Monique Hale

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

Most commented posts

  1. Book Review: “Dead Reckoning” by Charlaine Harris — 5 comments
  2. Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Reckoning” (Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Vampire Hunter? Klaus, That’s Who.) — 5 comments
  3. Review: True Blood – “Sunset” The Sun Isn’t Setting Fast Enough For Me… — 4 comments
  4. Did You Guess Rosie’s Killer? Review: Season 2 Finale of The Killing – “What I Know” — 4 comments
  5. Review: The Vampire Diaries “Ghost World” (And Jenna Couldn’t Come Back Because…?) — 3 comments

Author's posts

Bet You Didn’t Guess It Would Be Elena. Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Killer”

Bet You Didn't Guess It Would Be Elena. Review: The Vampire Diaries "The Killer" 1

“The Killer” surprises me with its unpredictable outcome and witty writing, providing quite the enjoyable viewing experience.

Yet Another One That Makes Me Think… Book Review: UnWholly by Neal Shusterman

Yet Another One That Makes Me Think... Book Review: UnWholly by Neal Shusterman 2

I’m once again floored by Shusterman. Not only does he impress me with UnWholly, I think he eclipses what he did with the first book in the Unwind series.

News: Firefly – Flock to Unlock

News: Firefly - Flock to Unlock 3

The tenth anniversary special, “Firefly: Browncoats Unite,” is making its world premiere on Sunday, November 11 @ 10pm, only the the Science channel.

Interview: The Walking Dead’s Sarah Wayne Callies (Lori Grimes)

Interview: The Walking Dead's Sarah Wayne Callies (Lori Grimes) 4

Don’t miss all new episodes of The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC.

The Episode Where All Hell Breaks Loose… Review: The Walking Dead “The Killer Within”

The Episode Where All Hell Breaks Loose... Review: The Walking Dead "The Killer Within" 5

The Walking Dead amazes me every week, even when I think it’ll be another episode of the same old thing. I’m completely enamored with the show and what the writers have done with the concept of surviving a zombiepocalypse.

Would You Find The Cure? Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Five”

Would You Find The Cure? Review: The Vampire Diaries "The Five" 6

“The Five” answers some questions while leaving me with a few more. Just who are these vampire hunters, and who will be able to take them out?

Read at Your Own Risk… Book Review: Risking It All by Jennifer Schmidt

Read at Your Own Risk... Book Review: Risking It All by Jennifer Schmidt 7

I would only recommend this book to anyone who likes a quick, somewhat romantic, read that doesn’t require any thinking.

Interview: The Walking Dead’s David Morrissey (The Governor)

Interview: The Walking Dead's David Morrissey (The Governor) 8

Episodes of The Walking Dead air Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC.

Review: The Walking Dead “Walk With Me” Never Trust A Man With An Aquarium Fetish!

Review: The Walking Dead "Walk With Me" Never Trust A Man With An Aquarium Fetish! 9

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the writers of The Walking Dead come up with something else to shock you. All I’ll say is I won’t ever look at a fish tank the same way again.

Why You Should See This Movie. Spoiler-Free Review: Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Cloud Atlas”

Why You Should See This Movie. Spoiler-Free Review: Warner Bros. Pictures’ "Cloud Atlas” 10

I highly recommend this movie for anyone who hasn’t had that out-of-this-world film experience yet. Yes, it is that good.

Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Rager” And What A Party It Was!

Review: The Vampire Diaries "The Rager" And What A Party It Was! 11

“The Rager” shows us just what it means to be alone in the cruel world, and what that can do to a person, uh…. vampire.

This One You Can Skip… Book Review: Refuge by Carole Rummage

This One You Can Skip... Book Review: Refuge by Carole Rummage 12

This reads like a first draft rather than a well thought out, edited novel. The blurb on the inside cover is better than the book itself. If Rummage wants us to see ourselves in this world, she has to make it believable.

Interview: AMC Talks to Scott Wilson (Hershel Greene)

Interview: AMC Talks to Scott Wilson (Hershel Greene) 13

Tune in to The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC. AMC is back on DISH channel 131.

So The Gang Isn’t Alone? Review: The Walking Dead – “Sick”

So The Gang Isn’t Alone? Review: The Walking Dead - "Sick" 14

I jumped, my heart raced, and I held my breath during certain scenes. I was worried “Sick” wouldn’t live up to the potential of the season premiere. My concerns were unfounded as the episode played out with the unexpected happening at every turn.

Got a Little “Twilight” Déjà vu… Review: The Vampire Diaries “Memorial”

Got a Little "Twilight" Déjà vu… Review: The Vampire Diaries "Memorial" 15

While “Memorial” didn’t leave me sitting on the edge of my seat, I was excited about some aspects of this episode.

I Did Not See That Coming! Review: The Walking Dead “Seed”

I Did Not See That Coming! Review: The Walking Dead "Seed" 16

The Walking Dead knows how to put on a good show. This is what season premieres are supposed to be; drama, decapitations, and zombies in riot gear—the ultimate zombiepocalypse trifecta.

What Did You Think of It? My Thoughts on NYCC 2012 and The Walking Dead Panel

What Did You Think of It? My Thoughts on NYCC 2012 and The Walking Dead Panel 17

I didn’t find much that appealed to my sensibilities and noticed how the size of the separate events made quite the difference. Drop me a line if your experience was different.

News Release: Starz New Series Spotlighted at NYCC “Da Vinci’s Demons”

News Release: Starz New Series Spotlighted at NYCC "Da Vinci's Demons" 18

Da Vinci’s Demons at New York Comic-Con

Review: The Vampire Diaries “Growing Pains”

Review: The Vampire Diaries "Growing Pains" 19

The Vampire Diaries was absolutely the most anticipated returning series on my must watch list. So did the long awaited return live up to all the hype?

TV Clip: Oxygen’s New Docu-drama “My Shopping Addiction” Sneak Peek

TV Clip: Oxygen's New Docu-drama "My Shopping Addiction" Sneak Peek 20

The series premiere of My Shopping Addiction airs October 15 at 11pm/10c on Oxygen.



Lost Girl Cast Invades New York City for Comic-Con on October 12 & 13!

News: The Walking Dead Season 3 Webisodes Now Online

News: The Walking Dead Season 3 Webisodes Now Online 22

Season 3 of The Walking Dead premieres Sunday, October 14 at 9/8c only on AMC.

News: AMC’s The Walking Dead Premiere Episode Live Stream for DISH Customers

News: AMC's The Walking Dead Premiere Episode Live Stream for DISH Customers 23


A Good Read Though Missing… Something. Book Review: Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick

A Good Read Though Missing... Something. Book Review: Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick 24

This novel is not what I expected in the continuing saga of the Ashes trilogy. While I enjoyed reading Shadows, I didn’t love it. I was anticipating the resolution of some of the story arcs from the first installment and felt Bick only gave us a little teaser.

Video: Michonne in The Walking Dead

Video: Michonne in The Walking Dead 25

The Walking Dead returns Sun., Oct. 14 at 9/8c on AMC and is not available on DISH.

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