Silver reaches a point of no return in searching for Flint
Season 4, Episode 9
Air Date: Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 9PM E/P on Starz
As the penultimate episode to the series finale of Black Sails, “XXXVII” seamlessly bridges together events from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel “Treasure Island” with the major plot lines originated within the show; it’s downright brilliant. Writers and producers Jonathan E. Steinberg and Dan Shotz waste no time delivering one of the most in-depth studies of two of the characters on the series. There’s no subtlety, and make no mistake about it, “XXXVII” centers on the relationship between Long John Silver (Luke Arnold) and Captain James Flint (Toby Stephens). I appreciate the focus on the dynamic between Silver and Flint, not only as adversaries but as friends.
After Silver ordered his men to kill Flint once they retrieved the treasure in “XXXVI,” I didn’t know what to expect next. Black Sails has made its own complex story universe in which anything can happen, whether it’s true to the source material or not. I had to ask myself, “Would Flint live to make it until the series’ last episode?” I have a lot of mixed feelings, none of them negative, although most of them are sad. It’s disheartening to watch Silver and Flint’s friendship, which blossomed over the past two seasons, come to the point where they are at each other’s throat. Then again, Black Sails is not a series that delves into sentimental love stories, bromances included, which is how I see in Silver and Flint’s relationship.

Billy shows no mercy
But fear not, “XXXVII” offers enough suspense and action to the cat and mouse game that happens between Silver and Flint on Skeleton Island. Woodes Rogers (Luke Roberts) is still hell bent on destroying
both Flint and Silver to regain claim over Nassau. Meanwhile, Billy (Tom Hopper), who is in full-on villain mode, is just a shadow of himself. Hopper does an amazing job with his stone cold expressions; they sent chills down my spine.
Director Steve Boyum, who I’ve noticed often works on the more dramatic episodes, did not fail to impress once again! Boyum’s vision in creating an eerie atmosphere around Skeleton Island contributes to the tension surrounding the characters. A good example would be pretty much all of the Ben Gunn (Chris Fisher) scenes; Gunn is a character whose presence plays an important part in “Treasure Island.” Fisher has amazing blue eyes that stand out, which, in effect, makes his expressions more vivid. The entire cast and crew do an amazing job, and it shows in the final product.
The Heart of the Matter
The opening scene of “XXXVII” is a flashback of Silver and Flint literally clashing swords as they prepare for the prospect of more wars to come. The scene of Silver and Flint battling one another is both literal and figurative within the episode. Between each lesson Flint provides Silver, they talk about their history and past. One of the things I’ve always wanted to know about Silver is his past. Although Silver’s response is not entirely clear, the fact it is addressed is significant. Silver, from the start of the series, has always been a storyteller. We know so little of his backstory, yet he knows all of Flint’s business. Still, I think it’s the enigmatic former life that Silver weaves for himself that is definitive of what makes him somewhat legendary. Silver is a man with an elusive history that ultimately helps his reputation. I have my theories on how he really wound up as a captive, but maybe in the series finale Silver will elaborate further.

Silver and Flint finally come to blows!
As for the subplots, we must remember Flint has more than Woodes and Silver to worry about. Jack Rackham (Tobey Schmitz) is on his own mission with orders to take out Flint, as well to secure reinforcements in Nassau from the Guthrie family. I love that all the story lines are beginning to point towards who will eliminate Flint first, if at all.
Watch and See
The last 15 minutes provide a bit of a twist, and just when you think all will end badly, there’s another wrench thrown in! Flint and Silver may have reached an uncomfortable impasse, but it’s a treat to witness the ties that really bind them as friends in the flashback sequences.
I can’t say enough good things about this episode. Arnold and Stephens have a natural chemistry that is wonderful to watch. I cannot emphasize enough how well this episode was scripted; the result doesn’t make Silver or Flint worse than the other. In fact, I found myself rooting for both pirates, and damning Israel Hands (David Wilmot) in the process. Hands is a pivotal character, but for someone Silver barely knows, he seems to take his opinion too much to heart.
Overall, what I will miss the most about the series is how well all the crucial elements work in sync with one another, from the action, acting, plot, and direction. I feel very spoiled because it is not often for a show to be so even keeled. So, raise a glass of your favorite drink, and give a toast because the series finale looms and will be definitely be memorable!
Tune in to the final episodes of Black Sails, Sundays at 9PM E/P, only on Starz.
For more on the show, go to http://www.starz.com/originals/blacksails/
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Connie Allen

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