Adultery, A Death Obsession, and a Premature Death. Review: Shameless – “I’ll Light a Candle for You Every Day”


Shameless –  S2, E3 – “I’ll Light a Candle For You Every Day”

Air Date: Sunday, January 22, 2012, 9:00 pm ET/PT on Showtime


Morality comes to the forefront in this episode of Shameless, something the Gallaghers usually spend little time thinking about. Fiona (Emily Rossum) hooks up with high school sweetheart Craig Heisner (Taylor Kinney, The Vampire Diaries) on Facebook and must determine whether to sleep with him; and Frank (William H. Macy) has to decide just how far he’s willing to go to get his mitts on Dottie’s (Molly Price) money. Then there’s Kev (Steve Howey), who wants to buy The Alibi Room from Stan (Jack Carter); and Debbie (Emma Kenney) is obsessed with death following Harry’s passing last week.

Highlights and observations:

Adultery, A Death Obsession, and a Premature Death. Review: Shameless - "I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day" 1

Fiona, with the stolen designer bag, on the phone with Craig

Craig answers Fiona’s Facebook message and against Veronica’s (Shanola Hampton) advice, Fiona agrees to meet him. I don’t understand why because he’s married and we all know a relationship like that can’t possibly go anywhere. She says she has no desire to sleep with him, but the old adage “Actions speak louder than words” comes to mind when I see her getting all dolled up for their first meeting.

Before I go any further, I have to comment on the chemistry between Rossum and Kinney. They couldn’t sizzle more if they were eggs on the hood of a car on a sunny 110⁰ day. I don’t know whether these actors know each other in real life, but damn it all if they don’t look like they’ve been screwing for the past ten years! I knew Fiona wouldn’t be able to hold out against Craig’s charm (which he continually oozes) with all the flirting they do. Reality can be a bitch, though, as Fiona soon learns when they finally get it on in Craig’s family-decorated SUV, complete with diapers, uneaten food and kids’ toys.

Each week, I don’t think Frank’s shameless behavior can get any worse and then it does. In “I’ll Light a Candle For You,” he really takes the cake. First, he steals the engagement ring Jody (Zach McGowan) is planning to give Karen (Laura Wiggins) and proposes to Dottie. Then, he tells the hospital she’s already passed away when they call to tell her a heart is available for transplant! How low can one man go?  As low as a man can get when he knowingly screws a woman to death—literally. He just can’t seem to help himself as evidenced by his visit to the church to light a candle in Dottie’s memory. Can you believe he steals the candle money box too?

Adultery, A Death Obsession, and a Premature Death. Review: Shameless - "I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day" 2

A very happy Frank when Dottie accepts his marriage proposal

I have to say, Frank’s speech about keeping Dottie’s memory alive when she questions his marriage motives is very touching and Macy’s delivery is so heartfelt, I almost believe him. But then I remind myself, ‘this is Frank talking,’ and I don’t think Frank has ever uttered a sincere word in his life. So, are you as surprised as I am when Dottie accepts Frank’s proposal?  I wonder whether it’s the  monthly mass in her honor he swears he’ll have the priest say, the flowers he pledges to put on her grave “at Easter, on Mother’s Day, and on your birthday,” or the drink he promises he’ll make Kev name after her.

Poor Debbie. Harry is the first person to die in her short lifetime and she’s not handling it too well. She’s even come up with “200 euphemisms for death,” the funniest of which may be “passed his sell-by date” or even “retroactive abortion,” depending upon your mood at the time you hear the litany of terms Debby recites for Fiona. I don’t blame her, though. Death is hard to deal with at any age, let alone when you’re as young as she is. I like the way Veronica helps her deal with it. After all, who could have macabre thoughts when you have puppies on the brain?

Adultery, A Death Obsession, and a Premature Death. Review: Shameless - "I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day" 3

Veronica helps Debbie with her obsession with death

Kev’s come up with some pretty hair-brained schemes in his day, but buying The Alibi Room may be the worst. I understand he wants to secure his future for when Stan dies, but still. It’s a huge undertaking and something I don’t think Kev is mature enough to handle. No wonder Kate (Kerry O’Malley) turns down his idea of buying the bar together; she knows full well the majority of responsibilities will fall on her shoulders. Veronica doesn’t like the idea either, although being the good girlfriend she is, she supports him — until he tells her how he plans to get the money for the down payment. There’s only so far a woman can go, you know? I thought this might drive a wedge between them, and I’m happy to say it doesn’t. They really are good together.

Fun and memorable lines:

Fiona: “I didn’t think you’d remember me.”

Craig: “How could I not. You had the best ass in the sophomore class.”


Dottie, after Frank proposes: “I’m not sure I wanna get stuck looking at your mug for the rest of my life.”

Frank: “I’ll wear a bag over my head.”


Kate, in the bar watching the game on TV: “I hate when they bunt. It’s such a pussy move.”

Tommy: “You’re such a girl.”

Kate: “Don’t make me pull out my penis and prove you wrong.”


Adultery, A Death Obsession, and a Premature Death. Review: Shameless - "I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day" 4

Ian, Fiona, Veronica and Lip enjoying themselves at the Sizzler with the stolen $526

I love that Fiona has a conscience and wants to return the designer purse (including the $526) she finds on the bus to Kim Furtado (Mageina Tovah), its rightful owner, after she realizes the woman isn’t rich like she thought. Fiona always wants to do the right thing, especially when it means she can teach the younger Gallaghers right from wrong. But with the way Kim acts towards her, I’m glad Fiona walks away, money in hand. You just gotta love when Fiona gets the last word in their argument – “Cunt!”

All photos © 2011 Showtime/CBS Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

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Love TV, movies, and books--mostly mysteries, with a good love story thrown in every now and then. I have four adopted dogs who I adore. I love trying new recipes, and enjoy eating what I make. English language perfectionist. Reading in bed, Italian food, warm weather, the beach, all types of games = favs!
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