Monique Hale

Writer, mother, realist, cloud lover, daydreamer, dessert enthusiast, sweet tea addict, perfectionist, and lover of life and Christ, but not in that order.

Most commented posts

  1. Book Review: “Dead Reckoning” by Charlaine Harris — 5 comments
  2. Review: The Vampire Diaries “The Reckoning” (Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Vampire Hunter? Klaus, That’s Who.) — 5 comments
  3. Review: True Blood – “Sunset” The Sun Isn’t Setting Fast Enough For Me… — 4 comments
  4. Did You Guess Rosie’s Killer? Review: Season 2 Finale of The Killing – “What I Know” — 4 comments
  5. Review: The Vampire Diaries “Ghost World” (And Jenna Couldn’t Come Back Because…?) — 3 comments

Author's posts

News: Louis C.K. Fourth Special to air April 13 on HBO

Louis C.K. “Oh My God” Special airs April 13 at 10PM ET/PT only on HBO.

News: “The Walking Dead’ Renewed for a Fourth Season

News: "The Walking Dead' Renewed for a Fourth Season 1

The Walking Dead Renewed for a Fourth Season!

Interview: The Walking Dead’s Dallas Roberts (Milton Mamet)

Interview: The Walking Dead's Dallas Roberts (Milton Mamet) 2

Tune in to The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC.

Better Than the Oscars… Review: The Walking Dead – “I Ain’t a Judas”

Better Than the Oscars... Review: The Walking Dead - "I Ain't a Judas" 3

“I Ain’t a Judas” doesn’t pull any punches. You get the guts and gore with no apologies. We’ve seen some gross stuff on The Walking Dead and I’m not sure how the show can top the two scenes forever burned into my mind after this hour of dramatic television.

Video Clip: Lost Girl “There’s Bo Place Like Home” Sneak Peek

Video Clip: Lost Girl "There's Bo Place Like Home" Sneak Peek 4

Lost Girl airs Mondays at 10/9c only on Syfy.

Get Indoctrinated with New Photos from The CW’s “Cult”

Get Indoctrinated with New Photos from The CW's "Cult" 5

Cult, Tuesdays at 9/8c only on The CW.

Not Jeremy! Say It Ain’t So! Review: The Vampire Diaries – “Stand By Me”

Not Jeremy! Say It Ain’t So! Review: The Vampire Diaries – “Stand By Me” 6

The pitying stares and whispered conversations are what seal the deal for me on “Stand by Me.” This is such a depressing episode because you know where it’s going to go and why. My heart breaks, and I have to commend all the actors for digging deep and putting a face to devastating grief.

News: Get Ready for Psych The S#cial Sector!

News: Get Ready for Psych The S#cial Sector! 7

All new season of “Psych” begins February 27 only on USA!

The Rundown from “The Walking Dead’s” Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon)

The Rundown from "The Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) 8

The Walking Dead, Sundays at 9/8c only on AMC.

There’s No Place Like It… Review: The Walking Dead – “Home”

There's No Place Like It... Review: The Walking Dead - "Home" 9

When you watch “Home,” you’ll have a better understanding of where the characters are coming from and where they are going.

Well That Was Unexpected… Review: The Vampire Diaries – “Down the Rabbit Hole”

Well That Was Unexpected... Review: The Vampire Diaries - "Down the Rabbit Hole" 10

The writers have found their stride and I hope things continue on the same path. That means more spectacular reveals and shocking plot points for us!

TV Clip: 90210 “Brother from Another Mother” Preview

TV Clip: 90210 "Brother from Another Mother" Preview 11

90210 – Mondays at 9/8c only on The CW.

TV Clip: Bonus Video “Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome”

TV Clip: Bonus Video "Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome" 12

Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome is available on Blu-ray and DVD.

TV Clip: Total Blackout – Sneak Peek “Love is Blind”

TV Clip: Total Blackout - Sneak Peek "Love is Blind" 13

Total Blackout airs Tuesdays at 10/9c only on Syfy.

We’re Not Talking About the Playing Card… Review: The Walking Dead “The Suicide King”

We're Not Talking About the Playing Card... Review: The Walking Dead "The Suicide King" 14

The Walking Dead is back. I’ve missed the drama, the zombies and the lunatics marauding as men of character. But what does the title mean in reference to the characters?

Review: The Vampire Diaries “Into the Wild” Or As I Like to Call it… Into Shane’s Hands

Review: The Vampire Diaries "Into the Wild" Or As I Like to Call it... Into Shane's Hands 15

I am pleasantly surprised by “Into the Wild.” It showcases the fundamental elements for a great hour of television.

Can You Whistle The Theme Song to “Deliverance” Too? Review: Justified – “Kin”

Can You Whistle The Theme Song to "Deliverance" Too? Review: Justified - "Kin" 16

The hunt for Drew Thompson goes deep into the country where we find there’s kin where you’d least expect it—and rifles.

TV News: Get Ready… “The Walking Dead” Returns This Sunday

TV News: Get Ready... "The Walking Dead" Returns This Sunday 17

The Walking Dead returns Sunday, February 10 at 9/8c on AMC.

Never Test A Brother’s Love… Review: The Vampire Diaries “A View To A Kill”

Never Test A Brother's Love... Review: The Vampire Diaries "A View To A Kill" 18

Things are just beginning to heat up. Klaus is out for revenge and you know he won’t stop until he’s satisfied. Exciting times are ahead!

Video Clip: “The Americans” Pilot – Full Episode

Video Clip: "The Americans" Pilot - Full Episode 19

The Americans airs Wednesday nights at 10:00 PM ET/PT only on FX.

Just What Will Raylan Do With Those Chickens? Review: Justified “This Bird Has Flown”

Just What Will Raylan Do With Those Chickens? Review: Justified "This Bird Has Flown" 20

“This Bird Has Flown” is enjoyable, but not the best Justified has to offer. I’m waiting for the time Raylan will draw on someone and shoot them down like he used to. What happened to the modern-day gunslinger? I’d like him back about now.

TWCS Blog Tour Stop! Book Review: “The End of All Things” by Lissa Bryan

TWCS Blog Tour Stop! Book Review: "The End of All Things" by Lissa Bryan 21

The End of All Things is overly far-fetched in its trip-down-the-yellow-brick-road approach to an apocalypse for my tastes. I can’t recommend this for any reason other than a paper weight. And no, I won’t be reading the follow-up.

Where Kol Seems Unstoppable… Review: The Vampire Diaries “Catch Me If You Can”

Where Kol Seems Unstoppable... Review: The Vampire Diaries "Catch Me If You Can" 22

The chase is on for the cure to immortality and yet another player has entered the game. Is this new seeker someone we’ve seen before or a new character to be added to the show?

A Woman Scorned and All That Jazz… Review: The Vampire Diaries “After School Special”

A Woman Scorned and All That Jazz... Review: The Vampire Diaries "After School Special" 23

Overall, “After School Special” is enjoyable. Moral of the episode: don’t mess with Original vampires. Having Rebekah around spices things up a bit and that’s never a bad thing. And I can’t forget the awesomeness that is Klaus.

From Self-Published to Film… Book Review: “On the Island” by Tracey Garvis Graves

From Self-Published to Film... Book Review: "On the Island" by Tracey Garvis Graves 24

As a debut novel, it leaves me wondering how the author will perfect her craft and what other stories she has yet to tell.

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