Better Than the Oscars… Review: The Walking Dead – “I Ain’t a Judas”


Season 3, Episode 11

Air Date: Sunday, February 24, 2013, at 9/8c on AMC


“Andrea, you go to that prison, stay there.” – The Governor

“I Ain’t a Judas” doesn’t pull any punches. You get the guts and gore with no apologies. We’ve seen some gross stuff on The Walking Dead and I’m not sure how the show can top the two scenes forever burned into my mind after this hour of dramatic television. I feel a coup coming on, though. All isn’t as it seems in Woodbury.

Observations and thoughts:

“Get back here! You’re slipping, Rick. We’ve all seen it; we understand why, but now is not the time. You once said this isn’t a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family’s lives in your hands. So get your head clear and do something.” So begins the much needed pep talk someone needed to deliver to Rick (Andrew Lincoln). I’m glad it was Hershel (Scott Wilson) and I’m glad he doesn’t feel sorry for it. He’s the only one who knows what plagues Rick so it was up to him to say something. But how do they get Rick back? How does he come out of his funk and resume his leadership role? Does he even want to?

The prison crew stands together no matter what they will face.

The prison crew stands together no matter what they will face.

“You should stop… being the leader. Let Hershel and Daryl handle things. You deserve a rest.” Damn. Coming from a pre-teen, those words have to be harsh for a dad to hear. But, as we all know, kids say the darnedest things—and they tend to speak the truth. If Carl (Chandler Riggs) can see how much you need a break, don’t you think it’s time to actually take one, Rick? I never felt Rick wanted the position he had thrust upon him, but he’s kind of taken it by the reins and has done a great job. Lately… not so much. I’d love for Daryl (Norman Reedus) to take over and keep the group going forward. He’s smart enough and has the wherewithal to get the job done. The only thing plaguing him is his brother Merle (Michael Rooker). For some reason, an incessant need for approval holds Daryl back. Will Merle continue to be a thorn in his side, or will he step up to help Daryl?

Merle can be an asshole, but there’s still something I like about him. I think it’s his bluntness and unapologetic attitude. Or it could just be Rooker’s portrayal. Merle is smarter than anyone realizes or gives him credit for: “Woodbury had a damn good library. Only thing I miss about it.” Not exactly the words of a psychopath, are they? Let’s not forget, the man escaped being handcuffed to a roof swarming with Walkers. That’s got to count for something. So will we learn more about Merle and what he can bring to the table? I’m dying to get into his head. There’s a story there with both of the Dixon boys.

The Governor (David Morrissey) just had to examine his eye, didn’t he? Eww, gross. I know the special effects are top notch when the close up of a destroyed eye makes me want to vomit. So there’s that, and Andrea’s (Laurie Holden) little foray into Michonne’s (Danai Gurira) world. I’d like to think Michonne went about ‘taming’ her Walkers a little more smoothly. I won’t lie, I had to look away. Totally. Grossed. Out.

Do you think Rick manhandled Andrea, or was he fair? She's not the girl they used to know.

Do you think Rick manhandled Andrea, or was he fair? She’s not the girl they used to know.

“You chose a warm bed over a friend.” Michonne may be a woman of few words, but the words she chooses are usually heavy hitting. Andrea really screwed up with Michonne; the hurt on her face is obvious. This is one betrayal that will come back to bite Andrea in the butt. I don’t know if the two former friends will ever face off against one another, but I rue the day they might have to. Just think about how Michonne cared for Andrea when she was sick. There’s so much more to their bond and Andrea threw it away for “a life?” Unforgivable.

So who do you consider to be a Judas? Andrea, Merle, or Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman) and his gang? ‘Cause yeah, them happening upon folks from Woodbury just blows my mind. I’m lost as to why Tyreese would take the word of people they’ve just met over the people they’ve spent actual time with. And here I thought I was going to like this new group of survivors.

Memorable lines:

Carol to Daryl: “He’s your brother, but he’s not good for you. Don’t let him bring you down.”


Andrea to the Governor about being kept out of the loop: “I’m sick of this. I’m sick of the lies and I’m not gonna watch this town and my friends gun each other down.”


Rick to Andrea: “Welcome back.”


Andrea: “I am there because those people need me.”

Michonne: “And what about these people?”

Andrea: “I am trying to save them, too.”

Michonne: “I did not realize the Messiah complex was contagious.”


I'm waiting for Merle to do something to redeem himself. He has it in him.

I’m waiting for Merle to do something to redeem himself. He has it in him.

I’m blown away by the character development this season. Carol (Melissa McBride) is turning into a fierce woman: she’s a crack shot, full of wisdom, and can be ruthless when she needs to. When I think of how timid she used to be, I smile at the confidence she’s achieved. Hershel is the new Dale (Jeffrey DeMunn). He dishes out the truth people don’t want to hear with a voice of authority. Let’s not forget Carl and his growing up before our very eyes. Long gone is the little boy who hid behind his mommy’s skirts. This young man is ready to do what needs to be done and won’t hesitate to pull out his piece either. I can only see things moving upward as the season progresses. Can you just imagine what will happen when a war does break out between Woodbury and the prison? Our survivors will not go down without a fight.

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Photo credit: Gene Page/AMC © 2010-2013 American Movie Classics Company, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Better Than the Oscars... Review: The Walking Dead - "I Ain't a Judas" 1
Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.
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