Monique Hale

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

Most commented posts

  1. Book Review: “Dead Reckoning” by Charlaine Harris — 5 comments
  2. Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Reckoning” (Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Vampire Hunter? Klaus, That’s Who.) — 5 comments
  3. Review: True Blood – “Sunset” The Sun Isn’t Setting Fast Enough For Me… — 4 comments
  4. Did You Guess Rosie’s Killer? Review: Season 2 Finale of The Killing – “What I Know” — 4 comments
  5. Review: The Vampire Diaries “Ghost World” (And Jenna Couldn’t Come Back Because…?) — 3 comments

Author's posts

I Wouldn’t Get My Hopes Up With This One… Book Review: Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris

I Wouldn't Get My Hopes Up With This One... Book Review: Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris 1

This wasn’t the worst I’ve read by Harris nor was it the greatest, but I closed the book feeling like a sucker. If you’re looking for the Harris of old who made us laugh and kept us involved, trying to solve the big mystery with Sookie in every story, you’ll be sorely disappointed.

Where O Where Have My Dragons Gone? Review: Game of Thrones “The Old Gods and The New”

Where O Where Have My Dragons Gone? Review: Game of Thrones "The Old Gods and The New" 2

The name of the game in “The Old Gods and the New” is taking what doesn’t belong to you. A castle is claimed in the name of a lesser prince; dragons go missing without a trace; and the Iron King gets what’s coming to him.

Selina’s A Bad Mother, Shut Your Mouth! Review: Veep “Catherine”

Selina's A Bad Mother, Shut Your Mouth! Review: Veep "Catherine" 3

This episode doesn’t impress as much as the first two, but it’s enjoyable all the same. I want to see more of Senator Doyle. That guy kills me.

When Will Linden Learn? Review: The Killing “Keylala”

When Will Linden Learn? Review: The Killing "Keylala" 4

Day twenty begins with smiles, breakfast burritos, and butterflies. Too bad it doesn’t end on such a happy note.

Movie Review: Roadside Attractions’ “Tonight You’re Mine “

Movie Review: Roadside Attractions' "Tonight You're Mine " 5

TONIGHT YOU’RE MINE is a free-wheeling rock ‘n’ roll love story set against the raucous magnificence and unforgettable sounds at a leading music festival — The T in the Park festival in Kinross-shire, Scotland.

Captain Black Sparrow to the Rescue! Review: New Girl “Backslide”

Captain Black Sparrow to the Rescue! Review: New Girl "Backslide" 6

I loved “Backslide.” It is engaging, witty, and refreshing. Nick and Caroline’s made up dance to Jess’ I’m-depressed-let-me-wallow-in-self-pity song is surprisingly hilarious.

Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries “Before Sunset”

Vampires Should Fear the Sun! Review: The Vampire Diaries "Before Sunset" 7

There is excitement and intrigue as we find our resident badass has a plan to make a break for it with the ever unprotected doppelganger. “Before Sunset” is literally heart stopping indeed, but leaves viewers wondering “What now?”

Book Review: The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card

Book Review: The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card 8

Surprisingly, I loved The Lost Gate. Granted, it took me quite a while to get into it because I wasn’t sure where Card was going with the story—but once I became engrossed in the tale, I really enjoyed it.

TV News: The Killing – Interview with Billy Campbell (Councilman Darren Richmond)

TV News: The Killing - Interview with Billy Campbell (Councilman Darren Richmond) 9

Billy Campbell sits down with AMC for a chat about Season 2 of The Killing.

There’s A Reason I Stay Away From Cow Juice Review: Veep “Frozen Yoghurt”

There's A Reason I Stay Away From Cow Juice Review: Veep "Frozen Yoghurt" 10

The Veep finally gets what she wants—her fifteen minutes in the West Wing—and it makes me excited for her. Only things don’t exactly go the way she wants and she ends up having a “yoghurt” mishap.

More Rain, More Suspects Review: The Killing “Openings”

More Rain, More Suspects Review: The Killing "Openings" 11

“Openings” is a solid episode that shows us what’s behind the scenes of what we think might be going on. I feel like I don’t know who anyone is or what their motives may be.

Alaric’s No Buffy, But A Super Vampire Slayer? Review: The Vampire Diaries “Do Not Go Gentle”

Alaric's No Buffy, But A Super Vampire Slayer? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Do Not Go Gentle" 12

I wasn’t sure what to expect with “Do Not Go Gentle” because I try not to get my hopes up too high. The episode is OK, but lacks any real oomph.

McMouse is the Star of the Show! Review: New Girl “Tomatoes”

McMouse is the Star of the Show! Review: New Girl "Tomatoes" 13

“Tomatoes” is one of the funnier episodes of New Girl to date. I just about laughed at every gag, line and character.

Stan Is Soooo Not The Man! Review: The Killing “Ghosts of the Past”

Stan Is Soooo Not The Man! Review: The Killing "Ghosts of the Past" 14

Not much more is learned this week but “Ghosts of the Past” is a solid showing.

Will She Be the Next Woman in the White House? Review: Veep “Fundraiser”

Will She Be the Next Woman in the White House? Review: Veep "Fundraiser" 15

I love this show. There’s profanity (tons of f-bombs!), chaos and the best frigging writing on a comedy show to date. Veep is funny in ways you don’t expect and I’m definitely staying away from any beverages while watching.

Who’s the Hotter Couple – Tyler and Caroline or Damon and Elena? Review: The Vampire Diaries “Heart of Darkness”

Who's the Hotter Couple - Tyler and Caroline or Damon and Elena? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Heart of Darkness" 16

I’m not sure I enjoy these little hiatuses. Yes, I crave the hour that will bring my favorite characters to life on screen, but I also want to scream at the network for holding out on me so long. Why the two weeks off?

Schmidt As A Baby Daddy? Say It Ain’t So! Review: New Girl “Kids”

Schmidt As A Baby Daddy? Say It Ain't So! Review: New Girl "Kids" 17

Even with the few issues I have with “Kids,” I laughed more than I griped. I can’t wait to see what the writers of New Girl have in store for us next. I’m definitely going to have to remember not to drink anything while watching because this show is a choking hazard.

I Think I’d Watch Out for Janek… Review: The Killing “Ogi Jun”

I Think I'd Watch Out for Janek... Review: The Killing "Ogi Jun" 18

The Killing is a serious drama series but it’s infused with some comedic aspects. I laughed while watching Jamie trying to lift Richmond from his bed. I knew it wouldn’t end up good and of course, it doesn’t. But there’s something about the way the scene plays out that catches my attention.

I Seriously Want to Play True Americans! Review: New Girl “Normal”

I Seriously Want to Play True Americans! Review: New Girl "Normal" 19

I’m not exactly sure what “Normal” is supposed to be about, but it doesn’t matter because I love every minute of it. The dialogue is witty, ridiculous and what I’ve been missing about New Girl.

Holder Has Gone Off The Deep End… Review: The Killing “Numb”

Holder Has Gone Off The Deep End... Review: The Killing "Numb" 20

I tell you, each time it seems we get closer to pinning down a firm suspect, three more are thrown into the mix. I don’t know who to suspect, what to believe, or how to figure out the truth. At this point, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

None of These Secrets Are Worth Revealing… Review: New Girl “Secrets”

None of These Secrets Are Worth Revealing... Review: New Girl "Secrets" 21

New Girl is finally getting back its funny streak. I only hope it continues throughout the rest of the season.

I Expected More… Review: Season Two Premiere, The Killing – Episodes 1 and 2 – “Reflections”, “My Lucky Day”

I Expected More... Review: Season Two Premiere, The Killing - Episodes 1 and 2 - "Reflections", "My Lucky Day" 22

My feelings are torn. I wasn’t sure what to expect during the two-hour second season premiere of The Killing and I’m left scratching my head at what I’ve watched.

You Didn’t Think It’d Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries “Murder of One”

You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy, Did You? Review: The Vampire Diaries "Murder of One" 23

Finally! We get an episode worthy of being called ‘the best yet’ because it’s better than I could have imagined. I don’t think a more enticing story arc could have been thrown into the mix and am pleasantly surprised with the direction the writers are taking us.

Nick Gets Lost, Winston Gets Wicked, and Cece and Schmidt Get Caught – Review: New Girl “Fancyman Pt. 2”

Nick Gets Lost, Winston Gets Wicked, and Cece and Schmidt Get Caught - Review: New Girl "Fancyman Pt. 2" 24

“Fancyman Pt. 2” makes me giggle, snort, and laugh out loud because the writing is witty, the acting is on point, and the guest stars totally rock!

Movie Review: Lionsgate’s “The Hunger Games”

Movie Review: Lionsgate's "The Hunger Games" 25

I just have to come out and say it: I didn’t love this movie. I liked it, thought it was good in putting across the substance of Suzanne Collins’ novel, but felt some major points were left out. I wanted to love this film with a desperation you can’t understand because of my love for the novel. Sometimes things don’t always work out the way we want.

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