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Bunch of Geniuses. Review: The Vampire Diaries – “No Exit”


THE VAMPIRE DIARIESSeason 5, Episode 14

Air Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014, 8/7c on The CW


“Oh stop trying to scare me, Damon. I’m not leaving you. I’m the only friend you have left.” – Enzo


The Vampire Diaries (TVD) kind of makes a comeback with “No Exit.” I haven’t been too in love with this season but things may be turning around. Brothers come in all forms; they aren’t only forged by blood. Friends show their loyalty, and former lovers find they can never go back to what was. All of these things make for an interesting hour of television. A little overacting almost kills the serious tone of “No Exit,” but the usual suspects save the day with their spot on portrayals. Who would you label MVP?

Two Faced

I'm disappointed it took Stefan so long to see who he was really dealing with.

I’m disappointed it took Stefan so long to see who he was really dealing with.

Katherine (Nina Dobrev) shows her true colors. She never hides who she is, even when she should be hiding. I’m not complaining a bit about her because I’ve gotten exactly what I wanted—more Katherine Pierce. My issue is with her thinking she can continue to pretend she’s Elena (Dobrev) when clearly Katherine has a different personality. It’s only a matter of time before it breaks through and she blows her cover. Oops, didn’t see that coming. Look, I know how difficult it can be to write something engaging as I do it on a daily basis, but come on! Let’s keep the characters from falling all over themselves and being their own worst enemy. Katherine doesn’t make stupid mistakes. She’s survived as long as she has by staying on top of her game. So now I’m supposed to believe she can’t keep up her ruse? If her love for Stefan (Paul Wesley) is making her stupid, then remove the distraction. This storyline is heading nowhere good.

Brotherly Love

Damon (Ian Somerhalder), being infected with whatever concoction the evil Dr. Wes Maxfield (Rick Cosnett) has created, is a super vampire now. Big deal. He’s supposed to be fighting for the woman he loves, not slaughtering his own kind. Why isn’t Somerhalder being used for his strong points? I loved watching Damon and Enzo (Michael Malarkey) go all vamp on Mystic Falls. Now they’re hiding out? Something doesn’t compute. On another note, Enzo is a true friend to the end. Malarkey pulls off the unthinkable. He makes you root for the vampire you’d typically curse to the depths of hell. Knowing where Enzo’s story begins and where he is now, you can’t hate him. And seeing how loyal he is to Damon, well, that just seals the deal for me. I only hope there isn’t something sinister at hand where Enzo is concerned. Wes still has a firm hold on Enzo and it doesn’t seem remotely close to weakening. As an aside, why has the doctor turned into a super villain? He’s a joke whereas before, he was a character I was highly interested in. Now, I want him dead. Like yesterday.

The Blonde Avenger

Caroline (Candice Accola) is once again the voice of reason. I’m surprised since she usually plays the ditz. That’s not to say she isn’t intelligent; being smart just isn’t Caroline’s strong suit. She’s usually the go to girl for party advice and clothing selections. But she’s taken on the role of relationship guru. Too bad she doesn’t follow her own suggestions. This thing with her and Tyler (Michael Trevino) is no longer holding my interest; it’s obvious she’s into someone else. Why she continues to fight it makes no sense to me. I’m guessing the writers have something more in store for Caroline and the love of her life. Maybe there will be another TVD and The Originals crossover episode. Maybe Caroline can get Klaus (Joseph Morgan) to back away from the dark side; after all, she is his one true love and all that.

Random Tidbits:

Is Nadia (Olga Fonda) so hard up for love she’s willing to take whatever Katherine dishes out? Have a little self respect, woman!

Matt (Zach Roerig) isn’t as helpless as I once thought. Good to know he doesn’t have to wait for his paranormal friend squad to rescue him.

Where the hell is Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) when you need a Hunter?

Final Thoughts:

Caroline is no slouch.

Caroline is no slouch.

I usually have a load of funny lines to throw in but not this time. There were too many to narrow down to a select few. Caroline shows her sense of humor, as usual, and Damon is always quick to be witty. But in “No Exit,” I think the acting speaks for itself. The story is getting interesting again, and I’m actually excited for what’s to come. Let me know what you thought about “No Exit” and those damn pesky Travelers by leaving a comment in the section below or hitting me up on Twitter @ellemoe.

Tune in to The Vampire Diaries on Thursdays at 8/7c, only on The CW.  For more on the show, visit the official site.

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Photo Credit:  Bob MahoneyThe CW ©2014 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved.

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.