“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black”


Review: Nurse Jackie, S4, E1 – “Kettle Kettle Black Black”

Air Date: Sunday, April 8, 2012, 9:00 pm ET/PT on Showtime


I killed my marriage. I fucked up my kids. I’m the reason that Eddie has a fucking gun to his head. I’m the one with a pee test in a computer ready to jump out like a Jack-in-the-box. I did it!” – Jackie

Finally, Jackie (Edie Falco) accepts responsibility for all the crap in her life! In the season three finale of this wonderful dark comedy, Gloria Akalitus (Anna Deavere Smith) tossed Jackie’s urine sample in the trash, and Jackie told Kevin (Dominic Fumusa) to pack his things after he confesses to an affair. “Kettle Kettle Black Black” deals with the aftermath of those occurrences and introduces us to a new and welcome addition to the cast. Grace (Ruby Jerins) is stealing, while Jackie seeks to drown her sorrows in booze and drugs. In addition, All Saints is being taken over by Quantum Bay, a big conglomerate, and there are a lot of changes in the wind.

“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black” 1

Eddie asks Jackie whether she screwed him just for the drugs

As if she doesn’t have enough on her mind, Jackie must deal with Eddie (Paul Schulze), who’s thrilled Kevin has moved out. He wants to tell the world he and Jackie are a couple, but she quickly puts the kibosh on that idea, hurting Eddie’s feelings in the process. Karma is a bitch for poor Eddie when he goes to Kevin’s apartment and confesses his affair with Jackie. Does he really expect Kevin not to do anything just because Grace and Fiona (Mackenzie Aladjem) are there? The writers of Nurse Jackie have a brilliant way of infusing tiny bits of comedy into a dramatic scene in order to lighten the mood. In this setting, I can’t help but laugh when Grace and Fiona play a video exercise game, dancing to the music with earphones on, totally oblivious to the beating Eddie is receiving. It may be the girls’ facial expressions and exaggerated movements, but I think it’s the absurd contrast that tickles my funny bone so much.

“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black” 2

Jackie and John (Billie Joe Armstrong) getting ready to do some hard drugs

Watching Jackie hit rock bottom is sad and depressing. What a pitiful mess she is after spending a drunken evening smoking rock with a stranger (Billie Joe Armstrong) she picks up in church, who dies in her arms. Dr. O’Hara (Eve Best) arrives to help her out of this sticky situation, as usual. I know O’Hara hates doing things like this, but she’s a good friend and that’s what friends do for each other in time of need.  At least she won’t be enabling Jackie anymore because she tells her it’s the last thing she’s going to do for her. Standing in the middle of the chaos, surveying the mess she’s created, Jackie finally acknowledges she’s responsible for everything bad in her life and needs to go to rehab. As we see from the opening scene, this isn’t going to be an easy road for Jackie to walk down. I think it’s safe to say we’re in for a slew of comedic happenstances, as well as some painful experiences for Jackie.

“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black” 3

Dr. Cruz uses wit and charm when introducing himself to the staff

This season, a new member joins the All Saints team—Dr. Mike Cruz, played by one of my favorite actors, the handsome, suave, and debonair Bobby Cannavale. Cruz is running All Saints now and forces Akalitus to choose between retiring and going back on the floor as a nurse, albeit as the others’ “boss.” I think Cannavale’s addition to the cast will present us with many comedic moments, although we get to see more of his dramatic capabilities in “Kettle Kettle Black Black” with his no-nonsense persona. And with Akalitus returning to the floor, I’m sure there will be plenty of snappy, witty, and sarcatic dialogue among her and the rest of the staff.


Jackie isn’t the only one having a hard time coping—Grace is too. She’s on a destructive downward spiral, stealing jewelry and cigarettes from her mother’s dresser drawer. Jerins is a wonderful young actress—she knows how to convey emotions well by using facial expressions and perfect intonations in her speech.

O’Hara is preggers and we have no idea who the father is! I can just imagine the wild and crazy comments this will draw from the likes of Thor (Stephen Wallem), Sam (Arjun Gupta) and Coop (Peter Facinelli). I can’t wait to see how the usually staid and fashion-conscious doctor deals with her pregnancy. Could Sam be the baby daddy? They were fooling around…just sayin’!

Speaking of Coop, I miss him. His brief appearance in “Kettle Kettle Black Black” makes me want more! While I love all the characters on Nurse Jackie, Coop is my favorite. He is a damaged soul who deals with everything life throws at him with an uplifting spirit. He comes across as a doofus but I love him nonetheless.

Memorable and funny lines:

Eddie: “What? This only works if I’m forbidden fruit?”

Jackie: “Forbidden fruit? Really?”


Eddie, after Jackie rejects him: “Did you love me? Do you know that?”

Jackie: “Was I going to run away and start a life with you? No, I was not.”


Dr. Cruz to the staff: “Here’s the deal. We’re taking All Saints into the future.”

Thor: “Oh, but the present is so handsome.”


“And the Oscar goes to, dot dot dot.” Review: Nurse Jackie – “Kettle Kettle Black Black” 4

O'Hara comforts Jackie as she's leaving for rehab

All in all, “Kettle Kettle Black Black” is an entertaining episode that provides a great introduction to the coming season. Will rehab help Jackie? I doubt it. How will the staff of All Saints cope with Dr. Cruz? And just who is this Dr. Cruz? Does he have kids, a wife, an ex-wife? Will Jackie and Kevin end up divorcing, and if so, who will get custody of the girls? With these storylines, and a fabulous roster of guest stars, including Rosie Perez, Aida Turturo, and Joel Grey, I’d say we’re in for a helluva ride!

Tune in to Nurse Jackie Sundays at 9:00 pm ET/PT, only on Showtime.

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All photos © 2012 Showtime Network, a CBS Broadcasting, Inc. company. All rights reserved.



Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!
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