Busting A Witchy B*tch’s Balls and Fae STD’s? Oh My! Review: Lost Girl “Mirror, Mirror”


Review: Lost Girl, S2, Ep 04- “Mirror, Mirror”

Air date: Monday, May 7, 2012, 10/9c on Syfy


“Mirror, mirror on the wall, time to bust this bitch’s balls!” – Kenzi

“Mirror, Mirror” is an intense but highly entertaining episode. You get a bit of humor from our lovable Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) but it’s of a darker variety, for the most part.

Busting A Witchy B*tch's Balls and Fae STD's? Oh My! Review: Lost Girl "Mirror, Mirror" 1

Baba Yaga is one scary witch!!

When Dyson’s (Kris Holden-Reid) love was stripped by The Norn (Kate Trotter), it wasn’t just Bo (Anna Silk) who was hurt. Sure, Bo is the most pained, but Kenzi and Dyson were simpatico, too. They were friends to the point of being like family. Bo and Kenzi are best friends and as they continue to grow and live under the same roof, their feelings deepen. It’s like they’re sisters. So that kind of makes Dyson Kenzi’s brother-in-law (or at least he was). Seeing Dyson hook up with other girls angers Kenzi so much she, in her drunken state, goes home and calls upon a Russian witch known as Baba Yaga (Kate Lynch) to curse Dyson.

Let me preface by saying Baba Yaga is scary. The fable or myth of Baba Yaga, who is Fae by the way, is a cross between Bloody Mary and the witch in Hansel and Gretel. You have to say Baba Yaga’s name three times while looking in a mirror and then call the name of the one you want to curse. The witch likes to take young Russian girls as her captives – fattening them up to…well, eat them. *Barf*


What I loved about “Mirror, Mirror” is the way the bond between Bo and Kenzi is showcased. The chemistry between these two actresses is amazing. They seem like they are truly the best of friends and their closeness is evident when they are on screen. Bo risks her life to save Kenzi and after all is said and done, Bo and Kenzi have a nice little heart to heart.

Bo: “You faced your greatest fear and lived to tell the tale.”

Kenzi: “Ain’t no thang but a chicken wang. I only really got scared when I thought I wouldn’t see you again.”

We get to meet Kenzi’s aunt (Catherine Fitch). I would try to spell her name but I don’t think I can and she wasn’t listed in the credits. Anyway, now we know where Kenzi gets her gypsy fortune-teller gimmick from. But, this aunt seems to know more than she lets on. When she helps conjure Baba Yaga again to help Kenzi remove the curse, she seems to possess powers Kenzi isn’t aware of. For a split second, I thought Kenzi’s aunt was Baba Yaga in disguise.

Busting A Witchy B*tch's Balls and Fae STD's? Oh My! Review: Lost Girl "Mirror, Mirror" 2

Kenzi finds a mirror hidden in a chest within the witch's lair.

Kenzi and Bo seek Trick’s (Rick Howland) help. Bo wakes up with a strange and very itchy mark on her back. The conversation goes from mild to wild in an instant. As Trick examines the marking, he rules out it being ancient Fae lettering. Kenzi retorts, “Y’all got some secret Fae alphabet we don’t know about?”

Trick: “You should see our Fae Sesame Street.”

Kenzi: “Don’t tease. That would be AWESOME!”


The conversation then goes from Sesame Street to who’s been a naughty Succubus.

Trick to Bo: “Have you…ahem…communed with any particularly…unusual Fae?”

Kenzi to Trick: “Uh, hold up. Are you saying Bo might have a Fae STD?”

Trick to Kenzi: “Not unless she’s been with Baba Yaga.” *GASP!*

The question I have is why doesn’t Trick get more involved in this case? Is it because he doesn’t want to rock the boat with the new Ash (Vincent Walsh)? Or is something more ominous going on? Has Trick had past dealings with Baba Yaga?

Busting A Witchy B*tch's Balls and Fae STD's? Oh My! Review: Lost Girl "Mirror, Mirror" 3

Bo and Kenzi - BFFs

Enlisting Dyson’s help when Kenzi goes missing must have gut Bo but she is willing to do anything to get her best friend back. But Dyson, who claims to still be himself, sans his love for Bo, has been a bit testy as of late. I know The Norn took his love for Bo but he doesn’t have to be a jerk and flaunt other women in her face. However, as much as I want to see more steamy love scenes with these two, I don’t want the writers to rush into getting Dyson’s love back from The Norn. I think the sexual tension helps keep the show exciting. And I wouldn’t mind seeing Bo grow into her Succubus powers. Remember, we still don’t know what she’s capable of. Even Trick hasn’t told her the complete truth about who she is.

I really do love Lost Girl. Every week we are introduced to more unique and otherworldly Fae. And little by little we discover more of each character’s background. Next week, we learn a little more about our centuries old friend Dyson. And Bo gets a little taste of Dyson’s friend. Hmm…should prove interesting since I haven’t seen Bo really feed in a while. Nibbling on Kenzi’s aunt was just a little snack.

Tune in to Lost Girl, Mondays at 10/9, only on Syfy.

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Busting A Witchy B*tch's Balls and Fae STD's? Oh My! Review: Lost Girl "Mirror, Mirror" 4

Judy Manning

Dream chaser extraordinaire! Judy tends to be a tad sarcastic and kind of goofy! She is an avid admirer of all things supernatural, paranormal, celestial and mystical. She loves to read, write, and watches way too much TV. She enjoys many genres of film and music (and let's be honest, most music from the 80s). She also has a wicked sweet tooth. Cupcakes beware.
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