Oh, thanks, yes, yes, she’s playing 3-dimensional chess at all times.
Tony: But I’ll get back in line. Great.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Diana, please proceed.
Diana: Hi, Ally. Thanks again for doing this today. Another big fan. You’re going to have a fan…
Ally Walker: Thank you, awesome.
Diana: … (Unintelligible) looks like.
Ally Walker: That’s great. Thank you.
Diana: I have the Profiler DVDs, so anyway. But I wanted to ask you, you know your character in the Profiler was so good and saintly. And your character in Sons of Anarchy was just so bad.
Where are you – I know you don’t know much about your…
Ally Walker: Were you…
Diana: …yet, yes, but where are you kind of hoping she falls on the spectrum between good and bad? And what kind of roles do you favor playing personally?
Ally Walker: You know, I, I – Helena is different, you know. I’m not really sure where to go with Helena. I think what’s interesting about each of these characters in this – and I’ve said it before is that, you know, this is about, you know, I think the writers talk to me about, you know, how people dealt with Nazi Germany. And how they had to survive. And what they had to do. And who they had to, you know, befriend in order to just stay alive.
And I think that’s a similar situation here. You know, I think it’s basically – it will be interesting, you know, I think that Helena is more corporate. I would like to see her human side come into play a little bit more. I mean that’s like the, you know, peeling back the layers of an onion and seeing exactly, you know, what happens.
But I think you know that when the characters on this do that they get killed. So it’s a little scary.
But I think it’ll be interesting to see people’s course. And I don’t know that you’ll see hers for a very long time.
I think she is used to doing this in the corporate world. And she’s going to continue covering herself and kind of, you know, covering her bums – for lack of a better phrase. So that she doesn’t die, you know.
Diana: Yes. And can we expect to see a little bit more of you in Season 2? We’ve only got a little glimpse so far.
Ally Walker: You know what, I have no idea. I don’t – I don’t arrange these things. I don’t write. So I mean I’m hoping so. I really love the show. I hope we bring her back in a more, you know, kind of quantity way.
But, you know, I’m just waiting to see. It’s a great job. I’m just really enjoying playing the part right now.
Diana: Well, if they weren’t playing it before, after all the fans, they should be now. So thanks so much.
Ally Walker: Ah, thank you so much.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Agatha, please proceed.
Agatha: Hi, how are you?
Ally Walker: I’m doing well, thanks. How are you?
Agatha: I’m good. Thank you so much. I’m so excited to talk to you today. I’m such…
Ally Walker: Thank you.
Agatha: …fan ever since the Profiler as well. Just like everyone else has said.
Ally Walker: Oh, thank you, oh, it’s so great.
Agatha: There’s a lot of action on the show including shoot outs. Is Helena going to get involved with that or will she be hanging out behind the scenes?
Ally Walker: Well, I certainly hope she doesn’t get her hair messed. (Unintelligible), we don’t know. We actually don’t know what the plans for Helena are. I have not texted the writers. I have not talked — I think by the end you will see her reacting in a more forceful way shall I say? And get a little bit more involved, yes, she does.
But whether that involves shooting and being violent – I’m not really sure, no.
Agatha: Okay. And just a follow-up. If you were living in an occupied city like the one on the show, would you join the resistance? Or try to get in with the transitional authority?
Ally Walker: You know; I think I would probably in the resistance. I’m always kind of difficult. I think probably I would feel like it’s time to, you know, to change this. I really try to be a little bit more proactive, you know, politically and things. So I would probably be in the resistance any day.
(Unintelligible) what am I saying? I don’t want to be an alien.
Agatha: Thank you.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of AJ Grillo, please proceed.
AJ: Hi, Ally, thanks for talking with us today.
Ally Walker: Yes, sure.
AJ: Actually I just want to say I absolutely loved your performance in Sons of Anarchy as Agent Stahl. I love that whole story. I just – you blew me away…
Ally Walker: Ah, thanks.
AJ: …with that character.
Ally Walker: That was a great character.
AJ: So we’ve established that you don’t much about where your character’s going. So where would you like to see the character go? Or based on what you do know, where do you think they’re going to take her?
Ally Walker: You know, I really – I really – I think they need to find her humanity a little bit. I don’t know how long that will take. I like the idea of her being able to outmaneuver people and then may be in the resistance and working for the side of, you know, man.
I think that would a really interesting way to go with it. But then I don’t, you know, I don’t mind playing evil as, you know, from June Stahl. So I really, you know, it depends on the story.
You know, we’re all players in a story. And it really depends on what they want to do with the story. Then you have to service that story no matter what, you know.
So I think it will be really interesting. I’m interested to see what they do with this character. I’d like to see her fleshed out a little bit more. I think that would be a lot of fun. I mean that’s, you know, every actor wants that for their character (unintelligible).
Did I answer your question?
AJ: Yes, well, thank you. I hope to see more of you — yes, that was good.
Ally Walker: All right. Thank you very much.
AJ: I hope to see more of you next season, thanks.
Ally Walker: Okay. Me too, thanks, bye.
I hope to see more of me.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Erin, please proceed.
Erin: Hi, Ally.
Ally Walker: Hey.
Erin: Tonight’s episode leads into, you know, the final three. And it really takes a distinctly different and exciting turn. Without giving any spoilers at all – which I know you wouldn’t do anyway – what was your reaction when you read the scripts for the final three?
Ally Walker: Well, I like them very much. First of all, I think the writing on this show is extraordinary. I think it’s really difficult to have people on the edge of their seats every episode. And they’ve managed to do that.
You know, a lot like Lost was, you know. I didn’t really watch Lost a lot but I was told that. That it was always like you didn’t know – didn’t know which way it was going turn. And I think that’s a real art form. And it’s hard to pull off. And I think these guys are doing it.
And I think they’re keeping the show really riveting and fresh because of it.
So my reaction was this is good, because if you really can, you know. I think there’s very smart people running this show – it’s a very smart show. It really is. And you have, you know, I love Josh and I love Sarah. I think they are excellent as their parts.
And so – and the kids – you really have a lot of compelling things going on, so. You know, I think they’re doing the right thing. Their complimentary (unintelligible). I love those last three shots. I’m excited about it.
Erin: Great. It was one of those – all three of them I sat there watching with my mouth hanging open. So that was very exciting.
Are you a sci-fi…
Ally Walker: (Unintelligible)?
Erin: …fan? Hmm?
Ally Walker: Do you know what? I’m not a sci-fi in the terms of, like, Star Trek maybe or something like that. But I’ll tell you one of my – oh, my god, I forgot the name of my favorite – the Ridley Scott – the Harrison Ford. Oh, my god, one of my fa-, my brain is – I’m driving. So I’m really (unintelligible) here.
Erin: Blade Runner?
Ally Walker: Blade Runner is, like, here hold on one second. Stupid (unintelligible). Yes, Blade Runner is, like, really one of my favorite films of all time. And that is just brilliant sci-fi because it blends the human experience with, you know, sort of this futuristic – I love that movie. I thought that was genius. I really did.
Actually I love the old Soylent Green too. Yes, I guess you could say I’m a sci-fi fan.
Erin: Well, that’s great. Thank you very much. And I’m loving Helena in the show.
Ally Walker: Oh, thank you so much.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Mike.
Mike: Hi, Ally, thanks so much for coming on.
Ally Walker: Yes, absolutely.
Mike: And I’m sort of Bond I guess in a way perhaps (unintelligible) and Colony is extensively a science fiction show but it’s got sort of element for low key. And it hasn’t really been marketed as sci-fi. Do you think is something that’s helped it capture an audience and been nearly successful as it has been?
Ally Walker: Yes, I do actually. I think that, you know, when you tell a story, you know, I think for people to get really involved they have to have a sort of a deck to feel it. And in order to feel it they have to a human experience. And I think (Lorette) has been very smart to kind of set this, you know, futuristic, sci-fi show with human term and tell a human story.
And I think that’s kind of brilliant actually. I think that’s its greatest appeal.
Mike: Oh, thanks. And this as an actress has really been your first introduction into science fiction and science fiction fandom. How has that experience been for you so far?
Ally Walker: It’s been fantastic. You know, I mean I take, you know, I just try to play my card. You know, I’m – that’s my job is to show up and do my work. And I do that.
But it’s been — science fiction fans have been very – very lovely to me. Very welcoming and very supportive, you know, and I’ve really been very touched by it and very appreciative of all the support.
So it’s been great. It’s been really great.
Mike: Thank you.
Ally Walker: Thank you.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Jackie, please proceed.
Ally Walker: That’s great. Talk nerdy with us. That’s funny. I was a nerd. Nothing wrong with that.
Jackie: Yes, being nerdy’s cool. It is…
Ally Walker: Yes.
Jackie: …isn’t it.
Ally Walker: It is.
Jackie: So I wanted to ask you what is it like working with the rest of the cast on Colony. And do you have any behind the scenes funny moments that you can share?
Ally Walker: Well, Peter is a funny moment happening all the time.
You know, sometimes when we’re working and you see that wave of cedar pass over his face. It’s hard for me not to laugh. He’s a really good actor. But it just cracks me up – his character. Proxy Snyder really cracks me up.
Josh is one of the most down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. He’s just a sweetheart. And he’s just – I mean you just kind start – I mean I hate to this but he’s just so easy on the eyes. You just kind of drool whatever. I’m, like, hi, Josh.
You know, my voice goes up an octave. It’s like you’re never too old for a little Josh, you know. And I roughed him up. Sarah taught me how to use Instagram. I didn’t know how to do it. And she was, like, listen, we’ve got to get you some followers. This is what you do.
And she’s a mom. She’s really cool. And she’s a real good actress. I just really had nothing but a great time with people on the set. It’s just a great – very real, very cool people.
And, you know, at the end of the day you want to work with nice people – you really do.
Jackie: Oh, definitely, definitely. I mean it makes…
Ally Walker: Yes.
Jackie: …much more pleasant work environment, you know, for everybody to be…
Ally Walker: Yes.
Jackie: …friendly and open and…
Ally Walker: Yes, no ego. Yes, competition of egos that just can get old crazy.
Jackie: So this question’s a little bit different but I know you’ve mentioned that you don’t know too much where your character’s storyline is going but what kind of person do you think Helena was before the arrival happened?
Ally Walker: You know she is using what she learned from corporate America. She’s – like I said to another (unintelligible) playing 3-dimensional chess all the time. She’s learning how to protect – she learned how to protect herself. Manipulate people into doing what she wants, seeing what happens, and buffering herself against blame.
And I think that has served her very well. And she’s now putting those, you know, skills to use with the aliens where she’s protecting herself and making sure that things get done. And there’s all of the convenience (unintelligible) if she needs it.
And I think that’s what she’s doing. So I think she was a corporate girl. She was pretty good.
Jackie: Yes, I think she was too.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Jackie: Thank you so much.
Ally Walker: Absolutely.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Tracey, please proceed.
Tracey: Hi, thank you for taking the time. And…
Tracey: …for the episode 8 exclusive clip we hear Helena mention a performance review with the chief minister of the Pacific Coast. And that tells us another layer of the transitional authority.
Do you think that fans are going to be surprised just how far up the chain of command is going to go with the authority?
Ally Walker: Well, I know I will be. Yes, yes, I think – I think they’re building this intricately woven kind of community of what’s what and who’s who and who deals with what.
And that’s really, you know, truly great because it’s not all explained at once which is why people are on the edge of their seats which I think is a very smart move on the writer’s part, you know.
Tracey: Yes, yes.
Ally Walker: You know, who’s to say this isn’t all some (manuflog) issues you see (unintelligible). So who’s to say it’s not a manufactured, you know, kind of conspiracy. You know, it’s really fascinating what they’re doing.
And they’re just telling a story, parsing it out a tiny bit at a time. And, you know, I think there’s a – then you leave yourself open for so much. Don’t trap yourself in a corner.
And think you guys have been really brilliant about that.
Tracey: Yes, well, thank you. It’s great. We’re very anxious to see how it all falls. And it’s fun that we don’t get it all at once, so.
Ally Walker: Yes, absolutely. It’ll last, you know, I mean where you want, yes.
Tracey: Great.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Kathryn, please proceed.
Kathryn: Hello. Thank you for doing this conference call. I’m…
Ally Walker: Absolutely.
Katheryn: …SciFi4Me. Okay this was kind of – this is kind of a long question. But what do you think of the historical aspects and the social commentary as it compares to other occupation stories and shows such as the original Z with its World War II allegory.
Ally Walker: You know I didn’t watch the series Z. I think this has a World War II allegory as well. I think this is about, you know, when I (unintelligible).
Katheryn: Yes, neither did I. I didn’t watch Z either, so.
I was thinking more along the lines of the Ugly Trilogy is the one that I associate the show with the most. But that’s an obscure book series. But anyway, I’m sorry.
Ally Walker: No, no, I can’t really think of – this does have, you know, the Third Reich and the occupation in Nazi Germany really plays into this. So I would (unintelligible) to the writers. And, you know, what was interesting to us was how people survived.
So it’s really a character study. The study of human nature. What people, you know, both will do to survive something. Especially something as horrible as, you know, I just read. What’s his name? The meaning of life – who is Frank, oh, god, I can’t remember anybody’s name anymore.
It’s – the chairman (unintelligible) and I was reading it while I was filming Colony. And the things that people went through. And what they had to do. What the new normal became inside, you know, Auschwitz.
And it’s stunning the power of the human spirit. And I look at this and I see it, you know. And you begin to wonder, you know, hopefully it makes you think more of other people living on the planet. And, you know, I remember being in school. I had a very outspoken boyfriend in college. And he said, you know, because of the Cold War and everything was going. And the only way that human beings would ever be united was an interplanetary war. I think it’s kind of ironic though in (unintelligible). Sure enough – they’re uniting.
But anyway, so I think it’s, you know, it’s a tale as old as time. There’s always the conquer. There’s always, you know, the people who are subjected and enslaved. And how do you – how do you deal, how does the human spirit deal? So it’s interesting.
Kathryn: Considering use of what the environmental defense fund – hopefully that is one thing that humanity can come together for. So hopefully we won’t (unintelligible).
Ally Walker: Thank you for saying that. I’m really, you know, yes, I’m sort of horrified by, you know, what’s going on. And that there hasn’t been more done especially in the United States to combat…
Kathryn: Yes, yes.
Ally Walker: …climate change. And the fact that it was up to the Supreme Court, let’s you know just how far big business is willing to go to stop, you know, any form of healthy energy creation which is, you know,…
Kathryn: I’m a farmer myself, so. I’m a farmer myself, so I know. I’m a farmer myself so I know how it is.
Ally Walker: Oh, wow, it’s terrifying isn’t it? What I can’t fathom is we have the – the Constitution is beautiful with these far reaching minds crafting it. And look at how it’s being used by these short sighted, greed driven, group of people.
I mean it is unconscionable to me. You know, I was watching Mitch McConnell about how Obama should not be allowed to, you know, pick a – the next – appoint the next justice. And I’m thinking to myself, well, we’ve never seen this before have we?
I mean once it’s happened. Once it’s happening. (Unintelligible) I don’t know. Doing Colony, timing of Colony is pretty good, don’t you think?
Kathryn: Perhaps, maybe you should host your own show where you talk about that stuff.
Ally Walker: You know what I actually wouldn’t mind. I’m really worried, I’m parent. And I’m, you know, I have court battles. And I could afford to do it. Look, so I’m lucky. I know it.
But we need leaders who are, you know, with minds that are far reaching and who can see this stuff. And I think Obama has been by in large.
But I’ve to say, you know, it’s funny the difference between when we were in the 70s – I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I grew up there. There was gas lines and gas shortages, right. And so everybody got smaller cars. There was drought in Santa Fe so you didn’t was your car. You know, you didn’t have yards.
And we’re in one of the worst droughts in Southern California than ever. And I’m telling you. I don’t have grass in my front or backyard. You learn about all (unintelligible).
But it’s me and three others in my neighborhood. Everybody else has fields of grass as if, you know, it’s not going to happen. And I just feel like we all, you know, what’s happening? What is happening? We don’t care. And it really bothers me because, you know, we all have kids, right.
Kathryn: Yes, yes.
Ally Walker: We are working the lands from our children.
Ally Walker: Yes, we are.
Kathryn: Thank you.
Ally Walker: We are.
Operator: The next question comes from the line of Landyn, please proceed.
Landyn: Hi, Ally, how are you today?
Ally Walker: I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
Landyn: Good. So do you have to prepare any differently for a sci-fi role than you would for any other genre?
Ally Walker: No.
Landyn: Okay. And what’s it like working in sci-fi?
Ally Walker: I think Sci-Fi’s fun. I think it’s more about – it’s just a – it’s a larger canvas paint on, you know. It’s sort of, like, stretch your mind a little bit. And, like, this is a different language. That’s a different language. This, you know, the unimaginable becomes imaginable, you know, we’ve been taken over.
You know, I think human beings are pretty good at that. You know, I was just talking to (unintelligible) about the meaning of life – but I cannot – Frank, what is it? Oh, my god, I’ve got to look it up. It’s driving me crazy.
Anyway, he survived Auschwitz. And it’s, like, what they became accustomed to just to survive.
Landyn: Right.
Ally Walker: So I think that that’s, you know, science fiction is sort of like that. You just take a new realm, a new set of rules, a new, you know, language perhaps, dress differently – and there you go.
So I think it’s a broadening of the horizon which I find really fun.
Landyn: All right. Thank you very much.
Ally Walker: Sure.
Operator: The next question is a follow-up from Suzanne.
Suzanne: Hi, again, I don’t if you – you’re allowed to answer this or not. But will we be seeing you in the next season of Longmire again?
Ally Walker: Well, I certainly hope so. I think you will. I hope I’m not dead. I can’t answer these questions.
Suzanne: Right. Well, we have a lot of fans out there. I already watched (unintelligible) and loved it. And it was just icing on the cake to see you show up. And it was a great character.
Ally Walker: Oh, thank you so much. I really love that show. It’s really different, isn’t it. I really think it’s a great show. It’s very, very, quiet. And I love the actors on that show. I love Lou Diamond Phillips and A. Martinez and everybody, everybody.
But it’s like those guys I just love watching. They’re fun.
Suzanne: And you got to work with A. Martinez in Profiler too for a little bit.
Ally Walker: Profiler, Santa Barbara, I’ve known A for…
Suzanne: Oh, that’s right, Santa Barbara.
Ally Walker: …oh, my god, I have known A – oh, my god, almost 30 years. Is that crazy?
Suzanne: Wow. Yes.
Ally Walker: Creepy.
Suzanne: Sorry to forget Santa Barbara. I love that show too.
Ally Walker: I love that show, thanks.
Suzanne: Thank you.
Ally Walker: Okay, sure.
Operator: The next question on the line is a follow-up also from Tony.
Tony: Hi, Ally. Hey, people have to know that you have street cred in sci-fi because of Universal Soldiers. You’re already in the club.
Ally Walker: Oh, yes, that’s right. I was thinking about that. But I thought I guess they don’t consider that sci-fi. That would’ve been – I loved that movie. It was so funny. It was on the other day. And I was, oh, my god, that was such a fun movie. I loved that movie.
I thought it was a great idea too.
Tony: Yes, absolutely. I have more of a personal question. It’s more like how did you do it? I guess when you were doing the Profiler you were in a new marriage and you were, you know, having a baby and all that.
How did you manage to do something like that? To kind of weave all of those different parts of your life together.
Ally Walker: I don’t know. I didn’t do it very well. I kind of left Profiler because I had a – I was expecting another baby. And was tired of dealing with the hours. And I just couldn’t keep up.
You know, it’s, like, I was talking on home and family on a Hallmark show yesterday. And I think it’s airing today. And I said, you know, you can – somebody told me once you can do everything just not at the same time. And I really learned that at that point in my life.
I had, you know, so many blessings. And it was wonderful. But I was truly, truly, exhausted. And I really wanted to be with my son. And I really was anxious to start that part of my life.
So that’s the reason I left. I don’t think I could do it very well after a while. It was too much for me.
You know, I could do smaller roles. I could write and do other films. There was a documentary – I did my own film this year – Sex, Death, and Bullying which is on iTunes. It’s going to be on Netflix next month.
But I couldn’t do those 16-hour days anymore. You know, I couldn’t do it. I was just – it really – it knocked me out.
Tony: Well, all the shows like Criminal Minds owe so much to the Profiler. I mean they wouldn’t be on if it weren’t for the Profiler so you definitely blazed a trail.
Ally Walker: Yes, thanks, dude, yes. People have told me that and it’s really, you know, it was such a great little show. It was the first, I think, single female lead someone told me since Police Woman. And it was, like, I mean for a drama.
And it was just really, it was a really – Cynthia Saunders created a really good show. And so I really, you know, loved being a part of it. Yes, thank you.
Tony: Thank you. And more Helena definitely.
Ally Walker: Thank you.
Operator: The next question is also a follow-up from Erin.
Erin: Hi again. Going back to another one of the causes that you are passionate about – you just mentioned it briefly a minute ago. But the foster care system and the documentary you shot.
This might be a little bit of a stretch. But does the Charley storyline in Colony – does that resonate for you at all? A child away from his parents trying to deal with things on his own perhaps?
Ally Walker: Absolutely. I mean there’s so many homeless kids in the city of Los Angeles it’s absolutely frightening. There’s so many homeless people. And I look around and I think about it. And I look like, you know, the foster care is a very tough situation. And it’s a huge business as well.
And I really think it is something that we can’t put it aside. And we have to do the right thing by it. And I think this day and age that’s something that’s very hard to do.
I’ll tell you a performance that – speaking of looking at characters that move me. Michael B. Jordan in Creed he plays a young African-American who’s a, you know, a product of Apollo Creed’s relationship with a mistress. And he’s in a group home.
And this guy is such good actor. I mean when he started talking about the group home. You know, I went to several group homes. And it broke my heart because I started thinking about those kids again. You know, that I could really – I tried to effect change.
And really there was very little I could do. I did the best I could with myself. But that’s heart breaking to be so abused and to be alone in the world like that. So that’s a performance in particular. Yes, Charley, I think it’s very effective. It’s very in to see this kind of innocence lost.
And, you know, there’s so many children around the world who deserve so much better. You know, and I don’t know. It’s just a – the world’s a different place. It really is. It’s really different now. Very different and it’s scary.
Erin: I think that hits you more when you’re a parent than beforehand.
Ally Walker: Oh, god, oh, god, right, yes. I don’t know, you know, I had had my first son when I did the – and I was pregnant with my third baby I guess when we were shooting the dock. And I just, you can’t imagine.
Those kids are the smartest bravest people I’ve ever met. Those kids living in group homes in foster care. They were the smartest, bravest people I ever met.
Erin: Well, thank you very much.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Operator: The next question is a follow-up from Mike.
Mike: Hi, then, Ally. You said that Helena is kind of a character who plays with her emotions very close to her chest.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Mike: So can you talk about some of the challenges in playing a character like that as opposed to playing with one who can perhaps more freely express themselves?
Ally Walker: Well, I mean it’s a, you know, it works out well in – thinking I just have to. You know, it’s depression. It’s shows detachment. It’s aloofness.
And, you know, doing that is kind of tiring actually because you retain a large portion of yourself. You know, you don’t, you know, and you can feel like you’re not being real – if that makes sense.
Because if you’re not really connected to how you feel. So you’re playing two things. You’re playing the subtext of it. You can’t let them know what you’re thinking. I have to be very careful to never let anybody know.
So it can come off, you know, you can feel like you’re being a little bit one dimensional as an actress. But then you think about and, you know, you don’t really show people that you’re scared if you’re not – if you don’t want them to think you’re scared in real life.
Yes, either so you just to have – there’s this constant, you know, battle. But it has to kind be – your fear and your manipulations have to be kind of underneath everything.
So that makes it kind of hard sometimes actually to play. And, you know, you can some wrong choices at times. And, you know, hopefully I’m not. But it’s a little more difficult sometimes actually.
Mike Simpson: So, thank you.
Ally Walker: Yes.
Operator: The next question’s also a follow-up from Kathryn.
Kathryn: Hello, again. So I’ve been looking at, you know, different critic – critic types that critique, you know, TV shows and especially your show.
And while they say it’s very enjoyable and it does have high rank – and it does have high marks. The one main criticism that I’ve seen is that a lot of critics call your show an unoriginal. And what would you have to say about that?
Ally Walker: Well, you know, I think critics always have to say something (unintelligible). I don’t know. I think – I think the show speaks for itself.
And I think, you know, having been involved in other original programming, you know, I really don’t agree with that. I think it’s very original. I like it very much.
Maybe it’s just that I don’t watch as much TV. I don’t know as much perhaps. But I really like the cake. And I really like what they’ve done with it. And I don’t agree with that. I really don’t agree with that.
So, you know, that’s a part of being a critic. It’s opinion and, you know, you get people’s opinion. So that’s okay. That’s their opinion.
Kathryn: Yes, in show’s design so they still – they rank it extremely high. They just, you know, they’ve just got to find. You know, you’ve just got to find something. And, yes, so I think while the story has been told. I think Colony in itself takes a unique turn on it.
And like you said, you know, it’s a tale as old as time. It’s going to be repeated no matter what. So thank you.
Ally Walker: Yes. Yes, absolutely, thank you.
Operator: The next question is a follow-up from Diana.
Diana: Yes, I just wanted to ask because, obviously, Colony is fiction. But what do you think is the greatest truth or the greatest lesson that we can learn from the show right now. When we have some kind of frightening parallels going on in society minus the aliens.
Ally Walker: Yes, I think fascism is never a good idea. I think that’s what we can take from it. You know, look, I think people need to treat each other better. You know, that’s basically the bottom line of everything.
I think that everybody deserves a seat at the table. And everybody should drink more. We should all drink (unintelligible), you know. I mean that’s a very, you know, kind of, oh, let love rule.
But, you know, it’s true. I, you know, I look at Bernie Sanders and people like that – people scoffing at, you know, he’s unrealistic in his mission. But, you know, why we can’t we have, you know, universal healthcare? Why?
You know, tell me why. We can. You know, I just – I think that humanity, you know, needs to always look to its better side. And I don’t think we always do that. And history repeats itself constantly – unfortunately.
Diana: Yes, I definitely agree. Who do you think is the best moral compass on the show at this point?
Ally Walker: Well, I think that everybody has their own moral compass. And I think that’s what – you know, I think Sarah is great. I think that Will is great. I think he’s kind of in a position of wanting to make sure that his family is safe. And that is always a very, very appealing position.
And to do the right thing even if he’s put in the wrong setting. You know, what I mean. And that’s always, like, that’s a cure too that you get, you know, you feel very – a lot of compassion for.
I love Sarah. I love her portrayal, Katy, I think it’s genius. I think she’s really, you know, idealistic and wonderful and trying to put it, you know, into working form as a parent and as a, you know, as hope for the future. Especially because she has kids.
So I find both those characters – perhaps as a whole, like, it should give more comfort. I’m not really sure, you know. It’s a really great look at, you know, how horrible situation brings out – what it brings out is new.
Diana: Thanks again so much.
Ally Walker: Sure, thank you.
Operator: The next question is a follow-up from Tracey.
Tracey: Okay, I had one more question about Helena’s personality. It’s impressive how she exudes so much confidence. Can you think of or describe a scenario that might rattle her?
Ally Walker: Well, I don’t think Helena can have too many failures. But I think she’s, you know, she’s got a convenient scapegoat her with Proxy Snyder. So I think if there are two, you know, it’s like being in the corporate world, you know, to the tenth power or whatever.
If you have too many (unintelligible) line up, you’re going to be in trouble. As long as you’ve got someone to lay it off on you’re okay.
But I think that should things really go amiss Helena could be in some trouble.
Tracey: Okay, all right, thank you again.
Ally Walker: It’s that answer that you’re…
Tracey: Nope, that’s right, thank you.
Ally Walker: All righty, thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude the conference call for today.
Photos: © 2016 USA Network, a division of NBC Universal, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Greg Staffa
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