For once, Silver turns the table on Max
Season 4, Episode 4
Air Date: Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 9PM E/P on Starz
History has a complicated way of repeating itself in “XXXII.” The latest episode of Black Sails is a powerful one where life and death seem easily interchangeable in any given second. That said, man oh man, “XXXII” is a doozy filled with surprising plot twists and graphic violence that might leave you queasy. There’s a lot to process after watching and I’m left with some mixed emotions. Let me start by saying, I am not disappointed by the episode; it’s more like my emotions were in a blender by the end. It appears no one is safe this season, and I can’t help but feel anxious. Perhaps “Long” John Silver (Luke Arnold), Eleanor Guthrie Woodes (Hannah New), and Jack Rackham (Toby Schmitz) have the same sense of foreboding that motivates them in their endeavors throughout “XXXII.”
We All Have Weaknesses
Leading with one’s emotions has not served the characters of Black Sails too well. Decisions based on feelings has led many characters to their demise; just ask Edward “Blackbeard” Teach (Ray Stevenson), whose brutal and untimely death was played out in “XXXI.” This point is brought up in “XXXII” when Silver tells Captain James Flint (Toby Stephens), “We are at our least rational when we’re at our most vulnerable.” Silver’s words of wisdom carry throughout the entire episode.
There are three distinct story lines in this episode, but it’s Jack and Anne’s (Clara Paget) story amidst all the craziness that is the most nerve-wracking part of “XXXII.” When we last saw them in “XXXI,” Governor Woodes Rogers (Luke Robert) not only executes Teach, but arrests his entire crew, including Jack and Anne. Just when I think they’re going to be sent to prison, news of Captain Berringer’s (Chris Larkin) death comes to Woodes’ attention. In an impulsive move, Woodes leaves on a separate ship to return to Nassau. He instructs his men to deliver the prisoners to Port Royale. What ensues afterwards is a fight for Jack and Anne’s survival as they are left to the mercy of Woodes’ men.
As soon as Woodes departs, the British officers take matters into their own hands. They’re out for blood and if they can’t get it in Nassau, they’re going to take it out on Teach’s crew. The fight scenes are brutal as each of Teach’s men are killed off. It’s only when Anne plots a way for escape that the episode reaches a fever pitch. Anne continues to surprise me; I love that she does what needs to be done in order to save herself and Rackham.
Meanwhile, things are not looking so good on land, as the whole town of Nassau is left in a bloody shamble. Eleanor manages to barricade herself in the fort with the remaining survivors. What makes this plot point crucial is

Once again Eleanor escapes disaster by the skin of her teeth!
the fact that her character’s development comes full circle. She even admits to Max (Jessica Parker Kennedy) that she is “…back where I started…” Even more harrowing for Eleanor is the plot twist that her motivation for staying alive isn’t just for herself anymore; it’s two-fold.
A Time for Revolution
If there were ever a more awkward moment than Billy (Tom Hopper) showing up to speak with Silver, Flint, and Madi (Zethu Dlomo) after his betrayal, I can’t think of it. I don’t know about Billy anymore; I understand he doesn’t trust Flint, and hates the British occupation. I just don’t agree with the lengths he is willing to go to in order to achieve his dream. Sadly, as Madi points out to Billy, his past choices are now resulting in the one thing they did not want: division amongst the pirates and slaves in the war against the British government. What’s more distressing is the arrogance he displays when explaining to Silver that he knows everything going on in town without their help. Whether Silver or Flint like it, Billy has an army that will be useful. What I don’t like about Billy is how easy it appears for him to risk lives in order to move forward with his agenda. Billy sounds a little obsessive, and a bit too much like the old Eleanor.
Back at sea, Anne’s fate looks extremely grim. Her perceptiveness is what makes her one of the best characters on Black Sails. She is loyal to a fault, and is a ‘takes no prisoners’ type of pirate. When it looks like she and Jack aren’t going to survive, she takes care of what needs to be done. It is Anne’s sacrifice that propels Jack to eventually take charge and lead the way. Jack’s problem isn’t that he is incapable of fighting, but that he must live with the aftermath of his actions. Maybe, after “XXXII,” he will give in to a darker side.
“XXXII” is visually compelling in a way that makes it hard for you to look away. The pacing is just right, and the lighting from the darkness of the fort and bloody gore of the town streets are detailed beautifully. What I like most about this episode is how the realities and challenges for the main characters are put to the test in order to reach their goals. Will they allow emotions or reason to rule their decisions? Silver’s and Woodes’ feelings for their respective love interests play an important role. What makes me curious is how it will play out at the end of the series.
Writers Peter Ocko and Michael Russell Gunn have scripted some of the most dramatic scenes thus far in Black Sails’ final season, with their writing complementing director Michael Jobst’s vision.
In “XXXII,” Eleanor offers Flint and Silver a shocking ultimatum that is going to impact everyone on the island. It is particularly reminiscent of a scene from a previous episode where Eleanor is given a similar choice by Captain Charles Zane (Zach MacGowan). It can only get worse for everyone before it gets better from here on out—I’ll be glued to every moment.
Tune in to the final episodes of Black Sails, Sundays at 9PM E/P, only on Starz.
For more on the show, go to http://www.starz.com/originals/blacksails/
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Connie Allen

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